What does it feel like to have Klinefelters' syndrome?

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Another contributor wishes to discuss what it feels like to have Klinefelters' syndrome, so I thought I'd start a discussion on that topic, see what comes of it?

I'd like to be able to choose XXY as a place to put this discussion, then we can chat about what it feels like to be fat, or to have gynaecomastia, or to be sterile, and any other disease associated with being XXY.

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    i have dyslexia,adhd.i sucked at sport since childhood(basicaly very poor eye to hand co ordination).but i am also an amazing sprinter.anyway,because of my mental state and my rather wide hips i started suspecting i have klinegelters.I tested my blood testosterone,FSH,LH and the results were

    testosterone-310 ng/dl (300-1800 normal)

    FSH-6.15 mlU/mL(0.7-11.1 norma)l

    LH-2.80 mlU/mL(0.8-7.7 normal)

    i am 20 yrs old and i am very depressed because of constant fear i have KS.i wanted to acheive higher education and now whenever i think of it i think KS will never make me succeed.

    will karyotyping absoulutely correctly diagnose if i have it or not?

    • Posted

      Gee, I wonder?  I wonder if I give an opnion on those numbers if I can be accused of 'practicing as a doctor without a license?'  biggrin   I'm amazed you have the facilities to test those hormones without a laboratory.   I wouldn't know how to do that myself.  If you did those tests on your own, you must be pretty smart, so why would a diagnosis of any disease cause you not to be able to achieve a higher education?

      Depressed people, or people who think they might be Depressed, ought to go see a Psychiatrist.

      Men who think thery have Klinefelters' syndrome ought to go and see a GP to start with, and if they meet the right crtiteria they will be sent for further testing with an Endocrinologist.    A GP might also do hormone level checks, along with a physical examination.  A doctor is the person I advise you do and see.  I'm just a patient with an opinion.

    • Posted

      what gave you the slightest idea that i did those tests by myself,u really took 'i tested my blood' literally!

      anyways .i really want to avoid seeing a doctor and just want to do a karyotyping test(ofcourse not by me self).is it a simple procedure involving only blood test?estimated cost?(comparable to normal testosterone test?)and where do they do that kind of test?(general diagnostic centers?)

      i really hope i made sense

      thanks in advance


    • Posted

      Yes I really took 'I tested my blood' literally, who the hell wouldn't?  If you don't intend people to believe you, find a differnt way of typing.  Such as "Tomorrow I'm having a blood test for Lupus."   Which is a fact.  That's exacxtly what's happening.  If you think I'm doing it myself, you have no indication in what I have typed.  I however have every indication you did indeed test yuour own blood by your statement "I tested my blood."

      If you don't see a doctor you won't be having a genetic test, or any other test.

      There is nothing simple about a genetic test. They're very tedious and complicated to do.         

    • Posted

      Don't give up I have dyslexia but I just passed my degree in social work. I am tired sometimes but I go to gym have lost weight thought love handles won't go. Am gay and single guess no one wants me coz of what they see am 6'6" tall
    • Posted

      I am also XXY. I have a science degree and was a PhD candidate. I quit school because I started a business that at the time financially made more sense for me. Although I do admit that if learning in school was easier I would also pursue higher education. I had smart classmates that only went up to a bachelor's (4-year university) degree. So you have no excuses for continuing your education. I pursued biological sciences but have learned in my thirties that I were better in math and architectural arts.
  • Posted

    I could do without it. I found out about 20 years ago. I am 52 now. I had no idea that I had it. I have been on testosterone therapy for over 10 years and while my energy is up, I worked out with a personal trainer for 4 years and didn't lose any weight. I did become a lot stronger, but I wanted to lose weight and feel good. I also have Gynecomastia. I alawys feel awkward. I keep bouncing back to start yet another workout program, but really, why even try? I already know the outcome. Long hours at the Gym for zero resutls. I keep looking for a program designed around XXY people, but so far I haven't found anything. I guess I will always be fat and look like a woman in the chest. What's the use of even trying to get fit when I already know it's impossible? Oh and because of the way I look I am single. It's a lonely life. I don't know how, but I do have a lot of friends and they all adore me, so I guess that is something. 

    Maybe someone here can advise me on a workout plan to get rid of Gynecomastia and lose my stomach fat. I am 5'11" and weigh 254. I'd like to drop 60 pounds and be toned. Is that even possible? 

    • Posted

      You gynaecomastia is caused by excessive oestrogen, so no amount of exercise will get rid of it, you need surgery, well in my uneducated XXY opinion you do anyway. I had big problems getting my endo to agree with me I had bad enough gynaecomstia to get it removed, so I hired a surgeon myself.  That was a long tiome ago now, and it's never returned, so I recommend it.  
    • Posted

      i do bodybuilding in the gym and i'm in it for a 8 years, I don't get a lot of changes but i look better than i was before,, for a 10 years i did running long distance but I don't lose a lot of weight i was 110kg and after running for a 10 years 85kg but when i stopped for 1 year my weight now 100kg,, you can do some running and you can do it i'm sure but for a longer time
  • Posted

    Hi Guy,found out after 31 yrs that had K.S.Always felt different and was 4eva in trouble.After 17 years i still dont understand.Im on 250 mg Sustanol every 4 weeks.Dont know how im surposed to feel.I have vertually no Memory which is a nitemare.IQ lower & find it almost impossible to concentrate.I have had Mental problems for over 35 years,Paranoid Schitophrenia & Depression.Iam Sterile.Found out ive also got Fibromyalgia & Osteo Arthritis sick to death of it to be honest.
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      Each of the problems we may have have to be treated as separate conditions.  We can't rely on one medication as a cure all.  They are all most likely related to the additional X, that seems to come through strongly the way I read research, not all read the same as me.  So for my heart problems I have a series of heart meds, for my psychiatric issues I take psych meds, and for hypogonadism I take testosterone.  
    • Posted

      I am I also suffer from weakness in the memory and the impact of this on my studies and never successful in overcoming it
  • Posted

    I'm xxy guy and all my life so difficult, I love bodybuilding and it's makes me laugh at myself because i do hardworking for NOTHING my body not changing at all and when i look at my friends I know I'm different and it's broke my heart, I can't do what men did and my body looks different and my pines so small like child it's painful , i wish i never born i wish if I could die with less pain, I can't be father and my cock so small, I don't know why my god have creating a mistake like me, in this life i will never feel like a normal man and it's killing me, I feel like my parents don't wants me because I'm nothing, the man who can't makes a woman Pregnant and don't have normal pines and weaknesses muscles he don't deserve to be a live , i hate myself so much, i hate my body, i hate my small cock, i hate everything about this,, I can't get married to women i love because she will never understand I can't let her be mom,, my life end when I knew who I am,, how we can survive and how we can forget who we are when every time you look at your body you will remember this,, when i see normal guys get married to a girl they love and when i see their children and when you look at yourself in a mirror you will understand you are nothing,, hormone can't bring back your life,, its only something that reminds you who you are,,,, i only have one question do i will be normal in next life ? and what i will get as a gift to living with my body in this life
    • Posted

      I'm too lazy to be bothered with exercise anymore.  I'm closer to 60 than 50.  My daughter and her friends think I'm just right.  I don't need to care about fitting in with anybody.  I've been married and divorced, I've done it all.  Now I just sit back and admire the view.  rolleyes 
    • Posted

      Well there's lots to think about in that response.  You want to believe in god, feel free.  Having read its' biography I conclude  it must have been an idiot. 

      Anybody can be a father.  It's just a matter of will.  I have 2 children, I am a father, I'm also a damn good dad.  


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