'Degrees' of GCA ?
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Hello all and attention Eileen if you are about I'd really particularly appreciate your comments.
As I have mentioned on this forum recently I was 'diagnosed' about 6 weeks ago with PMR - or rather I informed my GP that I hade researched the symptoms I had for months beforehand and realised that was what I had. On an initally rather high dose of pred just for PMR - but only for 3 days (50mg) then down now to 16.5 after quite a fast taper I know but OK on this re managing the PMR symptoms - and this is still higher than some intial starting doses.
All through this I have also had what I thought was an allergenic response to native profusely flowering eucalypts - which happens to some extent most years but worse this year when they have flowered in an exceptional way. This amounted mainly to an aching face and sinuses around the eyes and cheekbones and bridge of nose and a feeling of constriction or small throbs around my head. I took antihistamines which seemed to help but not complete relief.
My question (sorry to ramble) is - could this possibly be a mild 'degree' of GCA? - I have realised reading contributions here from Eileen and some very informed people that GCA isn't necessarily a 'black and white' thing and can emerge well after PMR is diagnosed. Thing is I have none of the major symptoms of a very sore or senstitive scalp, no jaw or chewing pain, or double vision - although I notice a very minute blueish spot occasionally flashes into the edge of my eyes every now and again. So if I just keep tapering down and some 'degree' of GCA is hovering in the background am I right to think it is likely to become more pronounced over time ? Obviously I don't want to play 'russian roulette' with my eyesight but I just don't want to take more pred in case when there isn't any definitive evidence (as yet) I should do so. I also realise 'diagnosis' of GCA is more complicated when you have been taking pred for a while.
I have 'avoided' any specialist intervention to this point as I decided to stick with managing this myself with just my local GP who has been helpful and agreeable re tapering and the information I have shared with him from this forum.
Any comments appreciated.
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constance.de Rimmy
Hallo! The flashing light sounds more like a detached/damaged rettina. I'd go and see a good eye doctor before I did anything else. He may also check for GCA.
Rimmy constance.de
EileenH Rimmy
Is it a flashing light or just a blob floating past? If it is the latter it is probably a floater. An appointment with an ophthalmologist will answer that - no idea how your system works, here I would have to go to the hospital to an eye specialist, in the UK I could go to an optician/optometrist who can do all the required examnations.
Otherwise - I really don't know. None of that really sounds like GCA and if it were then the high dose you started with should have sent it away which it sounds as if it didn't? Although - if it is an allergy then normally those sort of doses of pred should help that too.
Has the GP commented on the sinus problem? There are other forms of vasculitis that involve sinuses - I don't know if that might be relevant.
Rimmy EileenH
Thanks Eileen - I can probably get a basic check through an optician here as well - I did already have a few floaters from vitreous detachment awhile ago - I virtually don't even 'see' those anymore. This is a very minute ephemeral impression of a small 'blue' spot but I will get it checked to be on the safe side as possibly could relate to a retinal issue as someone else mentioned. I am probably just being over-cautious about the possible GCA relationship as yes my symptoms don't really seem to fit those of others I have read about here who developed GCA. My GP just suggested anithistamine for allergy which does somewhat diminsh the feeling of pressure in my face. I will also try to find out more about vasculitis and sinusitis.
Thanks for taking the time
EileenH Rimmy
Rimmy EileenH
Thanks Eileen - I am very sure this isn't an 'infection' - never any indications of congestion (even clear) at all - just pressure and tenderness around sinus areas.
I appreciate you thinking of that though - like most of us sometimes the most 'obvious' thing eludes us
EileenH Rimmy
barbara01521 Rimmy
Rimmy barbara01521