My experience of coming off sertraline

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I have found this site very helpful during the period that I was taking sertraline and felt I should share my experiences of coming off the drug, in the hope that they may be of help to others.

I was diagnosed with depression last year and have been on 200mg of sertraline for approx 10 months. I also had some therapy during this period and recently took the decision (with my doctor's support) to come off the medication. Wary of repeating the experiences some other posters on this site have had I resolved to reduce my dosage gradually over a period of about a month (more gradually than suggested by my doctor).

Each week I reduced the dosage by 50mg a day. So week one I went down to 150mg a day, week 2 100mg a day etc. The first two weeks were fine with no real changes. By the end of week 3 I began to feel a bit light headed, with hot sweats and dry-mouth also returning. As a result I remained on this dose another week instead of stopping altogether in week 4.

I have now been 5 days with no sertraline and have found the experience of quitting surprisingly easy. I still feel a little light-headed now and again, but other side effects I suffered during the full dose (yawning, tiredness, sexual dysfunction) have all but gone, and although I kind of miss the 'wrapped in cotton wool' feeling I am glad to be back to life without medication.

For what its worth I would suggest that gradual reduction of dosage is the most effective way to avoid the worse of the side-effects experienced when coming off sertraline and that the good news (for me anyway) has been the speed at which the side-effects disappeared.

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    Thanks Mel. My leg thingy is probably no worse than anyone else. I don't want you to think im a hypocondriac lol! Everyone has or has had issues in their lives. I just started to type and it all came flooding out but it felt really good to shout about it if that makes sense?

    I really, really appreciate you taking the time for me. It makes such a difference talking to someone who has been through this stuff.

    Speak soon, i will message you here in about a week and let you know how i'm doing if that's ok?

    Thanks sweetie, take care :-)

    Lynn xx

    P.S. don't know how to get the smiley icon on here !! x

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    No problem, it will be good to hear how you're doing. Mel xx

    PS Smileys are on the tab called 'formatting options' at the top right of the reply box. rolleyes eek lol

  • Posted

    Hi people,

    Really interesting to read everyone's posts on here and really encouraging too!

    I've been on sertraline for 7 months now at 75mg, then came down to 50mg 4 weeks ago. I'm thinking of

    going down to 25mg for 4 weeks then hopefully off altogether.

    I'm feeling fine now and my depression was very circumstantial.

    My main concern is weight gain - I've gained just over a stone since being on sertraline (definately due to the meds!!) and I'm heavier than I've ever been. I am wondering if the weight will come back off again when I sto the meds or is it a permanent change in my metabolism?! What are people's experiences of weight whilst on sertraline?

    Thanks smile

  • Posted

    Well folks its been almost 2 months now with no sertraline and although the battle has been brutal I am starting to feel better without it. I have also got myself on a weight loss diet and have lost 25lbs. I started the diet the day after my last dose of sertraline just to start my body on the path to something new and healthy. I definitely had some weight issues with the sertraline. Not only before going on sertraline did I gain 30lbs from being on paxil and Cymbalta but I added another 15 on top of that. Ridiculous! I have battled trying to loose it for awhile and finally being off I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Still have 30 more pounds to go but I'll have to push harder. The symptoms I had coming down from the sertraline were mild to severe headaches and muscle aches. I felt my legs were so restless and it hurt to do any sort of exercise. Not a great feeling. I also had the emotional roller coaster going on too. One minute I was content next I was crying or feeling very agitated for no known reason. Its been better but I still have my moments. I also experienced a slight mind fog and concentration issues. My mother has told me I'm looking better too not just weight wise but in my face I don't look like I'm so pale and emotionless like I was 2 months ago. Just gotta keep trucking along and make healthy choices. My ultimate goal is to not need to be on these types of meds anymore in my life. They just are no good in the long run with all these nasty side effects.
  • Posted

    So so interested to hear about your experience, Ashmarie. When my doc suggested Sertraline is was because of the fact that they are less likely that most anti-depressants to make you put on weight!!! It hasn't been my experience either - i've mentioned in an earlier missive that I put on around 2-2 and a half stone in only 10 months. Hideous, on top of depression. However, I am now taking control of the weight issue and it's coming off albeit slowly. However, really interested to hear about the muscle aches. I have had issues with pain in the back of my thighs/sit bones/groin area for many years on and off, but it became much worse on Sertraline. Because of the weight gain I tried to exercise but either pulled or tore muscles/ligaments (no-one seems to know which) in this area on both legs. I have also found it very painful to run - almost as if the top of the hip bone was inflamed. When I did try to run through the pain that was when the pulls/tears happened. I was actually putting it down to a physical problem but now you've mentioned the symptom I'm wondering if my weak area has been made worse by sertraline. I've been off it for 2 and a half weeks so not sure how long it takes to improve??
  • Posted

    Hi Everybody,

    So glad I found this forum - I have just stopped Sertraline completely. Mel, my dose and dose reduction was almost exactly like yours. I was on 50mg for about 15 months, I felt confident about coming off them and my doc advised halving the dose for 7-14 days then stopping it completely. I did 10 days at half dose then just decided that I felt fine and not to do the last few days and come off it. First 3 days were ok then felt like I had vertigo and the 3 days since have been quite hazy and I have definitely had the brain snaps/electric shocks that others have mentioned. I've found them rather uncomfortable and very frustrating as I just want to feel normal.

    Mentally I think I do feel normal but physically just a bit off due to these effects. I have tried to stay very aware of how I am feeling and have been writing an occasional journal so that when I've felt strange or upset I can offload to the page. This has helped a little, as has telling my boyfriend and one or two close friends how I'm feeling, especially when I feel odd. It has also been helpful to take note of my moods and go 'hang on, why did I get so angry - is that me or the withdrawal?'

    I'm hoping these notes will be useful to take to a psych (once I organise that - it's only been 15 months after all!!)

    My doc said I should expect the drug to stay in my system for 4-6 weeks which makes sense though I really hope I don't have to have this shock sensation hanging around that long. I'm mostly focusing on relaxing, doing things like listening to relaxing music, watching comedy and trying to stay aware of my mind and to step back and go 'hang on' when I feel moody or upset. Hoping to see someone to discuss the underlying issues of my depression/anxiety which really did ease when I was on the drug. My only feeling when I was on it was "everything's gonna be fine!!"

    Great to read everyone's stories - lot's of very strong, level-headed people posting on here and I feel a lot less as if I'm going this alone.

    Thanks, Sam. xx

  • Posted

    Hi, I've just got back from seeing my doc about coming off Sertraline, so it is really helpful to see all of your posts. I can totally relate to the weight gain (2 stone in 15 months!). I didn't even notice it going on and thought it might have been because I was feeling a bit better on the sertraline (before taking it, it was a struggle to eat).

    It is great to read your posts and it gives me an idea of what I might expect when coming off the drug. I'll be starting the gradual reduction from tomorrow (only taking a tablet every other day). My doctor didn't mention these side effects - but at least I'll know what's happening and if anything feels too bad I'll be straight back to see him.

    I agree with Sam, it really helps to feel that you aren't alone in this...

  • Posted

    Hi...I have been on Sertraline for 10 months now at a dose of 200 mg..My doc is now weaning me off, reducing 50 mg over the next 8 weeks...and the first days wasn't too bad..but not omg...I hear warping in my ears, getting electric shocks all over, my facial (jaw) is tightening up, light headedness, feeling like i am going to vomit at times..the noise I am hearing is driving me insane and bad headaches.
  • Posted

    I've been on Zoloft for 8 years at 100 mg/day. 2 weeks ago I decided I have had enough of putting 25lbs on

    And off every 4 months so wanted to come off. I cut my tablets in 1/2 for a few days but b/c I really couldn't find any real reason to not go cold turkey, I went for it. First 5 days seemed perfectly fine but now I am having light headedness/out of body type of feelings that had me panicked to the point of doing a in depth google search. This has lead me here. It's such a relief to see that my physical symptoms are a normal response to the withdrawal!

    I just left a message with my doctor and took 1/4 of a tablet as I await a return call.

    Does it get any better? Will my feeling of "flightiness" /light headedness/not sure I should be driving a car b/c my response time seems impaired go away? I'm also feeling severe muscle fatigue. Why doesn't anyone tell you this could happen? Has anyone been 100% successful going off?


  • Posted

    Hi Gina,

    Since posting on here I feel like the drug has left my system in the 4-6 weeks the doctor said it would take for the drug to leave completely. From my own experience the symptoms did subside gradually. The first 2 weeks without any were the worst and I felt tired, dizzy and though I don't drive I felt unsteady just walking a lot of the time in those 2 weeks!

    I was on half the dose you were for a lot shorter time so I would imagine that you would be doing it tougher right now. I can only suggest that my own experience has shown me that the feelings do subside. I took it really easy over those early weeks when I realised what was going on but it was so frustrating and uncomfortable.

    I agree, the doctors don't give you enough information about this but I guess if you haven't done it you don't know. I hope your doctor can give you some helpful advice and that you feel better soon!

  • Posted

    Hi Gina,

    Since posting on here I feel like the drug has left my system in the 4-6 weeks the doctor said it would take for the drug to leave completely. From my own experience the symptoms did subside gradually. The first 2 weeks without any were the worst and I felt tired, dizzy and though I don't drive I felt unsteady just walking a lot of the time in those 2 weeks!

    I was on half the dose you were for a lot shorter time so I would imagine that you would be doing it tougher right now. I can only suggest that my own experience has shown me that the feelings do subside. I took it really easy over those early weeks when I realised what was going on but it was so frustrating and uncomfortable.

    I agree, the doctors don't give you enough information about this but I guess if you haven't done it you don't know. I hope your doctor can give you some helpful advice and that you feel better soon!

  • Posted

    Hi there. I am new on this forum and read your experiences with interest.

    Ive been on setraline now for 4 weeks and the withdrawal effects that you all describe are the side effects that i have at the moment. I have diarrhea, very dry mouth/hair/skin/eyes, itching scalp, insomnia, shakes, night sweats, and mild heart palpitations / weakness. I also feel quite dull and not able to cope at work - even though I am no longer super emotional and crying etc, I feel that my energy and mental capacity are very reduced.

    So, I did some googling and discovered that there is a thing called Serotonin Syndrome which can be fatal!! Its scary to read but a lot of our symptoms fall into the range of dangerous. Eek.

    So now I am considering coming off them. Emotionally things may get messy but I will have my mind and energy back perhaps.

    But I am very afraid of returning to how I felt before - suicidal and very depressed. Not sure what to do.

    Just a side note - I have lost quite a lot of weight since taking them !! My appetite has reduced and I am also no longer comfort eating. The mild nausea probably also had something to do with it. Id consider staying on them just for the weight loss :-)

    • Posted

      Recently I went to my gp regarding feeling horrible and during the visit my doctor mentioned an iteraction between sertraline and trazadone which I was taking in place of remeron because I wanted to get off that drug. He never explained this interaction and dismissed it. After a couple days of feeling horrible I went to a symptom checker site and found the seratonin syndrome you mentioned. It fit how I felt to a T and was listed for the two drugs I was taking. As soon as I went back to mirtazapine I started feeling better.  I thought things were OK but then I started feeling bad again.  Seratonin syndrome can also occur when taking sertraline and mirtazapine.  As soon as I stopped taking the sertraline the symptoms of seratonin syndrome went away, but now I have to deal with sertraline withdrawals which are not as bad as seratonin syndrome but difficult with the brain zap and such.  I hope I can do it this time as I have tried before and was unsuccessful. I really dont have much of a choice as the alternative is potentially deadly.

      ?If you are taking multiple meds, go to a symptom checker site and if you find seratonin syndrome as an interaction, do a short experiment to see if symptoms go away. I'd see your doc as well. Not sure seratonin syndrome occurs when taking only one antidepressant 

  • Posted

    Hi. I've been on a variety of antidepressants for nearly twenty years. I am currently trying to come off sertraline and try to be drug free. My doc agreed and said to take one (100) every other day for two weeks, then one every three days during which she said I would probably forget to take them and come off easily.

    Well it's not been that easy...... On non drug days I have strange headaches and weepiness. I can't manage every three days. It's been three weeks now.

    I am so pleased to come across this site. I was feeling a failure at coming off the tabs, and now realise others are finding it difficult too.

  • Posted

    Hi guys,

    I was on citralopram when I first started two years ago, and felt they really worked I was on 50 mg, then after a year I felt they stopped working, but now I don't know if that's because I was going through a shitty time.

    My changed me to 100 mg sertraline never really know if it worked well or not.

    I suffer from panic anxiety, and fear of going to the toilet for number two in public, use to have a fear of traffic, but that's gone, now I'm scared to go travelling and everything is slowly creeping up, and not sure if that's because I have gone down to 50mg. I know the dr said that I should wait it out, but I can't cope I'm scared and I feel maybe citralopram was better for me and not sure should I go and swap over again? Apparently the 50 mg is like the 50mg sertraline!! Plus I have put on like 2 stone on sertraline.

    I know I have hormone problems as well, but I'm 28 and I can't remember what it use to be like to not feel like this, does anyone have any thoughts? Xxxx

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