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I have been on HRT for a year now and also taking Prozac 20 mg as I lost my mum 3 years ago . I still have lots anxiety which comes and goes but scared and depressed me all the time thinking never ends . I’m so so scared thinking is something also wrong with me as medicine not helping much x would appreciate any suggestions ladies as I feel I will never be Me again x
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Sassyr12a wilson170568
Hi wilson
Im sorry about your mum, and that you feel so down. This journey is hard enough but when you add in grieving, it's going to be so much harder. I think it's about finding small things that help. When I sit and think about how I feel, it seems absolutely endless, so I try not to look back only forward and use things that make me feel better, if only for a short while. Heres my list: exercise even if it's the last thing you feel like doing, get out of the house for a walk every morning, try yoga, mindful meditation, homeopathy is good and I found it really helpful when my sister died, start a journal and add only the things that you're proud of each day, get your hrt dose checked and if it doesnt suit change it, try over the counter stuff like rescue remedy, kalms etc. Get plenty of rest and finally the big one (which I struggle with) just accept how you feel dont over think it or question what it means.... Just go with the flow. I'm not sure if this helps as we are all different, but I hope you feel a little better soon xxx
karen65574 wilson170568
wilson170568 karen65574
evi75119 wilson170568
I was wondering if stressful and sad events in our lives may affect our hormonal levels and the onset of peri symptoms?
Have you seen any improvement with HRT?
Guest evi75119
Hi Evi, I think stress is why I am going through this a bit early. My son has special needs and severe behavior issues, big and strong and hard to deal with. I read an article out of the UK about a woman in a very similar situation to mine and she went through early meno as well. So, I believe this 100% 😐
Sassyr12a evi75119
I think stress does have an effect on the adrenals. I had a really stressful job/life and I swear after being under ridiculous pressure for 10yrs caused graves disease of the thyroid. My hormones were always hopeless but stress certainly kick started the problems with my endocrine system. This year again after work related stress, my hormones completely packed in, iron went through the floor and thyroid went on the blink againxx
evi75119 Guest
My life is in constant stress and misfortunes
I am in early peri, too
I am trying to relax and keep faith in God
evi75119 Sassyr12a
I think work in this phase add more stress to our hormone-related stress!
Always my iron and especially my ferritin levels were low!
Sassyr12a evi75119
Hi evi
Yes, it's quite common for you to have issues with ferritin too, it all seems to be linked. I think now after having a break from work for a few months, plus taking bhrt, I'm left with just the anxiety from the hormones. At least I seem to be able to have a better work life balance, and the rest is just part of some long journey. I hope you feel better evi, but try and take it easy ?
sarah05599 wilson170568
Yes I definitely think stress is a big factor. I've had a stressful life especially the last 13 years in a stressful job and was wondering this myself if it all brought my peri on. Stress definitely aggrevates peri.