nervous potential PV
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I'm new here just signed up and am scared out of my mind mostly from what I've read about life span. I'm 22 years of age and have not been officially diagnosed but my GP mentioned it briefly here are my counts from my most recent test
I'm a 22 Year old male. Rather slim and short stature .
WBC 7.9 (3.6-10.6)
RBC 6.04 (4.2-5.7)
HGB 17.3 (13.0-17.0)
HCT 49.1 (39.0-50.0)
MCV 81 (80-91)
MCH 29 (27-31)
Platelet 324 (150-400)
RDW 12.7 (11.5-14.5)
These are the most recent results. I've had 3 CBC in the past 3 years and none of my counts have raised/dropped more than 1.0 in any category in that 3 year time span.
I have no symptoms but I do have poor water drinking habits so maybe that has an effect? I'm just really scared I'm so young and I might have this and I'm nervous of dying soon. Are my counts blood along the lines of typical PV? My GP didn't seem overly concerned and asked me to come back in 6 months to do a JAX test
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Zapamania james1995US
Hi James, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Your RBC and hemaglobiin are slightly raised, but not enough to be concerned. If you had Pv your platelets and hematocrit would be higher. I don't even see the point in taking the jak2mutation blood. I'm not a dr of course but I do have Pv and I would kill for your numbers...good luck. Zap
PO32_6AP james1995US
peter98873 james1995US
Hi James,
As with the other two replies you have received, I really don't think you have much of a concern with PV. Blood counts can go up or down for a variety of reasons, not all of them connected to illness. Your stats. are seemingly quite normal and do not represent what one expects with a diagnosis of PV. You are young so just go out and enjoy your life. Visit your GP when the appointment is due, keep fit and yes, drink a reasonable amount of water which is necessary for good kidney function anyway. Even if you were diagnosed with PV you could still maintain a good standard of life and a good life-expectancy. Cease worrying.
harrishill1 james1995US
Hi James. The Jac2 test, determines if you have the jac2 gene mutation. If you do, then your diagnosis will be Polycythemia Vera. Dobn't worry too much. You can live a normal life span as long as you are treated. With PV your red count would be too high, and possibly your white count could also be too high. I don't know about the numbers you posted. Not used to reading the actual chart. Sorr you have to wait so to find out. Hope you have good results