Am I unique or am a I a real xxy
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I am not tall. In US terms , I am 5 feet and 5 inches tall. I live in Colorado in the United States.
I weigh 61.8 kilograms based on universal weight terms. I am a mixture of Spanish, Mexican and Native American (Indian) blood and some French heritage. I don't have any breast tissue. I dont know if I have female hips or had girlish puberty hair as a teenager. I had no arm strength. I was.thin but taller than everyone in my class, then as years went on, I stopped growing. I had no facial or body hair.I do have small testes and have been diagnosed as having47 xxy.
In my early years , I was told that the first words out of my mouth was that I was a sissy. Then something happened. I stopped talking. I dont remember why. But I was told I started to talk again when I entered kindergarten, which is before first grade in the US.As a child, I thought of myself as being a girl but in a boys body and pretended to go through the phase of dressing up as a girl. Then I started to look at boys and thought I had to to be a girl to have a boy love me.Until, I went to a local library and discovered the word homosexual. Suddenly, I thought I didn't have to be a girl to love another boy. I could be a homosexual.
Not all xxy are homosexuals. I say about 5 percentage gay, 5 percent are transgendered and the rest prefer female partners or female lovers. Am I different than most xxy's, I think I am. The only thing that most or some xxy's have diabetes, or are obese or thin. You may have a thyroid condition or have lupus, or thinning enamel on their teeth. Or a small little finger compared to your other fingers. Or have osteopenia or osteoporosis if you are not getting hormone replacement therapy or on testosterone, shots, pills, pellets, gels or patches. Every xxy is different, so you cannot immediately acceptt that you have everything that I have.Only a doctor can take the appropriate tests to find out if you have any medical problems or don't have any. I have short term memory. I finished high school and took some college courses, but once I found out I had xxy, I quit college and got a good paying job. I have never been arrested or put in a jail.cell.As I said before, xxy's can be normal in the sense that we don't look like freeks. We look like everyone else in the world but only we know we are xxy's or klinefelter's or our family or friends or our partners know if we tell them
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XXYGuy john75639
However, since most XXY's are never diagnosed, nobody can say what most XXY's are like. All we can say is "This is what I'm like" and "this is what such and such a study found" and exactly the same is true for men with KS, since most men with KS are never diagnosed.
Males with more than 1 additional X are diagnosed much more frequently than males with just 1 additional X, that is the numbers predicted to exist per 1000 live male births and those actually dioagnosed are very similar, and those males are what doctors are influienced the most by. Those males determine the ideas doctors have about mere XXY's, as those males have obvious physical, educational, psychologiocal, and psychiatric problems, much more so than regular XXY males.
So when you or I look at a description of Klinefelters' syndrome, those other males, with more than 1 additional X, have much more influence than we do. This is why, I think, when we look at those descriptions we don't recognise ourselves.
XXYGuy john75639
XXYGuy john75639
Having a heart attack is very common for males and they don't need to be overweight, or be XXY (obviously) or have KS! The only thing any male needs to develop heart disease is a Y chromosome.
Almost all my teeth imploded when I was 40. I had Taurodontism, which ought to have been told to me when I was a teen, as I had dental work done then to straighten my teeth, and years later I discovered Orthodontists KNEW there was a link between XXY and Taurodontism! That was just one of the many instances where I could have been diagnosed earlier, but wasn't, because of incompetance!
So maybe your thinning enamel is just another way of saying "Taurodontism?"
john75639 XXYGuy
I forgot to mention that trait. When I went to the convention in Denver that was mentioned as a possible trait of xxy's.Plus the little finger is sometimes abnormalty short based on the other fingers. Also I daydream alot, so I don't know if that is a trait or not but when I registered for a medical study, it mentioned daydreaming as something that xxy's may experience
XXYGuy john75639
i tell everybody I meet that I'm XXY, even the power meter reader lady knows. I take every opportunity I get to encourage parents to have their sons tested for XXY. If time permits I also encourage them to have their daughters tested for XXX. XXY shall not be a secret anymore.
john03425 john75639
Many with our condition fall into the trap of thinking or adopting certain reasonings which are often without foundation. The only way to describe yourself is as you are, or as you were because it depends were you are on the self discovery learning curve as to how realisticly you describe yourself and feelings.
are taking T and for how long?
i agree with pretty much all that xxy guy has said, for we are all different.
XXYGuy john03425
So when it comes to psychiatric, psychological, or educational problems we do experience as a group, those therapies developed for regular people is what are used with us. Which is really intertresting as I see mothers especially grizzling about their XXY son diagnosed with AD/HD claiming they don't have AD/HD, they're really XXY, as if it's impossible for XXY's to have AD/HD!
So when XXY's are studied they present with certain types of problems, problems that can be measured, that are similar, even though not all XXY's will have them, or all of them. This is where XXY's can't say "I'm unique" as there is not a single disorder XXY's have that no-one else has ever had.
If we were to study XY males, where do you think they'd be similar, as a group?
XXYGuy john75639
When I was younger I had testes that moved about a lot, into my lower abdomen, but when I had my first set of artifical balls fitted that problem was solved, they were either sewn into place or the canal they came through originally was closed up? Personally I expected they would have been removed, but where I am even defunct balls that don't work are still considered reproductive organs, and nobody can have their reproduictive organs removed if they don't have a partner who agrees they can be removed. It's the same for women too.
Anyway as an aside, I was so disappointed with the job done, I saved my money and had it done again.
Each ball cost, back then, $250.00! My surgeon was so horrified by what the public health system had done, he volunteered his services as did his anethetists and nurses. So I only had to pay for the artificail balls themselves, and I choose the biggest in the catalogue, I was surprised, artificial balls came in various sizes! Who would want tiny artificial balls I wondered? How many other XXY's have their tiny testicles augmented? So for years anfd years I had 2 pair of balls in my well formed, but not very big scrotum. There's a scrotal testosterone patch, did you know? I don't have enough of a scrotum to put it on, I'm pretty sure.
It wasn't until after I got married, and my wife agreed, that I could have my most inconvenient natural testes removed! Oh and that was painful, getting artifical balls was paintful too, having a surgeon fiddle with my balls to do whatever was like being kicked in the balls every day for 6 months. And pain relief, it didn't exist! Those trans people who have sex reassignment surgery are so lucky, they get pain relief. The best I could get was paracetamol! You give any male paracetamol after a whack to their balls and see how impressed they'd be!
Surgeons who operate on XXY's balls have no idea what pain they cause, but needs must, I wanted XY man size looking balls, and that's what I've had for the last, oh 30 odd years?
john75639 XXYGuy