Extreme itching from all food even on a lot of antihistamines
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I can't stand it anymore. I tried to eat only 900 kcal of low histamine food today and have taken antihistamines and I'm going nuts, it feels like my body is getting worse everyday. I haven't received any diagnosis yet and won't have my first meeting with the allergy specialist before a week, and I don't know if I can endure that long. Lost a ton of weight and these symptoms are just too damn much for me to tolerate:
Itching body but mostly on my hands
Chest tightness
Rashes on face
Stomach pain
I suspect MCAS due to the symptoms getting worse after eating or taking pretty much any pill. The antihistamines does help a bit but doesn't pack the same punch anymore. Taking an H2 blocker helps my stomach a lot but makes the other symptoms much worse.
I've ordered quercetin that I will pick up and try today but unless it makes a big difference I don't think there's anything that can save me. Never read about anyone reacting as extremely easy as me, my body doesn't tolerate anything.
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cricketmt ephemeral
What all are you taking medication wise? Before I was even diagnosed (cutaneous masto skin biopsy, but probably systemic, or working it's way there), the doc had me on at least one zyrtec at night, allegra in the morning. I started Pepcid twice a day (not with the other 2), singulair (I also have asthma). In addition, I take quercetin, vitamin c and low dose aspirin (have taken them for a while, but don't start them unless your doc says so, since many have a negative reaction to aspirin).
My itching went almost completely away. My anxiety has improved, I still have rosacea and flushing, but the flushing is better.
ephemeral cricketmt
Thank you for the fast reply. Loratadine 15mg and as many Promethazine I can tolerate before getting a headache from the pills. Pepcid makes my itching a lot worse so I don't take that atm. Aspirin gave me a lot worse symptoms so I don't tolerate it unfortunately.
The thing is that I have to increase the pills everyday and eventually there's just too much histamine for even the meds to handle. I have a strong feeling that I'm incurable.
cricketmt ephemeral
Just an FYI that I didn't know before I started this journey, Loratadine is the weakest of the over the counter antihistamines. Zyrtec made me sleepy for the first several days, but it's what eventually helped me get a handle on the constant itching and random hives.
We're all incurable. This isn't a disease that has a cure as of yet. I'm still new at it too, but with some trial and error you'll probably find at least a measure of relief. Some people find relief with a low-histamine diet, I don't seem to see a link with foods for the most part for myself. Mine seems to be set off in other ways usually.
ephemeral cricketmt
I react to everything I eat but some food gives me worse symptoms than others. Now the most safe food is even too much for my body. Quercetin feels like my only hope but I don't expect any miracles.
cricketmt ephemeral
I'm sorry. I hope that you can find your answers!
ephemeral cricketmt
cricketmt ephemeral
The other thing to remember is that we're all different food-wise. Some foods that make others react won't make you react and vice versa.
cindy65527 ephemeral
dear ephemeral
i don't mean to scare anybody but i thought i should reply so you could get a few things ruled out. i have acute mastocytosis with mast cell leukemia for which i have had 2 rounds of chemo , total body irradiation and a bone marrow transplant .. at the time of diagnosis my symptoms over 3 months progressed from severe fatigue to svereitching on hands and feet with severe headache and diarrhea vomiting and night sweats. i encourage you to have a full blood work up that includes cbc,liver enzymes and a special test called serum tryptase as well as a bone marrow . your family doctor could do the bloodwork but need to see a hematologist for bone marrow biopsy. what i have is extremely rare about 1% of the world have it but i was told i had only a few days to live at diagnosis. can't help thinking that if people got the right stuff done that maybe it is more prevalant a disease than they think ...but doctors go done the wrong roads for diagnosis. i hope everything turns out well for you
ephemeral cindy65527
They've checked my tryptase level using a blood test and it came back fine, and they've ran quite a lot of other tests as well but I dunno which ones. I'm gonna head into the ER and give it a last chance today.
The ER just sent me home and told me to wait until Monday when I'll get to see the allergy specialist. I hope I can survive that long. Maybe xolair could be my rescue?
marjD. ephemeral
Hi Ephemeral! I too am waiting for a firm diagnosis! Just a thought. Unless you've been advised to lose weight, it would be v. wise to eat nourishing & liked foods, even within the rules of the a/histamine diet! The extra calories help us maintain physical & mental well being, and minimize our stress levels. Sit back & relax over your meals, as stressing about things makes for a catch 22 lifestyle. After changing to the diet, & deliberately accepting it, I've felt much better. Hope you will too! PS. It's extremely common for misdiagnosis of mc & histamine sensitivity by those who don't know. or understand. I've been reading a book, 'Don't bet against Occam ' who wrote it to inform medicos about MCA'S ; & encourage seekers for answers like us, to know they're NOT sick in the head, but in the body, in an unusual way. Author: Lawrence Afrin. Regards MarjD.
wnorm ephemeral
Hi. I'm a newbie to this group.I have mastocytic enterocolitis, collagenous colitis, etc. I am 65 and have suffered with horrendous itch for many years. After going from doctor to doctor and trying every drug and treatment available, I found out that one specific condition may, in some people, trigger severe itching.You want to get at the root cause of the symptoms, not just placate them. Low serum ferritin can be significant trigger. The ranges can vary from clinic to clinic , for example 15 - 300, or sometimes 30 - 300. However many doctors do not think that values at the low end of the range can cause pruritus, restless legs, hair loss etc. Luckily I found one specialist ( a sleep disorder doctor) who ordered Iron sucrose IV infusions once/week for 5 weeks. I've ahd 3 treatments so far and I feel 100 % better. Poor iron storing can be a familial condition. I ate red meat almost every day. However, with the chronic diarrhea from IBD and MCD, and a subtotal colectomy, etc. I wasn't absorbing the nutients and minerals adequately. I can now eat foods that previously made me itchier (I still take Aerius, Zaditen, Nalcrom, etc for allergies), my hair is growing back, and the restless legs condition is better.
It also helps if you keep your house cool winter and summer. I am not a candidate for Xolair because my hives are acute , not chronic, and I have had cancer. Drugs like Hydroxyzine only work to help the itch because they are soporific. They can cause decrease in cognition over time, particularly in the elderly. Oral steroids can help the symptoms, but their adverse side effects are too numerous to mention.
Your CBC or regular iron levels may be normal, but your Ferritin can be quite low.
regina85298 ephemeral
I know this is so frustrating and it honestly feels like a hopeless cause however once you get on the right meds the itching will not be as harsh. I was just diagnosed in June with MCAS and I had major flushing, abdominal pain,diahreaha,exhaustion, hives,itching etc. but the doctor put me in Zyrtec 10 mg in the morning 10 mg in the evening Zantac 300 mg in morning 300 mg in the evening montelukast 10 in the evening , hydroxyzine 50 mg in the evening, cromlyn sodium 200 three times a day. I know this sounds crazy but once they get the meds adjusted right you will feel better. It is something that makes you feel hopeless but hang in there and push to get a correct diagnosis and the meds and you will feel some better.
letanya7926 ephemeral