Home life

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talking to lintz the SUBECT of home life came up. Ans sorry to all the  gentlemen out there, husbands, and by the sounds of you children. I feel lucky that I am retired and living in a bungalow with just my husband. I have a 92 yr old mum who generally looks after herself but I always

cook her Sunday dinner. She was so surprised that I had managed to do it tonight. I even managed a Yorkshire pudding! 

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    Hmmmm Home life....I feel like I have just retired, but am back to work tomoz night, it is hard to be married and get along but the last 8 weeks have been a breeze, next time is soon too for my left, and will gt more done than this time for sure...I cook too...will post a few more pics before leave the group.... Kindest regards Ian.
    • Posted

      Ian .... don't leave the group yet !!!!

      I so enjoy your postings ... you are a great guy ...  keep us ladies in check with your down to earth and practical advice ...

      have a wonderful day - 

      big hug


    • Posted

      Hi Renee thanks for the kind words, yes I am here for the duration...

      Pleased to be appreciated...Yes you are right not that many blokes here are there??? I have found the forum a great help and interesting to see just how different we all make our recoveries, all at a different pace. Not looking forward to work but have to go as do not have enough time off left now to get the left done in the allotted time frame, well these things are sent to try us all....wink

      KIndest regards Ian.++


  • Posted

    Hi Carol

    Still awake? I've just had  an hours sleep - did have 3 hours this afternoon but needed it as I was falling asleep at my desk!

    Sunday dinner sounds good - we had the fish pie with some spinach and peas

    It was lovely and as you say it is so easy to eat!

    We live in a bungalow too - son with us till October and then we shall be on our own again!

    hope you are feeling sleepy

    linda xx💞

  • Posted

    Computer crashed!

    when I listen to all your stories about how they all react it makes me realise mines not so bad. 

    What drove me mad was every time I moved he said can I get you something?  No I said I just need to move. 10 mins later I would move and it was can I do anything for you?  No! I just need to move. 

    "Where are you going NOW! Was what I heard often,  once explained though, the fact that I could not sit down for more than 10 minutes because I was so uncomfortable, the phrase turned into " you off again". But when I did need something at 3 in the morning, like an ice pack, and I couldn't face the pain of getting up, I would wake my husband and he would go and get it for me , he didn't mind one bit, glad to help, but I still felt guilty waking him up he was snoring again 5 mins later!  

    When he said he would kind,lying cook dinner I refuse because by the time I tell him where everything is, how much to use, how to use it, how long to cook it, how to use the oven, how to use the hob, it becomes quite stressful, so I cook dinner, do some exercises whilst I stand there peeling veg, and it stays calm. We have someone coming to stay next week. I will be getting lunch and dinner for us all. Feel I'm ok with that, but that will be my lot 

    but I agree with all you hippie women out there. Men are definitely from Mars!  They can't help it they just don't see what's needed like we do. That's why husbands make such good patients and women make such good carers.  Sorry to those men who are wonderful. 

    I phoned an old friend to come over for coffee. Havnt seen her in years. Something to look forward to

    wimbledon for me tomorrow, that's one thing I am enjoying about all of this I get to watch the tennis🎾🎾🎾🎾🎾🎾🎾🎾🎾

    so so good luck to you with all your kids and partners I am sure they think they are trying their best. 

    hope you are all somewhere comfortable 

    lots of love 


    • Posted

      Cannot grumble about my hubbie either really

      Never really cooked in our 44 years of marriage but started to learn a few months ago and has done some lovely meals both before I went in to hospital and after

      I was so knackered with the pain and working full time before that it was lovely to have a meal cooked for me

      I find men can only do one task at a time though -us women are like octopuses, several jobs on the go at once!(sorry guys)

      I am back to cooking now but he still helps

      hey, we are all different and we all love our families to bits don't we?

      linda xx💞

    • Posted

      Lovely post Carol. My hubby is doing so well getting the kids to school and football, dancing lessons etc. However, so far he has popped out to the shops for almost every meal, despite freezer and cupboards being stocked. He had a tendency to forget about me and then goes mad when I just try and get on with stuff myself. And don't get me started on bathroom. How can he not see my hair all over the floor which needs sweeping? Anyway, I'm only 1 week post op and just feeling constantly head achey and sickly so perhaps I'm just not very tolerant at the moment.

      Karen x

    • Posted

      hi karen .... it is annoying and you are not allowed to do much right now ... however, if it bothers you that much, get one of those sweepers ... long handle and static cloth ... be careful and watch your posture ... hold on to some thing - I live alone and couldn' t stand the crumbs etc on my tile floor -

      take it easy and do be gentle with your self ... 

      warm hug


    • Posted

      Thanks. I have got one of those and will end up getting my daughter to bring it up and do but I'm quite intrigued how long hubby will be willing to leave it in that mess lol. ......
    • Posted

      Interstingly, this morning my wife and I had a similar discussion, though around pet hair bring strewn around the floor. The dog is always leaving hair everywhere (and we have white tiles, what were we thinking...) but last night the cats (12 vs almost-1 years old) decided to have a go at each other. Hair clumps galore.  

      My wife, getting ready to leave the house, was about to get the hoover out when I asked what she was doing. Her reply 'can't you SEE the hair everywhere!?!'  was followed by my 'Yes, and I will get rid of it. Once you have left for work and the little one is up, because I'm not hoovering when she still sleeps'. 

      Men see quite a bit as well. You can trust me on that. We just don't always immediately ACT... Queue irritation triggers!

      Venus and Mars, oh yesh.. Very much so 😁

    • Posted

      Hee hee, that's just what my husband says. I was getting around to it, whereas I do everything straight away. It'd be boring if we were all the same and at the end of the day it's only hair lol. He is cooking for the first time in 17 years so I can't complain really.
    • Posted

      Cooking was already more my thing than hers 😊

      actually quite therapeutic to be hobbling about the kitchen figuring stuff out. With plenty time I got fairly creative 😁

    • Posted

      Lucky her!!

      how would it be the other way round!!?  

      Hope you're comfortable 


    • Posted

      Well according to her, it is somewhat un-fun as I can make yummy stuffz sometimes that are not so much dietary sound shall we say 😁

      So at times she curses me when she gets on the scales hahahaha!!

      Comfy I was alright... Slept like a log! We ditched the duvet and went with a sheet. Soooo much better in this weather!

    • Posted

      you sound too good to be true wink .... just saying .... in L.A. we call someone like you a "metro-man"  - which is a compliment when women say it ....

      have a great day ---


    • Posted

      Ha, worry not, I have my lapses as well 😊

      Think it has to do with the fact that when growing up, eventually my father wasn't able to work anymore, so a role reversal took place where he would take on the household and my mum went to work. Which then was strange, a man doing the household. Taught me as well as my brother though that there are no set tasks and all have to do their bit.

      But granted, at times it's a seriously conscious effort. And that too are the moments where slack occurs 😉

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