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I have Turner Syndrome and am on the oestrogen/progesterone treatment. I was wondering why the contraceptive pill is not generally prescribed? Isn't it basically the same thing?
Also, I should technically only get my period after the 28 days of pills, however the earliest I've got it is the 25th. Is this normal?
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XXYGuy dd61679
dd61679 XXYGuy
XXYGuy dd61679
XXYGuy dd61679
Most pregnancies that do occur are stillborn, or defective, or fail to proceed, they spontaneously abort. So why would a Turner female want to have a menstural cycle when her chances of devliery of a healthy child were so low, those that can actually conceive that is?
Most Turner females have ovarian dysgenesis, and are infertile as a result. It just doesn't make any sense that a Turner female would not know about why the contraceptive pill isn't used, when contraception not an activity most would have any interest in. Their doctors too would not have any intersst in prescribing contraception, or pills that did not contain the full range of female hormones. That is just a guess of course, you really ought to know much more than me.
When people ask me about fertility for men with Klinefelters' syndrome I never refer to them as ignorant and annoying, but then I do like to provide information, never know it might be useful to someone, some day?
dd61679 XXYGuy
melly555 dd61679