Long term use of Omeprazole

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I am a long term user of this medicine and wanted to share my experience of this medicine and my condition which was diagnosed some 15 years ago.

I was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), I have for many years suffered with diahorea stomach bloating and general pain and discomfort in my stomach. I have had several endoscopys and various other tests including an ultrasound and at first they discovered nothing unusual and put it all down to IBS. I had several treatments for Helicopacter Pylori and I am still not sure if it ever cleared up. I recently had an operation to remove my gallbladder and gallstones after the acid reflux was very troublesome. I have now since had another endoscopy which has showed I have a hiateul hernia. I have been on Omeprazole for over four years after having acid reflux type symptoms along with my IBS. I wanted to ask about being on this medicine long-term and the possible other organs in my body that could be damaged. I still have very bad indigestion and stomach aches and wondered if these tablets actually work for me anymore

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    I only took Omeprazole for one day. Had headaches and constricted throat, so stopped. Have read extensively about the long term side effects, and they are not good. While it brings blessed relief to those with constant heartburn, there should be a mandatory warning about the use of these PPI drugs.

    As someone else mentioned above, PPIs greatly reduce the production of stomach acid. The result is often insufficient absorption and metabolization of vitamins and minerals, particularly, calcium, magnesium, potassium and Vitamin D. Since most people don't get enough of these nutrients in their diet to begin with, it's not surprising that osteoporosis is the most well known side effect. It's already started, and the more severe lack cause by PPI use only accelerates the process, even in young people.

    But what are the other effects? Many of them are unknown as these drugs have not been around that long. But here's my speculation. Take it for what it's worth. If improper absorption of vitamins and minerals is the result, it can only get worse. It's interesting that many people in this forum who report long term PPI use, have also had gall bladder problems. I read the same thing in forum after forum. My neighbor's wife has been on PPIs for 5 years, and just informed me last week she need to have her gall bladder removed. While I have no medical explanation, I doubt this connection to gall bladder problems is a coincidence. And life only gets more complicated without a gall bladder. Neither PPIs or antacids can stop or neutralize bile acids.

    Since it's the actual presence of stomach acid breaking down the food in the stomach that causes the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus to close, isn't the use of acid suppressing drugs likely to keep it open longer and more often, allowing the little bit of acid that IS there, to get up too far? Is that why many people on PPIs while mostly free of acid indigestion still report occasional acid reflex into the throat? For those who have had their gall bladder removed and get that reflux, perhaps it's not stomach acid at all, but bile acid instead. Either bile or stomach acid will cause damage to the esophagus, and after repeated exposure, the esophagus will attempt to alter the cells in the damaged area to mimic stomach lining cells, which are a protective against such acids. This mutation of cells results in what's known as Barrett's Esophagus, and it can lead to cancer of the esophagus in a small percentage of those diagnosed with Barrett's..

    Even though esophageal cancer is still fairly rare, it's incidence has increased over the last 20. Is it just a coincidence that PPIs were introduced about 25 years ago? There ARE NO SYMPTOMS of cancer in the esophagus. A 60 year old lady where I work complained of headaches. After aspirin and prescription Motrin use did no good, an MRI revealed brain cancer. And it had already spread to the lymph nodes, spleen, and bones. She had part of her brain removed, and is on chemo, but the outlook is not promising. After several months of testing they finally determined where the cancer had started, in her esophagus. They estimate it had been growing for over a year. NO SYMPTOMS until the headaches, at which point it was beyond cure.

    Those of us with severe reflux or heartburn issues are the lucky ones in terms of catching this early. We get endoscopies, which is the only way to spot cancer in the esophagus in time. Let me restate that many of my conclusions above are speculative, because we just don't know. Please consult your doctor before stopping any medications, especially PPIs. They need to be weaned off of gradually to prevent a raging return of acid.

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    Hi All, further to my earlier post re the wonders of Omeprazole and lack of side effects i can say that after reading other people's posts, i now realize I was/am suffering from side effects. A few years ago i started getting a lot of cramps and also problems with tendons, neck and back pains etc. I started taking calcium and then also magnesium supplements. This has helped the cramping and the tendon, joint problems. So I see the mention of side effects such as early onset of osteo etc probably have merit. i am still taking the Omeprazole - I have to, nothing else helps the hiatus hernia. The magnesium and calcium are probably necessary aspects of the therapy.
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    Omeprazole should only be used for periods of time and then rest, it should not be used continuously.

    When you stop taking this drug, you will experience a flood of acid, this is when people relent and take the Omeprazole again.

    Please dont ignore when people post regarding the side effects of this drug, they are real and they will destroy your bone structure, your immunity and will stop you being alerted to your stomach contents doing damage to your Oesophagus.

    The Medical field is beginning to recognise the issues:

    January 31, 2012: New research published in the British Medical Journal has found that women who take Prilosec or other Proton Pump Inhibitor medications regularly for at least two years have a 35% higher risk of suffering a hip fracture. Women who are post-menopausal and smoke had the greatest risk of a hip fracture.

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    In April this year I underwent the Keyhole Nissen Fundoplication operation, which sadly went wrong. The surgeon unfortunately cut through two arteries, which meant they had to open me up, top to bottom. sad

    Afterwards, I experienced considerable Bloating pains, which I had been warned about. I stopped taking 30mg Lansoprazole and suffered worst acid reflux than before! Following my own research and advice from two other consultants, I was told that I was suffering from Rebound Reflux, due to suddenly stopping medication. I stopped taking medication in September after more slowly phasing out the PPI's over 3 months.

    In hindsight I would not put myself through a similar operation, but adapt to a more stricter diet and lifestyle! I feel I am no more better off now albeit with milder symptoms, but thankfully no longer taking any worrying medication.

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    I have been taking omeprazole -( essentially this is bicarbonate of soda )- for 2 years as an ant- acid because I'm on naprosyn an anti inflamitory drug for my Anklyosing Spondilitus and lately had been experiencing really bad indigestion and stomach pains. I didnt know why until I heard a discussion on radio 4 about omeprazole and this made me stop taking it as it turns out not only can it cause the symtoms it is supposed to prevent but is also a cause of bone damage - oesteoporisis and arthritus.WHY ARE WE NOT WARNED OF THIS WHEN OUR GPS GAILY DISH OUT THIS DRUG ! Everyone - stop taking it now. Since I stopped I have felt better and have no stomach problems - I drink lots of water and make sure I eat when I take the naprosyn - simple but effective.
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    Hi Felicity... I hear you!! I had been taking it for about 10 years?? I started to get all sorts of bone and joint problems, cramps etc. I had to take Omep every day or I got bad reflux. Someone on this site suggested that I change to Gaviscon which I did. The first couple of days I got acide but then things settled down. Now, I do not have to take Gaviscon every day, maybe every other day and I am not getting the reflux or pain (I had hiatus

    hernia). My back pains, joint aches and cramps have also improved drastically. I think I was well on the way to getting premature ostheoporosis. So, Thanks to the guy who wrote to me... Madness was his name, but not his demeanour..... Yeah, GP's - mine just told me to take Omep on demand and dont worry.... problem was my body demanded it every day and like you, I think the Omep got to a stage where it was producing the symptoms itself.

    Can you try gaviscon? I believe there are no side effects

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      Hi rodger1 - since my last post I've cut my Naproxyn down - I only take one 500mg tablet in the mornings - this just about relieves most pain and inflammation ( its always there even with the double dose prescribed ).

      I dont take any antacids but I do drink lots of warm lemon water ( squeeze a good amount of fresh lemon juice into warm water) every morming and evening. Lemons are acidic outside the body but alkaline when digested and this seems to work - its also supposed to have a lot of health benefits apart from the obvious vit C, calcium and potassium content.It aids the digestive system so helps the process of elimimnating waste products from the body preventing diarrhea and constipation.It helps maintain the immune system and acts as a blood purifier, reduces pain and inflammation in joints, preventts the growth of pathogenic bacteria that cause infection , strengthens the liver and lots more.

      I know this sounds like a miracle food but so far its working for me and as an added side effect my skin looks great!

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      All Omeprazole Takers....

      Hi all, well I have weened myself off Omeprazole completely now, and it took a liitle while. first I replaced it with gaviscon, but every now and then i would still have to take one Omep coz the burning got too strong. I had been taking it daily for over 10 years, so reducing it to tghe odd tablet every week or so seemed pretty good. I noticed my bone, tendon, muscle health improved drastically. I have now also stopped smoking - that made the biggest difference. I did smoke copious amounts of weed, but now use a vaporizer. It seems now that I do not even need the gaviscon very often at all, if ever. I will try the lemon juice in warm water - I did drink it often already with cold water but will try your suggestion. 

      Omeprazole certainly did help me with the hiatus hernia and IBS - but as someone (Madness?) mentioned, it seems to mask symptoms. I can testify to Omep blocking clacium and magnesium absorption - I have les cramps than ever now.

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    I am a 66 yr old male having been on 20 mg OMPRE for appx 25 years - A WONDER DRUG. nothing else works. After the recent negative publicity on OMPRE my doc suggested a bone density scan and thus I have osteoporosis in a couple of areas incl hip. I am in great shape, active, 165 lbs and eat well; lots of fruits and veggies. Thus the osterop. is a SHOCK to me. I tried the other OTC drugs (Zantac) to no avail. Had the endo and my esoph is fine. No H hernia, no Barrets, etc.

    My doc says... stay on the OMPRE for quality of life and begin taking 1600mg calcium and a magnesium each day... then in one year we will do the bone scan again and measure the progression of the osteoporosis.

    MY QUESTIONS ARE: Can I reverse the osterop 2.7? with calcium and magnesium & B12? with some weight bearing exercises ? What can I expect in the future? What else can I do? Will the calcium and some exercise really help reverse this?thank all.

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    Jme9928, firstly, I can totally understand you wanting to continue with a drug that makes lifes quality better. But, its very ,much like a sticking plaster which has 'God knows what' going on underneath it!

    Youre obviously very aware of the issues and side effects and suffering them now... it does beg the question..why would you want to keep putting this into your body (Im not intending to be rude asking that)

    Hydrochloric acid is produced to do a job, proton pump inhibitors stop production and this does cause problems. I would advise you to do as much research on everything, the drug, how the body utilises the acid and why you actually need it, then if you wish to continue taking the drug, its your body and your life.. but, Oteoporosis at its worse is devastating and if you are unable to stop or reverse this, you will be very miserable. 66 is very young smile

    Hydrochloric acid has many other uses also and you need to be aware of all this when making decisions (if you research, you will find that there are Lawyers in US who deal with claims now purely down to this drug effects..that has to sound alarm bells!)

    Its great that you find that you have no obvious physical problems causing the increased acid, so I ask; have you tried diet? So many people have intollerences of different food stuffs, they can come from additives, food production methods and even pesticides sprayed onto crops..man is killing himself!

    When taking yourself off the Omeprazole, you will undoubtedly experience horrendous amounts of acid being produced, its not for the feint hearted I assure you. When the Proton pumps start working again, they go heywire and have a party, it takes a good two weeks in my personal experience to have them start settling down. It is worth it if you can stand it, but along with this you do need to find out what your issue is.

    If you had a huge crack down the front of your house, would you paper over it, have it look great, everyone think it wonderful but underneath its crumbling?

    Youre young, healthy and obviously intelligent enough.. raise the head end of your bed a good 9 inches higher than the foot, find out what your food problems might be, get a good plant based calcium (forget the rock calcium...you could drain it of the kettle and eat that! It clogs the arteries and kidneys)

    Eat a healthy diet, nuts, fruit, green veg and a Calcium complex tablet (plant based) with magnesium, vit D, vit K, Boron.etc

    There are many such complexes available, as oppose to what is available on NHS.

    Look at the ingredients in what you eat and drink, the artificial sweeteners produced to 'make us healthy' are doing quite the reverse, they destroy the body from within and we develop many side effects and illnesses in response to them. The chemicals make us very acidic and when our blood is acidic, it leaches calcium from our bones ..

    Try cutting down on meat, esp red meat or even cutting it out altogether. Google a 98yr cardiac surgeon in USA, he is incredible, he still operates and speaks at length on health and making your one and only life on this planet a happier one!

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      Get off this drug as fast as you can. It was never intended and is not endorsed for long term use (over 2 weeks). Your best cure is to change what you eat.  Get rid of the foods that make you sick and you will be well wtihout losing your bones. No sugar, wheat, dailry or bad fats to start, and take a probiotic like it was your lifeline. Go for lean protein and vegetable diet and you will be amazed.  The bottom line: we ARE what we eat, illness included. Doctors will prescribe this drug as if it was water, even when I reported feeling worse--they upped the dose!  Also, you might find that beef that is not grass fed makes you sick--that's the corn talking (and other junk they put in cattle food). I discovered this in Argentina where livestock is grass fed (and grain foods are not all wheat)--my decades long symptoms vanished. Good food is your cure.
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      Thanks Guest007, I think you have misunderstood. I havent been taking this revolting drug for over two years and you have repeated some of what I have already written.

      The answer is always to 'up' the dose which is appalling.

      I dont eat meat, I dont drink dairy either now, what animals are fed is shocking, it stays in the meat right into the mouth of the eater! Dairy cows are filled with antibiotics... yukkk...

      Good food is the cure sadly not for a hiatus hernia, but managing it has to be the answer.

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      Hi Madness,

      ?Hope you are doing great!

      ?Im a 30 year old women and have been on Omeprazole from past 2 years. Havent seen any worst symptom but can see pain in my bones and feel weak.

      ?I want to give up these tablets but if i leave them my heartburn comes back,

      ?Should i completely give up cofeee and tea? Also milk, yougurt?

      Please reply, please help me.

      God bless you!

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      I've been working with a nutritionist to get me off omeprazole and reduce my pain. I never had the typical heartburn, but had/have horrible nausea and a searing pain across my lower abdomen (hiatus hernia).  As you've read from above diet s crucial. If can, eliminate all caffein, eliminate any carbonated beverage, any non natural sugars and limit the natural ones. Keep any fatty foods to a minimum, no fried not even sauté. No chocolate, no alcohol.  

      It sounds restrictive and it is. I'm still coping with it and have "bad days" where I lapse. But it's better than the alternative.

      I hope you feel well and get better.


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      Sorry, just reading this now. I don't drink coffee but I do drink tea.. I find that's ok but I have given up dairy completely and do find this has a marked improvement and actually other health benefits too. 

      There is no miracle cure to this and sometimes something will spark off terrible heartburn pain. 

      I have a hiatus hernia from birth and hence I just deal with it, cider apple vinegar in warm water is great if taken in a small amount before eating... this to me denotes that like most people, I have low stomach acid.

      its worth doing your own research to see whether this is your issue too. Basically without the acid in your stomach, you will not be digesting properly, bacteria will thrive and give off gases pushing up the acid into your oesophagus and causing pain.

      do you belch after eating? If so, you'll find the cider apple vinegar will help.. but maybe just a sip before eating (especially eating carbs)

      Try eating organic and unprocessed foods, this will help smile

      i know they're more expensive but better less good stuff rather than lots of rubbish

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