tkr 27 days. who massages their scar?

Posted , 12 users are following.

Hello all. I was wondering about scar massage. Does anyone do this? I have to admit to being very squeamish about touching my scar or in fact anywhere on my knee. The physio suggested massage with cream or oil. Does anyone do this? Thanks

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25 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi sally

    I massage twice a day with bio oil. At first i was gentle. Now at almost 9 weeks I'm quite firm and massage all the knee and surrounding tissues. I found my knee felt much looser and comfortable afterwards. 

    It will help break down scar tissue and reduce muscle spasms. 

    Suzi 8+5

  • Posted

    Hi Sally.  Yes, I regulalrly massagex my scar.  Started with BioOil but found that stung for some reason.  Moved onto Palmers Cocoa Butter.  Hated doing it though as it was so sensitive.  Physio explained it helps flatten scar, but also helps with nerve reconnection.

    Hope this helps.

    Lynn 28 weeks post op

  • Posted

    I didn't cream my scar until it was entirely scab free then have been gently massaging with E45 cream. 😊 
  • Posted

    It's a good thing to do to break down the scar tissue under the wound and help to promote blood flow bringing in good nutrients into the area. There is a good video on YouTube which will show you how. 
  • Posted

    I have one side more sensitive than the other & hate touching it, but the physio explained massaging it (& she said don't be gentle!) will de-sensitise it. I bought Q45 face cream from Aldi, & sit & massage it at least 4 times a day - the knee is lovely & smooth!! I figured if it was good enough for faces, it couldn't harm the knee! It's only £1.49 - so it doesn't matter if you get through a few tubes! I also started on bio-oil 1st thing in the morning & last thing at night when the staple scabs had all gone, & the result is excellent - just wish the flipping thing would bend better - hey-ho - at least it looks good!
    • Posted

      I have the same problem Veronica. Massage loads but it still won't bend and is do tight in the morning.   Mine looks good too!
  • Posted

    Hi in the early days I was told by my physio to use E45 cream and massage gently 

    now I use bio oil or baby oil it's just to loosen up the scar tissue underneath the scar 


  • Posted

    I hope this helps to show why we need to break down the scar tissue
    • Posted

      It's the same for the tissue around the wound
    • Posted

      Hi Soobeedoo

      I have a hilarious cartoon I'd like to post on your. "Weight loss post" but don't know how. 

      How did you post your illustrations on scar tissue?

      I can take a photo of it with my iPhone but don't have an email address to send it to. I need to know how to send it to the post.


    • Posted

      If you have a copy of the picture in your gallery on your I phone all you have to do is go to make a reply like you just did. In the top right hand corner you see a series of icons  the last one looks like mountains with a sun in the sky.

      press that one  and press from 'choose already existing' then that should go into your gallery.


  • Posted

    Thanks everyone for your helpful replies. I will make a start on it. I have two tiny spots on the scar that are still scabby and there are little spots of glue as i had no staples or external stitches. However the glue did leave quite hard little scabs so they could do with softening. Thanks again.
    • Posted

      I as told to rub upwards on scar to get rid of scabs, mine went wyute quickly and I have never had dry skin form on the scar. Mind you I always moisturised before the operation and I think it helped.

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