So frustrated
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Rang this morning to find out if my JAK2 results are back, after a month and they are, thought I'm going to know today where I am and if I have primary polycythaemia, the nurses couldn't tell me, so they said they would send my report to my haemotololist, they rang and said he would phone me this afternoon with my results, waited all afternoon no phone call! So frustrating, I've now to wait till Tuesday with it been a bank holiday, I can only in my head presume it's negitive as why would he not phone me, as in my head it's not important enough for him to phone me otherwise with the results. Grrrr I'm so frustrated they don't realise how mush anxiety you go through waiting.....sorry rant over!!!!
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jessie2150 julia15874
At least you will have some answers on Tuesday - and I do understand how this waiting seems to go on forever !
Keep positive, one way or another you have a date for the diagnosis which is great.
Keep us in touch
j x
julia15874 jessie2150
Hi he's just rang me and it's negitive for JAK2, I've to have a CT scan and a lung test so the tests go on, pleased I've not got JAK2 though xx
jessie2150 julia15874
That is great news julia. I suppose now it is to find the secondary cause, but those tests won't take such a long time?
The thing is - as I understand it - treatment of the secondary cause can help the polycythaemia so much. Others here will know better than me on this though.
take care
j x
julia15874 jessie2150
Can any one recommend any information regarding what tests I should ask for, I'm having a CT scan on my lungs, heart,kidneys and liver and a ultra sound and wondered if there's any thing else I should ask for to ultimate everything that can make your red blood cells high? Xx
debsmates julia15874
ellen68007 julia15874
Hi Julia. I as well was diagnosed with secondary Polycythemia. This was after a multitude of testing. I had a cat scan, ultra sounds' bone marrow aspiration, sleep apnea test. Heart monitor that I had to have on for 24 hrs. Finally a diagnoses of COPD. I was having difficulties breathing on exertion. Fine while I was sitting or walking a short distance. My treatment is blood thinners as opposed to low dose aspirin due to clotting in my one lung and vitamin B-12 injections monthly. My HCT is a bit high but not high enough for me to have phlebotomy's. I feel great now and part of that good feeling is knowing my treatment. Blood work now every 3-4 months. Hope this helps you.
kevin81762 julia15874
Sorry to hear you're still waiting Julia... I know all to well the frustration you're feeling... Hopfully you'll find out on Tuesday. You are right though, you'd think he would have called if it was positive.
Lol... I should have read your next post lol... Glad to hear its negative Julia... I have no idea why they want to do a Ct scan. I'd ask for a MRI, although I doubt they'd be able to do one on your lungs. What is your itching like and which Jak2 test did you have done? Did they tell you? I had the Jak2 v617f (the more common one done, which accounts for 96-97% of all PV cases...
julia15874 kevin81762
Yes that's the one I had the JAK 2 v617f, it was negitive and surprised my specialist, he was convinced it would be positive, but it's good it's not, but I need answers to my bloods been high? Unless it's just me! and for me they are naturally high, as long as they don't get any higher!!! Xx
kevin81762 julia15874
kevin81762 julia15874
I've wondered if that is my case as well (naturally high counts), but I'm not convinced... Do you run? Because it's my understanding thect that might make your RBC, it least in some individuals, higher.
julia15874 kevin81762
Yes I do have itchiness and dizziness, palpitations, tiredness and headaches, pins and needles in my feet and hands, He wants to do a CT as he's thinking of tumors on my kidneys or somewhere but I don't think I have anything like that and don't smoke and never have. I'm rather frustrated, I need answers even if its menaporse but I'm unhappy my blood are so high
Yes I do run but over weight at the moment, I've not done any in a while but going to start again next week xx
kevin81762 julia15874
Meh, I doubt you have a tumor on your kidney(s), but I'm also not a Dr... I hear ya Julia, I'm frustrated as well. I see an allergist in two weeks, can't wait. although I doubt he'll resolve my itchiness. Do you itch after water exposure? I do sometimes, but its quite variable... I'm generally just itchy, but when I scratch ot rub gently, I get what look like histamine marks, or lines... It's weird to say the least... I've compared my blood work to my twin's, and it seems we're not far off from one another, so I don't know..
kevin81762 julia15874
julia15874 kevin81762
I'm going to cut out all high iron foods like red meat, spinach etc....and just eat fish and chicken, cut out salt, go on a strict diet and exercise regime and see if get a better reading, if I don't then somethings off xx
julia15874 kevin81762
jessie2150 julia15874
kevin81762 jessie2150
julia15874 jessie2150
No I don't know, he did mention that test though, but with me not been a smoker or never been one I thought my lungs should be okay, my brothers had kidney cancer and had one of his kidneys removed so they are checking my kidneys too. X
jessie2150 kevin81762
kevin I have high hgb and high hct but no diagnosis !! Just every hospital visit for whatever I'm put on oxygen and a drip 'cos my sats are so low. I'm not breathless, no chest complaints, so I think (not a doctor) the high levels are preventing oxygenated blood.
That is only my idea, could be quite wrong.
Got the oxymeter to keep a check.
kevin81762 julia15874
kevin81762 jessie2150
jessie2150 kevin81762
kevin - Yes absolutely in the same boat. Had high figures for 14 years I discovered but when I queried them doc said it's probably secondary with no tests. I'm not happy about that, so trying to get more testing done.