Breakthrough July 2021 COVID case after March 2021 vaccination - mild symptoms
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I was vaccinated with the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) one shot in March 2021, and my wife received the two shot Pfizer vaccine in February and March 2021. I am 50 years old; my wife 28. Both of us no pre-existing health problems; we exercise regularly.
Early June 2021, I tested Covid negative.
Starting around July 10, 2021, I stopped wearing a mask in public, as everyone around me seemed to have stopped too.
Around July 15, 2021, I started feeling some symptoms I thought were related to a cold. Mild cold sweats, inability to get to sleep easily at night, but no fatigue - I continued to go to the gym and exercise hard during this period.
July 17, 2021, I felt some cold sweats during the day, tiny bit of solid phlegm coughed up, very mild cough.
July 20, 2021, I tested Covid positive.
My wife has had similar mild symptoms, starting round July 20, 2021, although she has had no cough, no phlegm, but yes runny nose . (I have not had a runny nose at all.) She too has experienced no fatigue. Must assume that I gave her the Covid, as she has been in contact with no one other than me during this period. I am the only one who has been leaving the house during this period. She hasn't yet actually tested positive, but assume that she has it.
We will both go for a follow up test next week.
My sense of smell and taste not affected.
Her sense of smell only affected, but she thinks it might just be due to nasal congestion.
No fever at any point - my temperature has been around 97.5 F which is normal for me; hers around 98.1 F which is normal for her.
We have isolated and are avoiding contact with anyone since July 18, 2021, other than when I went to take the test July 20th.
We both feel mild mild dizziness if we exert ourselves, similar to trying to exercise with a bacterial cold.
Trying to just rest, eat well, plenty of fluids. Wet sauna / steam room at home to try to sweat the virus out.
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Symptoms have been mild. If any symptom remains, with me it is very light occasional night sweats, and with her, mild nasal congestion.
We both tested again July 26, 2021: both Negative.
Deyes999 MoGuest
hope you are feeling better. I also had a breakthrough infection after having both doses of Astrazeneca and my symptons have been more moderate than mild. at times feeling like full on flu. really didn't think I would even catch it after the vaccine.!
MoGuest Deyes999
Hope you are feeling better too.
Not many if any symptoms remain other than maybe an over all feeling of slight stress over the entire body. Hard to describe but just feel a little off.
We resumed regular exercise at the gym and didn't feel tired or worn out while exercising.
Another mild symptom had was tingling in two fingers in only one hand. Didn't seem to progress, and the nurse we are in contact with during this asked me to monitor it.
It's now been six weeks since first had symptoms. Tested positive July 20th, negative July 26th, and again negative August 2nd.
Pretty much all of my symptoms are gone. Have resumed regular activity and exercise.
This morning when I woke up I thought tip of my tongue felt a tad numb and was worried that after all this time the loss of sense of taste had appeared - which have had no issues with that before - but I drank some yoghurt drink I could taste it the same as always. This might've been nothing more than from burning my tongue on hot tea last night.
My wife - she too almost all symptoms are gone. She too has resumed regular activity and exercise. She does have a little bit of lingering nasal congestion, and she did experience some of the loss of sense of taste although sense of taste has come back to almost normal for her now.
Symptoms started July 15th. All mild.
Tested positive July 20th (antigen), negative July 26th (PCR), negative August 2nd (PCR), negative September 3rd (PCR), and again negative October 8th (PCR).
I don't believe much, if any symptoms, remained after about a month.