Anyone else suffer from health anxiety?

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Hi all, I'm quite new to the site. I've been affected by health anxiety since I was 11 (now 37) all

Started when I was sure I had a brain tumour as a child, I would have severe panic attacks and had treatment for them for nearly two years. I've never got truly 'better' but I've managed them okay throughout my adult life, except for now! The trigger this time is my ears I've had a blocked eustacian tube which has made me very dizzy, it's had the sensation like when you desend from an airplane. This sensation happened when I was going in a car to Scotland and now I have a panic attack every time I get in a car as I think it will happen again! Doctor assured me it will get better, but j can't believe them! Public transport is a no-go now too. I hate how it's stopping me living my life, it's taking over everything, I'm so disappointed I've got to this point again. I'm now on Mirtazipine to try and help me through it.

I'm just looking to chat to people who know what I'm going through as I feel really alone with this problem at the moment! Help!

Kirsty X

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34 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Kirsty

    I know just what you are going through. I have suffered with my ears since a child and I am now 68.

    Every time I get a cold my eustacian tubes become blocked and it can lasts for several wks. Flying also effects them badly.

    I find that steam inhalations work very well. Boiling water in a bowl (be careful) and sit breathing in the steam for 10/15 minutes twice a day with your head covered with a large towel to keep the steam from escaping.

    There are loads of products you can buy but to be honest I find steam the best. The old remedies are often the best!

    Good luck. Let me know how you go on.

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for the reply and all the advice I really do appreciate it!

      I just wish I could get on my with my life, I keep thinking I'll never feel better. It gives me comfort to know you've had this problem and have recovered from it!

      Kirsty x

    • Posted

      It's s pleasure Kirsty. I hope this help improve your ears.

      I had labyrinthitis nearly 3 years ago. I woke early one morning and my eyes were literally spinning as if I were inside a kaleidoscope and it frightened me to death. I did have mild health anxiety before this happened but I'm convinced that this trauma made me a whole lot worse. I do now have tinnitus that comes and goes and I'm not sure whether it's my eustacian tubes or the labs that made it worse.

      Steam inhalations for us both later today!

    • Posted

      Oh gosh I'm so sorry! I suffer from tinnitus now, it's something that can really get you down isn't it

      How do you deal with it on a day to day basis?

      Kirsty x

    • Posted

      Hi again Kirsty

      My tinnitus is really not too bad and doesn't bother me very much thankfully. Although it's always there It's only really noticeable when really quiet but I can distract myself.

      Isn't it reassuring talking to others in here with similar troubles?

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      It really is, I take great comfort in knowing other people understand what it's like to be going through this.


  • Posted

    Hi Kirsty

    Ears can be so troublesome when you have anxiety as they mess with your balance and your focus too.

    So understandable that you had a panic attack...

    You need to remind your self that they are just feelings and cannot harm you.

    I know thats easier said than done but it can work.

    I am struggling with sinus and ear ringing at moment and doing the same inhalation as kanga and its slowly working.

    Saw GP and he said it will take a few weeks to clear up so i am ignoring the dizzyness and floaty feeling and carrying on regardless.

    I am 57  and as its affected by balance i am walking like a toddler lol.

    Stay strong and postive and i would start trying to expose yourself to getting in a car again. Using coping skills to get you through it... just a little bit at a time. you dont even have to go anywhére first time. Just sit in car with the windows down and do some breathing exercises or some mindfulness while your in it for 10  mins.

    Try and get past this as you say your life is on hold and life is for living ... Dont let the what ifs of tomorow or the fears of yesterday keep you on hold.

    Feal the fear and do it anyway....... You can do this xxx

    • Posted

      This message meant so much to me thank you! You are so right in everything you say. I really have to start overcoming the fear as my life felt so wonderful before all this started to happen

      That's a really good idea about the car too.

      Thank you for such positive words

      Kirsty xx

  • Posted

    I have health anxiety. Been seeing a counsellor and we got to the stage this week when I accepted that my anxiety was actually a complete fear of death. So I'm going to be trying to learn to cope with that fear before all else. Health is just one of the things linked to death I have a fear about but there are other things as well.

    Hope you can get your head around this.

    A couple of years back I woke up early and the whole room seemed to spin around and around and I was so scared. It passed so I thought maybe I got up to quick or something but then it happened again when I was drying my hair. Went to the docs of course and he told me I had something called BPV which is a form of vertigo relating to the position your head is in! Randomly it cleared up after I went on a flight!

    • Posted

      Hi, I understand completely where you're coming from, I've been afraid of death for over 26 years, it drives me mad that it effects me so much, I love living, but get so anxious about doing it!!

      I'm terrified of flying because of my ears, so random that it cleared up for you when you did!!


    • Posted


      If you have to fly, try the special earplugs for flying. Can't mention the name but you can buy them from good chemists.They are little plugs that are plastic and you 'screw' them into your ear. They have helped me. They work by equalising the pressure in your ears with the cabin pressure.

    • Posted

      Yeh I hate flying too, not rational but hate it and always think we will crash or something awful like that.

      Yeh I thought it random that it cleared up after flight. Might have just been a coincidence or maybe the pressure sorted out the specific problem I had who knows! Apparently mine was caused by little crystals forming in one of the tubes and the movement meant they moved round so made me off balance random!!!

    • Posted

      Isn't it crazy how things work out like that! I'm desperate to get out and about again, can't wait to get some confidence back as feel life is passing me by!

      How did they find out about the crystals? Could your doctor see them?

    • Posted

      Thank you for the tip, really appreciate it! I might try some when I hopefully go back to Scotland, I even struggle with pressure going into the hills by car. I'm praying this won't last forever, doctor assures me it won't but I've got completely fixated with it now (as I do). I'd love to be one of those people who just gets on with things!

      Kirsty x

    • Posted

      The doc basically just knew but obviously as I have HA I googled it when I got home and all the symptoms I had were the same as the condition.

      I wish you all the best and hope you get your confidence back soon. Just try doing one small thing a day and over time you'll get there!

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      Thank you hun, I'm trying to set myself little daily challenges!


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      Train tunnels, hills and even closing the car window does it for me! Onwards and upwards to us all.

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      Exactly what happens to me too!! Do you have any tips of how to stop panicking when this happens??!

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      This doesn't really panic me as it's happened for many years but there is plenty that does! I've just woken with my usual awful anxiety feeling in my tummy. It happens nearly every morning. Last night I went to sleep and woke to the tight rib pain and jaw ache. I eventually calmed myself with telling myself it's anxiety and it can GO AWAY and I did my deep breathing which I find helps a great deal every time I feel like this. Try not to worry about it. I'm sure when your eustacian tubes clear things will improve.

    • Posted

      It just goes to show we all have our triggers doesn't it? I really need to start breathing techniques as people say they work wonders? How did you learn to do them?

      Thank you for chatting to me about this x

    • Posted

      I don't really do anything other than focus and belly breathe in deeply through my nose for the count of 5 hold for 4 and then breathe out very slowly through pursed lips for 5.

      As you say we all have our triggers.

      I must look into different ways of breathing. I thought there was only one!

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      I used to breathe into a paper bag, but am now told this isn't the right thing to do whilst having a panic attack?

    • Posted

      Oh yes I've read about the brown paper bag technique but didn't know that it was a no no now. I haven't tried it.

      You try the deep breathing and hopefully it will help you. Concentrate on your breath as you are doing it.

    • Posted

      I've just bought a book which has breathing techniques in it, probably a rip off but I'm up for giving anything a try!!

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      Was it from that well known online store?! I'll have a look

    • Posted

      Haha! The one beginning with 'A' it's called Mindfullness - a practical guide to finding piece in a frantic world

    • Posted

      It was suggested to me by a couple of people, so worth a shot!

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