Recent CBC questions and concerns?
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I just received my most recent CBC and these were my results:
WBC High 12.1 K/uL
RBC High 5.13 K/uL
Homoglobin High Normal 15.0 g/dL
Hematocrit High Normal 45.6%
Platelet count High 403 (this is actually down from last time which was 489 while everything else was normal)
MPV Low 9.3 fL
Abso Mono High 1.2 K/uL
I have had high platelets over the last few years (489 being the highest), have pain in my hip bone, as well as extreme itchy legs, and recently excessive bruising on legs from scratching. I also have hypothyroid.
I have also over the last 3.5 months been eating a ketogentic diet and have lost 25 lbs to date. No sugars or grains and <20g net carbs per day?
Could this be connected to the diet, or should I be more concerned with the possibilty of Polycythemia Vera?
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angela_o..o mejeroca
Was the ketogenic diet recommended to you by your GP for some reason?
I have never heard of it and had to Google it. It seems to be something designed for epileptics. It sounds a very extreme and unusual diet. If your GP didn't recommend it to you then I think you are in uncharted waters....
I would approach your GP for advice.
mejeroca angela_o..o
Thanks for your response. Yes my GP knows I am doing low carb high fat. I don't have any health issues for eating this way. Our family does have some diabetics and pre diabetics and basically we have cut out all processed foods and sugars. We also eat only whole foods good proteins and good fats and no grains or starches. It is a completely different way of eating which is why I was wondering if it could affect my blood? It basically transitions your body from using carbs for energy/fuel to using fats.
lijuan7002 mejeroca
Hi Mejeroca,
Definition of PV(WHO):
A1: Hb >18.5 g/dL A2: RCM(Red cell mass) > 36ml/kg mutation (+)
A3: JAK2 V1617F mutation(+) A4: splenomegaly A5: SaO2 below 92%
A1: Hb >16.5 g/dL A2: RCM > 32ml/kg
A3: JAK2 V1617F mutation(+) A4: splenomegaly A5: SaO2 below 92%
B1: low serum EPO level B2: EEC grow B3: bone marrow abnormal
B4: platelet count > 400 *109 / L. B5: WBC > 12*109 / L
B6: LAP>100 B7: B12> 900 pg/mL or B12<220 pg/mL
If you have PV, your conditon may be 3A or 3A1B or 2A3B or 2A2B or 1A4B or1A3B(possibile)!
A high platelet count can lead to excessive, dangerous blood clotting !!!
I think the new generation IFN-a2b treatment is a good choice for your condition!
Best wishes
mejeroca lijuan7002