"mild" appendicitis

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Hi all,

I'm looking for some reassurance that my treatment is the norm (I'm not in the UK). Last Monday I had a pain in my abdomen which developed in intensity over a period of 12 hours, I was also sick on several occasions and feeling nauseous. I phoned the on call GP who suggested an antispasmodic, which did nothing, the pain increased and my husband took me to A&E, where I was given pethidine. The first dose didn't touch the pain but following the second it subsided. The surgeons had a look and advised me I had an infection of some kind but they didn't think it was serious so they sent me home with antibiotics. I went back to work on the wednesday and during my back to work interview I mentioned that I was still feeling nauseous and dizzy so my boss told me to go see my own GP, who in turn sent me straight back to the surgeons. They started IV antibiotics, and the ultrasound showed a 'thickening' of my appendix. I was then subjected to 4 days in hospital on IV antibiotics for appendicitis, but they didn't remove the appendix. I was then discharged with a further 4 days of oral antibiotics.

The pain was only ever intense on Monday, since then I have been aware that it is tender and I get the odd sharp pain in my lower right abdomen but it is just a niggle, but it is still there despite all the antibiotics. I was told that they now treat appendicitis with antibiotics in the first instance if they can.....is this true? I have a BMI of 33 and I am concerned that the whole truth is not being discussed and my weight may be the reason that they haven't rushed into emergency surgery (which is fine with me but would like to have been told) especially as a much younger (thinner) girl came in with exactly the same symptoms as me (we discussed it between ourselves) while I was in and they whipped her appendix out in a day, she ended up with a much shorter stay. There is also potential that the surgeon wanted to save face as he had said on Monday that it wasn't my appendix so for my GP to send me in 2 days later and it turn out to be my appendix makes me wonder....(possibly fueled by the fact that I really didn't like him much). I am also obviously concerned that by leaving it in they have left me at a much greater risk of a perforated appendix.

Thanks any reassurance or advice will be gratefully received.

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3 Replies

  • Posted

    When you finish this lot of Antibiotics go and see your GP as you might need some more,, for the next few weeks it might be worth keeping a bag packed with the things you may need for another (hopefully short) stay in Hospital cheesygrin
  • Posted

    In a similar situation myself in the UK, mid sixties and 'Obese'. I was admitted one day after being sent home from A & E with a ruptured appendix. Extremely ill for a couple of days and I do not remember much apart from being on intravenous antibiotics and Morphine.

    Had an MRI Scan which confirmed appendix had ruptured and an 'absess sac' had formed around appendix and ovaries and tubes. Kept on iv antibiotics for 7 days, then discharged with morphine and oral antibiotics.

    Upon discharge was told by my surgeon that I would have an appointment in about 4/6 weeks to fix a date for removal of this 'mass'.

    However, although I still have some 'niggly' pain, upon reporting for my appointment, saw a Registrar who said they would not be removing the mass, instead, I am to carry my discharge papers with me at all times until (if) it turns into an absess (which I understand is highly likely) so that there will be no delay in removal treatment!!

    So now I feel like a ticking time bomb! I love foreign travel but on speaking to my insurers I would not be covered for this 'now' reported prior condition, so I am grounded near home forever, not the way I wished to spend my final years!

  • Posted

    Hiya, I was in a similar situation, I'm in the UK and am 20. Last November I was diagnosed with appendicitis after going to my GP with severe abdomen pains and stayed in hospital for a few nights for 'observation' they gave me antibiotics and pain killers and discharged me.

    Since then I've continued to have pain in the same area but put it down to being paranoid that it'd be my appendix again.

    It came to a head for me last Sunday when I was rushed to A&E with the same symptoms such as nausea, pain in my side and feeling out of it. I collapsed in A&E and was taken down to the assessment ward where they again diagnosed appendicitis, and the surgeon decided to take it out in emergency surgery. When I came round after the surgery I couldn't believe how much better I felt, as I too was scared of it bursting.

    If your pain carries on go back to your GP even if it isn't as severe and ask them to refer you to have it taken out, for me i wish they'd have taken mine out last year!

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