chronic pain

Posted , 5 users are following.

Chronic pain is not just about pain its sadness, worry, frustraion, depression anger. 

3 likes, 15 replies

15 Replies

  • Posted

    Spot on Kaz wink x
    • Posted

      wink xx Hope your having a good weekend and a good rest after your buisy few days take care hun gentle hugs xx
    • Posted

      Thanks Kaz, So far so good apart from the awful weather. It's been downpours since last week and I have been off since to spend time with the family. The weather is certainly be a downside, but hasn't stopped me from spending valuable time with my family.

      Take care and hope all is well with you and your family. wink xx

    • Posted

      morning Bee Hope you have a good week with your family, have a great time together what ever you decide to do. have fun and rest plenty too take care hun gentle hugs xxsmile
    • Posted

      Went to Niketown with family today in Central London then popped into Harrods before returning home.  The downpours are hit and miss.  Also took my youngest son to get his haircut ready for school on Thursday. Tomorrow is going to be a total chillax day hopefully.

      Gentle hugs to you and hope you are having a good day. wink xx

    • Posted

      enjoy your chilax day today hunsmile x Hope your son gets on ok on his 1st day at senior school, take care gentle hugs xx
  • Posted

    That is so very right. There is a difference between pain and Chronic pain. Chronic pain leaves a trail hard to follow with open eyes until you answer the question; what so bad about being happy inspite of it all.

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