Lack of sleep is killing me
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Hi I have been diagnosed with Fibro and get the pain, twitches etc. I am loads of medication but the hardest part for me is the constant worry feeling and lack of sleep. I have tried everything to sleep but it isn't working. I feel so down and somedays so lonely with it all I know lack of sleep does not help. I walk with a crutch now I have other health issues to thanke to specialists who kept saying all I had was migraine I went on to have 2 mini strokes due to other health and for years i have asked have i got fibro to be told too young and now i am 44 they said yes. Please give advise on sleep and lonely feeling etc the list goes on kim
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hope4cure kimhawkstone39
Mind u as life changes so do our expectations of professionals. There are always the few that can tolerate a patient who does not genuinely respond to treatment. Some do listen some do not.finding a physician who will take on a challenge and work with u is imperative. As u dr. This.. Make it clear that u r willing to follow instructions ...meds report back if they do not help. This is critical in UR treatment to have a physician who can treat u and u feel confidence in the treatment...
FM is a total body issue mind and physical treatment goes hand in hand. Ask for PT.
These specialists can help u get UR legs back & UR confidence. Depression must be treated and UR dr can refer u to a good physic therapist to help with UR outlook, accept UR limitations and find a place of comfort within urself.
these three treatment plans work hand in hand over a few weeks UR outlook will rise up.. U will begin to regain confidence and relearn how to do things every day things.
And the meds for a good nights sleep temporarily will free u to the core to begin to live again. A whole full life in different strokes and with enthusiasm that this too will pass.. Using time every day to accept UR limitations and trust urself and knowing UR treatment will work to give u peace, living to the best u can with all the happiness and freedom knowing u r doing better and u r determined to respond to treatment . Keeping a journal on good days and bad days will help with UR treatment program..
shelagh6 kimhawkstone39
the sleep issue is nasty, try to change your nighttime routine, maybe read a book before bed? Try not to spend time through the day in bed, only go to bed at night. I turned 60 this year, can't believe it I still feel young mentally. I was diagnosed by an excellent Rheumatoligist a long time ago but probably had fm longer than that. Various doctors have been supportive although one wasn't at all. .
You don't say what meds you are on, have you got or had Amitryptiline? That should help with sleep as well as pain. My latest attempt at a good nights sleep is a negative ion bracelet, it works, that surprised me but I also bought one for my husband and he is sleeping better too.. I should say my husband is 43, a chef, in reasonably good health but hasn't been sleeping too well.
Lastly, have you been referred to a Rheumatoligist? This is a must! I don't know whether you are in the UK or somewhere else and if in the UK whereabouts, if you are near me I can recommend a Rheumatoligst. I've also discovered there are support groups in the UK, I haven't been to one but am thinking about going now I've retired and have some spare time.
Anything you think I can help with please feel free to message me.
All the best Kim, you are not alone.
kimhawkstone39 shelagh6
shelagh6 kimhawkstone39
I hope you find ways of coping too. Feel free to message me any time, I may not answer immediately but will eventually.
tiswas24537 shelagh6
i try to watch a lot of comedy because i love to laugh and i love a full range comedy ,stand up , vintage, sitcomes. thank god i do have that laughter gene if i didnt i think with the amount of pain i have been in at times i think i would have gone mad
shelagh6 tiswas24537
its funny with this falling over thing it seems to go in slow motion and I can't do anything to stop it, seeing the doc tomorow. It did occur to me it might be an ear thing as I'm going deaf too! Falling apart!
My husband is fantastic, he does all the cooking, he's a chef, he will usually be happy to do anything I ask unless he's really tired but then I wouldn't ask anyway.
Laugh all the way!
kimhawkstone39 shelagh6
kimhawkstone39 shelagh6
tiswas24537 kimhawkstone39
because the worst of my pain was in my upper back , ,
since iv been using my pain oil. rhemotiod rapid relief oil. and magnesium oil both easly available on the net , i sleep more, because i have less pain , if you can get in to a bath, buy some magneisum bath flakes add to bath and soak in it it will help you sleep.
works a treat .to relaxyour muscles .or buy a spray on magneisum oil and rub it in to your worst areas to relax your linmbs you will sleep i always do ,
i wish i had kept it up the first time i tried it, but i was looking for a magic pill to make it all go away, so i spent a fortune trying other things only to come back to using magnesium
, and the new product. pain oil that i found . DONT FORGET if you feel a lone in the night and the pain is driving you mad , the samertians are always there, they cant do much but sometimes just knowing someones there to talk to is enough to get you thru .hope iv been of some help
kimhawkstone39 tiswas24537
hope4cure kimhawkstone39
PT teaches ways to build muscle and tendon strength to support the back and body core. Slowly stared this in baby steps. Now I can do more than I could in years.
Maybe helped u too! I glass of Chocovine at night is a good relaxer with those tight muscles and disc issues. L-4& L-5 are fused. Arthritis , spires and spondylitis...with scoleosis of the spine.. YIKES SOUNDS crazy I guess when I was younger I thought I was invicidable.
Now just trying to stay mobile...
(( hugs))
shelagh6 hope4cure
i know what you mean about being invincible, I used to teach horse riding and bought problem horses, sorted the problems then sold them on, I had a lot of broken bones from various riding accidents. I'm pretty sure, if my mum was still around she'd say 'I told you this would happen but you wouldn't listen'.
all the best,
kimhawkstone39 hope4cure
shelagh6 kimhawkstone39
I'll try the oils too, thanks for the suggestion! Must admit I have phoned the Samaritans a couple of times in the middle of the night but they were only interested if I was contemplating suicide!
tiswas24537 shelagh6
hope4cure tiswas24537
I appreciate all UR contributions..I like u have struggled with this until I could stand on my head and spitt rubber nickels and no one still understands.
(( hugs))
tiswas24537 hope4cure
i have a perment tickley cough which drives me , my skin blisters easy
and the sweating , so although iv got for the moment a handle on the pain ,allowing me to sleep , better , thats about it i still have the other problems , talk about a 101 dalmations , this condition seems to have a 101 symptoms
tiswas24537 hope4cure
i have a perment tickley cough which drives me , my skin blisters easy
and the sweating , so although iv got for the moment a handle on the pain ,allowing me to sleep , better , thats about it i still have the other problems , talk about a 101 dalmations , this condition seems to have a 101 symptoms
hope4cure tiswas24537