Lack of sleep is killing me
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Hi I have been diagnosed with Fibro and get the pain, twitches etc. I am loads of medication but the hardest part for me is the constant worry feeling and lack of sleep. I have tried everything to sleep but it isn't working. I feel so down and somedays so lonely with it all I know lack of sleep does not help. I walk with a crutch now I have other health issues to thanke to specialists who kept saying all I had was migraine I went on to have 2 mini strokes due to other health and for years i have asked have i got fibro to be told too young and now i am 44 they said yes. Please give advise on sleep and lonely feeling etc the list goes on kim
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Flowerlady kimhawkstone39
hope4cure Flowerlady
I hear u with UR struggles with FM.. I have tried meds. Some made me sick. Others created more health issue or I had allergies. The rhumey wants to now pot me on a bio drug Humira I also have psoriatic arthritis. Both diseases are considered auto immune disease. I just wandered if any one has tried any bio drugs. I will not try any just don't feel they help enough or that the newer one have not been on the market long enough.
have u tried MOBIC it can supress the immune system it's considered a DEMARD.
kimhawkstone39 hope4cure