My son has klinefelters
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Where to start other than my only son is 21months old and my world he got diagnosed with klinefelters when in his mother's womb then confirmed at birth when docters tested his blood from placenta anyway me and his mother are no longer together she no longer speaks it that bad when I tried to talk to her about sons situation she said she would ring the police anyway my concern is my sons speech he only has 5words sorry make that 7 as I taught him to say sky and plane earlier today but did any one have problems when really young and with there speech my sons health visitor says she will check him when he 24months old but that 3month away and I know his age now is important for his speech development and I have actually spoken to a speech and language therapist who has sent me a referral form and said to send it back ASAP as son should be saying more words my son still calls me mam 10month after saying mam as his 1st word it seems as if he never going to call me DAD. People say he a late learner I hope he is but deep down I know it klinefelters. I am one desperate dad trying to get as much info as possible for my boy. Sorry for the long story
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Mr.Marcus Arma1975
I was diagnosed at the age of 24, but when i was younger my mom and dad would always take me to get hearing exams and speech therapy, i didn't talk much until i turned five, or the stories ive heard from my family said i didn't talk much. i wouldn't be over all concerned. i hope this might help you. i assume i turned out pretty normal. though i do have learning issues which might be a totally different factor. but klinefelters syndrome could not be linked to what is actually going on?
vanessa85793 Arma1975
Hi, My son has Klinefelters. He is 9 years old, and I got his diagnosis in 2008 through genetic testing in utero. He has had speech delays, and delays in nearly everything. He has been on medication for 4 years now to manage his ADD, and his rage issues. He goes to a special school, has a social worker, etc. It has not been an easy road. But he is a wonderful, funny, fun loving sweet child, too. He is also very intelligent, reads perfectly now, and is extremely inquisitive. He wants to become a medical professional, either a doctor, nurse, or research specialist, specializing in Nephrology. (Kidneys)! Where he got that interest from I have no idea, but in any case I can offer reassurance and an ear to parents of babies and young boys with this. Also I would LOVE to hear from anyone with older kids who have XXY. We are going to be telling him soon, he doesn't know yet, and I would love some assistance and tips from any parents who have broken this news to their sons. Thanks
donna64516 vanessa85793
Diesel_Dummy Arma1975
joshuapryce1987 Arma1975
I myself was a late learner, and i failed all my GCSES but i have achieved some success in my life, its not how you start that matters its how you live.