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I have been diagnosed with PV and almost passed out cold when they took just small amaount of blood - BP went to 182?65. My Dr. wants to do phlebotomy and I just can't do this. Also, I don't think it will help - I have been sick for about 5 yrs. Has anyone just skipped phlebotomy? I live in both US and UK.
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doug66 monneywese
monneywese doug66
nandrews monneywese
I'm not quite sure what you mean by phlebotomy. I think it covers a range of procedures starting with taking a sample of blood to test.
I assume it was a nervous shock that caused you to react the first time. I too reacted to my first blood test, but that was to lead on to many more similar and bigger tests. It's something you get to cope with quite quickly, though I'd never say you get used to it.
It's important, if it's a test, to give them something to work on. Just let the nurse (phlebotomist) know that you are nervous and she should be able to help you cope and see you don't have to get up and walk out straight after.
I can never look at my arm when they take blood and it must be hundreds of times now that have done it.
You will find yourself relaxing to the situation after a while. Remember they have your best interests at heart.
monneywese nandrews
Very kind remarks. This was by far not my first blood test, but unfortunately it went badly. I will have to think very carefully as it is a long distance from my house and I have to drive back. It could be the drive rather than the phlebotomy that does me in
harrishill1 monneywese
The blood is also too thick, and we can get blood clots. This disease is too serious for us to be squemish about a little needle. Sorry to say it, I understand how some people dislike having certain things done. Phlebotomy really helps. I was diagnosed three yrs ago and Idon't need them any more. It takes about a year for the hematologist to see how well your meds work, andwhat dosage works for you. That is why we need to have a blood test once a month. He can see how well the meds and blood draws work. Believe me , myhematol ogisthas been great. I work out an hour each day and walk an hour with the dog. Then Iclean the kitchen, mop the floors, etc. If I get tired,I take an hour nap in afternoon. I am 71, soon to be 72. This disease is serious, but wecan live a normal life span, if we aretr eatedas i am . Lots of luck, my prayers are with you.
monneywese harrishill1
However, I'm so glad for you that your treatment is working so well.
monneywese harrishill1
nandrews monneywese
The needle generaly gives me no bother, but sometimes 'brushes' a nerve and that can give a strong ache down my arm. But of course I have to bear it until the needle is withdrawn. Some other times I hardly feel it - it's just the luck of the draw.
P.S. A thought which might help is if the idea of needles is what gives the problems. Maybe try desensitising yourself by looking at videos of them in use. YoiuTube has loads. Gradually you will be able to look and not feel squeemish.
doug66 nandrews
doug66 nandrews
doug66 monneywese
monneywese doug66
nandrews monneywese
nandrews monneywese
My meds are Hydroxyurea which I believe is directed at the problem caused by the PVR - reducing platlets. I also take warfarin to thin the bood, as I believe PVR causes it to become thicker. I take Omeprazole which I understand is to counter stomach problems which are related to the PRV. I take other meds aswell but they aren't directly related to PRV.
harrishill1 monneywese
Since then, I have been more careful. I also wonder if it affects us more the first time we have blood drawn. However, I drive myself, and always feel fine. I rarely need blood drawn after three yrs. My meds are working so well, I Now only have to see the hematologist once every 4 months, and have a CBC only every two months. I hope it works as well for you. Hang in there.
monneywese harrishill1
What meds do you take? Any side effects?
I am so grateful to have found this forum - so much good info on something that hit me very hard.
doug66 monneywese
I felt awful after 1st 3 blood draws,, dizzy and sick, lasted about an hour, then had so much energy, the next 3 they gave me plasma and I felt great, as the saying goes. pain no gain, I now have new job work harder and less tired. ...but come 10 at night I crash and burn. ...getting more sleep, no waking up choking, no smoking actually feeling good