tkr 27 days. who massages their scar?

Posted , 12 users are following.

Hello all. I was wondering about scar massage. Does anyone do this? I have to admit to being very squeamish about touching my scar or in fact anywhere on my knee. The physio suggested massage with cream or oil. Does anyone do this? Thanks

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25 Replies

  • Posted

    Dear Sally

    i have been massaging my scar and I think it made a difference.

    Happy New year!!!

  • Posted

    Hi Sally, I am 3 weeks post left TKR and I am massaging a product called Bio oil into my scar as it is supposed to reduce scaring. I do have a numb patch which feels like I have been to the dentists and this feels funny when I massage it but other than that no problems.
    • Posted

      Well i plucked up the courage to touch my scar and it wasn't as bad as i thought. I will start massaging and see how it goes!!

    • Posted

      I know how you feel I was exactly the same. I didn't even want to look at mine when they changed dressing in hospital.  The massaging gets easier though end now I don't think about it? I am nearly six weeks post op.   Wish I could get more bend though😔
  • Posted

    My PT has massaged my scar from day one that I started seeing her.  She told me to do the same at home.  It helps to release scar tissue.  My knee felt "lumpy" under the incision site and it now has smoothed out.
  • Posted

    My physio started massaging my scar from the first time I saw him (end of week 2). He was not gentle and I could feel things pulling and popping in there. He said that was exactly what was needed. At home I started massaging with coconut oil and a couple of drops of arnica essence. I do it twice a day and I try to really push it around. My surgeon also said that I needed to push the kneecap back and forth.

    There used to be a really big lump of tissue that I could feel under the scar and I think that is getting smaller.

    • Posted

      You are lucky your physio sounds goid. I have been three times yo mine and all she died is tell me how I should be walking. I do a few knee clenches and lifts. She told me last time my bend wasn't how It should be and that next time I will go on the bike.  Also she was surprised I was still using crutches. I asked her about scar and she just said massage It upwards and outwards.  I am only ther sbout ten minutes. 
    • Posted

      Oh gosh there is just SO much variability with patient care. I was at the physio today for an hour - first he put on hot pads, then massaged the knee with weight forcing it to bend as he massaged, then he forced more stretch out of it (by pulling down - OUCH). We did disagree at that point on just how long 20 seconds really is smile Then he put me on my stomache and massaged the back of the knee and the leg for a long time. He said the muscles had shortened on one side and he was attemping to lengthen them (ouch again). Then another heat pad and my leg hanging off the table for 10 mins to reinforce the straightening. I left there feeling like I'd been in a war, but wow, 105!!!!!
  • Posted

    Hi Sally! I've been massaging Bio oil and E45 cream twice a day at least into my scar since it healed. As others have said, the massaging helps break down scar tissue and de sensitises the nerves, plus it helps improve the look of it! 😄

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