My plantar fasciitis is getting worse
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I am a very active and sporty female who has had plantar fasciitis for a month now. It all started with me sitting in a chair and trying to curl my toes upwards when I suddenly felt a stabbing pain in my left heel. At first I thought that it was a cracked heel but was puzzled at how on earth it would have happened with me taking a good care of my feet and doing regular pedicures.
And then I immediately thought about plantar fasciitis because I have two friends who have had it. I was waiting for a week for it to go away, hoping that I was wrong but that didn't happened. Went to my doctor who confirmed what I suspected - plantar fasciitis. I was devastated as I love going for long walks, running and doing boot camp style circuits several times per week as well as regular personal training sessions. I work as a housekeeper in a private home, so most of my day is spent being on my feet. This was the worst possible condition I could get!
I spent 3 weeks feeling utterly miserable and depressed. Lost my appetite, lost 3kg of my weight and had nightmares about dead bodies.
Meanwhile my personal trainer tried to persuade me to see a physiotherapist in a clinic where he used to work. I went there 3 days ago and regained my peace of mind. I am lucky in that respect that I caught it early, I knew what it was right away and stopped running and exercising except for walking. I had a full gait analysis and the results were quite shocking for me. Apparently my lower back muscles are very weak and cannot support my pelvis when I walk or run. Also I have a tight calf muscle (soleus) in my left leg. Both these things combined make me pronate inwards heavily while walking and running. The stress of it was too much for my plantar fascia and it resulted in a mechanical trauma.
The physiotherapist was quite optimistic about my recovery and even advised me to continue exercising including running but avoid jumping. I am not sure about running but I am happy that I can continue my daily walks and not worry about causing any further damage to my foot. I will also have to do exercises to strenghen my lower back muscles and release the tension in my left calf.
I also did a research about dietary requirements with this condition and herbal remedies. I am against synthetic drugs. Haven't taken anything since I was 17! Apparently, we should eat lots of salmon, sardines and pineapples. Luckily I love all these things and am very well stocked up on them now.
From the list of herbal remedies stinging nettles caught my eye. Four years ago I cured my lower back pain by placing nettles straight on my back. So, now I am putting them on my foot inside the sock. I am also drinking bucketloads of nettle tea and even soaking my feet in it. It might be just psychological or a placebo effect but all my pain and discomfort is gone.
I am not saying that everybody should try it but it certainly helps me. I definitely think that it is worthwhile having your gait analysed. As resting and not exercising alone will not cure the root problem.
Unfortunately, this thing is getting worse for me. Been in pain for 4 days, cannot put the heel to the ground, so I am half limping half tiptoeing around at work.
Needless to say it's making me depressed and miserable again. I am ready to try anything if it helps! If there is somebody who jas succesfully got rid of this condition, please, please, let me know how you did it!
Thanks for reading and good luck to you all!
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I had this painful condition a few years ago and had several injections of steroids into the foot. These helped for only a short time and then I discovered a shoe insert called Gaitway which are available in Scholl shoe shops. All I can say is that they worked like magic and it releived the pain immediately. The inserts are not cheap but worth every penny. I hope this helps you too!
I've also had patients experience almost instant relief from a properly fitted pair of shoes with arch support. The company I work with is Dr. Comfort - they make products specifically for diabetics but they work very well for Plantar Fasciitis as well. You want to also look for something with a cushioned heel - the softer the heel the more pressure you'll take off of this portion of the foot.
Once the pain goes away many patients get off their stretching regiment and I see them shortly there after - don't make this mistake. The pain will go away if you stretch but it can come back if you stop. Stretching will also provide many other wonderful benefits to help you lead a long and healthy life.
lesley13232 Mike_C-Ped
christophe77444 Mike_C-Ped
lillyderrah lesley13232
It's the specific-fascia stretch, use one hand to hold your heel and the other hold the toes and pull, or you can stand one leg on the stair by your toes, which would have the same benefits and effectiveness.
ben57424 yasmiina
It works
How is your PF? I noticed that the last message you posted was on 4th April so I was wondering whether you had managed to cure it or feel a bit better? I totally recognise myself in your story as I currently suffer from PF (well I think...). I am a 32-year old active female, doing a lot of hiking and trekking and started to feel a sharp pain in my left heel when bending over to pick up something on the ground. I ignored it and carried on walking and hiking. Over the last few months I had been doing a lot of hiking wearing very hard trekking boots and I suspect thats what caused it as the paths I walk on here in England are not the rocky paths I would normally wear my trekking boots for. So I guess I used the wrong boots all that time.
Anyway, 4 weeks later I am now suffering from extremely severe pains in both feet, not just the heel but under the arch and near the toes. I cant walk around my house any more and the only "comfortable" position is when lying down on my bed with my feet on top of the quilt. The feelings I have under my feet are very strange : burning feeling, sharp tranchant pains as if someone is cutting my feet with rasors. Awful. I have done a lot of research and am wondering whether I have a nerve problems. I just cannot believe that PF would cause me so much pain. I cannot even go out the house and work.
Let us know how you are doing and any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I am just so desesperate to get back to normal but it looks like it is going to be a long recovery...
Al the best to everyone on this forum.
frank07088 AurelieJ
This is the worst possible injury you can get because there is no real treatment and it takes ages to heal.
I hade to quit my job 2 months ago because I simply could not stand up. Was crawling to the bathroom in the mornings.
The best advice anyone can give you is REST, REST AND REST!!! If somebody tells you something else that you can still do things while your feet hurt, don`t listen to them. They have never experienced this and they are wrong. The pain is the most powerful language and it`s telling you to stop and let your body recover.
You have to drop everything, no job, not even housework. If you need to lay down all day, so be it. Your body needs rest. Your heels have no chance to heal if you put your weight on them. When you step on the heels to propel yourself for the next step, the pressure that goes on your heel is that of double your weight. On average we take 8000 steps each day. That`s 8000 times double your weight on the heel. They can`t heal if they are constantly re-injured.
Whatever you do or don`t do, always listen to your body. Only you know what`s best for you. If the pain is unendurable try icing your feet. Or soaking them in a strong peppermint tea with added sea salt. Always did the trick for me. I still try to do it at least every other day.
And try to think positive, tell yourself that you will recover. One day this nightmare will be over and you will step out without any pain at all. Tell your feet that you love them and say thank you to them for carrying you through life so far.
I have posted my story on Experience project as well and quite a few people have commented and given advice. Have a look:
Other good websites are:
It`s been 4 months since my left foot started to hurt and almost 3 months since the right one joined in. I have been resting for 2 months and I am better. Not cured yet but much better. I can go out for 1-2h long walks in the park. I always try to walk on the grass wherever possible. Or tarmac in the worst case, the concrete is 4 times harder than tarmac and it`s our worst enemy at the moment. Most of the time I wear my trainers which have gel cushions in the soles. I can also wear any other shoes provided they have a thick rubber sole. I don`t believe in orthotics or custom made shoes. They don`t always help and you just end up spending money without any real benefit. I intend to start barefoot running in 2-3 months time if my feet are ok and let me. At the moment will have to do with cycling and swimming.
If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me and I will try to help you any way I can.
God bless us all & speedy recovery!
Thanks for replying! and thank you very much for the links you included in your message. I will have a look at all these websites today.
I am still struggling and cannot walk around the house. It is like walking on glass and I get sharp pains under the arches, near the toes. I went to see a doctor three days ago, who asked me to do a blood test, which I did, and I should have the results later today. I think they want to check a few things like my Vtamin B rates, diabetes, etc. They say it is the first step before being referred to a specialist.
I totally agree with you that rest is mandatory !! And in my current state, it is impossible for me to carry on walking anyway. I work as a freelance translator so I am lucky enough to work from home on the PC and dont have to commute every day but sitting at my computer for long periods of time hurts, so I had to take the week off. I dont know if I will be able to work next week.
I tried to just stay on the bed all day but I find it hard. I am a very active person and get bored easily. Plus, It is impossible to lie down all day. I still need to go to the toilet, shower, make myself some food and do the washing up, feed the pets, answer the door for the postman, etc...I have to carry on walking around the house, and I am hoping that all these small steps wont make my PF worse
, especially as my house has a staircase! I seem to suffer from full blow PF, which is scaring me ...
Yesterday I received my Birkenstock sandals which I ordered on the internet after reading that they help with PF. I tried them on as slippers for walking around the house but the arch support really hurts my arches, because my arches are already affected by the PF. Maybe It is too late for wearing these sandals and I need to wait until I feel better. I get the impression that Birks sandals help to prevent the problem but cant cure it.
Have you ever worn Birks sandals ? I am also planning on buying some good trainers as you suggested. I am waiting to feel a bit better to go to the shops. Can I ask you, which trainers you are wearing and would recommend ? Which brand and which model ? I currently have some basic Adidas trainers, they are ok but dont have any gel soles and I really want to buy some with gel cushions and shock-absorbing soles. I would really like to have your opinion on this because you are going through the same thing and I do not trust these sellers in the shops who dont seem to know what they are talking about and who obviously havent got a clue about PF !!
I tried icing my feet a lot last week but it got worse after that. Maybe I did the icing for too long, I have to say I was not really looking at the time and I may have overdone it. But I will try the peppermint tea and salted water.
Can I ask where you live? Do you live in the UK ? And how old are you ? You seem to be a bit like me, very active and sporty, and wanting to get back to a normal active life.
Many thanks Yasmiina for all your help and I really look forward to hearing from you again.
Have a good weekend and all the best.
betsyp AurelieJ
I am determined take less than 100 steps a day so I scoot around in a wheelchair when I need to do anything. The severe pain and sensations have been reduced, and is just at the uncomfortable stage. I spend most of my day avoiding using the feet, which is very challenging because I know that it is easy for them to get worse. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up!
It sounds like you have experienced the extreme frustration, heartbreak and disappointment caused by having to give up just about all of your everyday acivities. How are you feet now?
yasmiina betsyp
You are doing the absolutely right thing by getting off your feet. In my experience it's the ony thing that helps. I have been pain free for more that 3 years now. Can wear what I want and go for long walks. I don't run anymore and don't do any high impact exercise but apart from that my life is back to normal. I wish you a speedy recovery! Stay strong and healthy!
betsyp yasmiina
pj14861 AurelieJ
Hi AurelieJ! Came across your post yesterday and it sounds like I now have exactly what you had then (you posted over a year ago).... how are you doing? I did myself the damage by 'running' in very hard, flat shoes for 3 weeks... damaged nerves and inflamed joints!
kelli83072 AurelieJ
kelli83072 pj14861