My experiences of stopping taking Lansoprazole
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Like everybody on here I take Lansoprazole for stomach problems.
There are lots of experiences on here of the side effects people get when taking them but;
What effects do people get when stopping taking it?
I think it would be very interesting to find out as I cannot find anything on the internet listing any effects the people have when stopping it and how long they last?
If you have any experience positive and negative could you reply here!
It may be useful to everyone.
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Within these years,I have had severe Constipation,and have been given quite a few meds for the constipation,(which clears it for a while ) but it always returns...
Just recently (about 3-4 weeks ago) I stopped taking them,(I believe the Lansoprazole made me constipated)
I told my doctor this,and doctor said...No....Lansoprazole did NOT cause it) doctor ,imo did not read the side effects of this drug...
I am Not saying this med effects everyone this way,it doesn't........but it effected me...
I am pleased this drug and it's Toxins are now leaving my fact,now I am no longer constipated...
I now have a repeat prescription for Advanced/ Double Action Gaviscon for my acid tummy/heartburn...
I am so relieved,that I stopped taking this drug...
I get some stomach,and lower back aches at the moment, (withdrawal symptoms) but I reckon,they are caused by the Toxins waiting to leave my body,in a natural way...
I take No other medication,only one Capsule for High Blood Pressure per day...
I have had an Endoscopy,and I am waiting to see a surgeon end of November...for the outcome of that procedure...I am keeping fingers crossed that I do not have an ulcer,or whatever...
Gillian_68 poppysocks1
Hi, I've been on Lansoprazol for 16 months, today I have come of it after experiencing excruciating pain in my stomach, I've been constipated for 3 months, my stomach feels like it's getting worse than when I started it. Initially I was taking it for Heartburn/indegestion/acid reflux. I have also got gastritis, but I have decided to fast, then totally change my diet, to a mostly alkali diet. I can't get any food down without severe pain, so ivd been on water and Buttermilk. I am also on Ramapril, for high blood pressure, hoping to come of that as well in the near future. A good probiotic would probably be better than medicines that cause suppression.
aliyah15975 poppysocks1
Hi poppy im in a similar situation would love to see how you got on x
annie36259 poppysocks1
Hi Poppysocks1,
I also got horrible constipation. I would take prune juice, or sometimes I would get of the PPI for a day or two until I pooped, and then got back on (crazy huh).
I'm completely off them now thank God. Went through awful withdrawl, paranoia , body jerks. Lasts a couple weeks.
Hope you had good results with the endoscopy!
abbey77686 poppysocks1
I had the severe constipation, too! I call BS about it not being a side effect. As soon as i stopped it the constipation went away entirely! Now if the heartburn, throat irritation and nausea would go away...
I will update after the surgeons appointment...and yes,I was put on them in the beginning because of the acid stomach,then they found a germ in my tummy Helicobacter Pylori... I had to have antibiotics for a while to get rid of it !!
Then doctor upped my dose of Lansoprazole from 15 to 30mg,,,and it has never been reviewed since in all those years of being on it,and twice admitted to hospital because of constipation...No one would listen to me,so I took it upon myself to cut them out completely...and as I have said bowel movements have returned to what I remember as near normal...
I have had a terrible time these past 6 months with pain in stomach,(build up of toxins I expect/maybe on top of the acid tummy.....
I have lost 2 stone 5lbs in the last few months also....this has been very noticeable...rather concerned about this actually...can't be due to coming off the medication I have only been off them for about three weeks...
Good luck to you all coming off them if your thinking of doing so...take care...
As I have said before keeping the acid / heartburn at bay with the double action Gaviscon...thanks for your support
I have Fibromyalgia and Osteoarthritis,and I don't think having the constipation has helped me at all,do you
glad I am back to normal in that pleased to be off the Lansoprazole,I am near on positive that is what was causing my predicament...take care 
I also keep well away from any food that I believe will upset my stomach.I take the Gaviscon for any irritations now,it helps a great deal.
Since stopping this medication I am no longer constipated,which was the main reason I came off the tabs,doc,didn't believe it was this tab causing the constipation,so I proved her wrong,I also told her that constipation is/could be one of the side effects of taking this tab,and it was written on the leaflet in the packet,she still wouldn't agree,so I proved it.
Within a week I was getting rid of the toxins that were in my body,now I am back to normal and regular in that dept.
I am happy you are coping with your tummy upsets,take care.
After seeing the surgeon a couple of weeks ago,he was concerned about my weight loss,and sent me for blood tests and a CT Scan, Thorax Abdomen and Pelvis,I am now waiting for the results of the scan etc.