"Visual" migraines

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I am now getting "visual" migraines (zig zags, can't focus - lasts for about 30 mins then I am totally off for the rest of the day).  I have gotten them before but not too often.  A couple of years back I had stage early stage breast cancer (DCIS), lumpectomy, radiation and put on Tamoxifen.  When taking the Tamoxifen I was getting these migraines all the time - lost vision in one eye - had MRI etc., Oncologist and Neurologist decided it was the Tamoxifen and took me off.  2 years no migraines.  Well they have started again.  It started in July like once a week - August 2x (no period in August) September 4x (3 day period) October 6x (no period).  Now I get them every other day.  It’s starting to scare the SH*T OUT OF ME.  Anxiety is soooo bad.

Any suggestions?????????

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    hi.  have you had your hormones checked.  I had migraine (not visual ones though) for four years, increasing month by month.  I know now that my progesterone levels must have been low being in perimenopause and now that hormones have settled (not fully) I have had no further migraines.  I would have hormones levels checked because low progesterone might be the problem.  If you look up low progesterone and migraine online you will find some articles on it.  You may just need progesterone to stop them.  Just a suggestion.
  • Posted

    I get those..And I often will fill drained afterwards.. I'm 48 and going through perimenopause. It's scarey..

  • Posted

    I agree with Metamorphed's idea of getting your hormones checked.  But my thought is that you need to check your estradiol level.  If I'm not mistaken, Tamoxifen is an estrogen blocker, and you had migraines while taking it (all the time).  So now that you are producing low enough levels of esradiol not to produce a regular, normal period, here you go again with the migraines.  (that makes sense right?)   

       Seems to me your body rebels big time with low, to no, estradiol.  That's where I'd start.  

  • Posted

    I have been experiencing what I call sharp vision that gives me a slight headache, it hurts my eyes too look at anything and causes my anxieties to go sky high. I started taking my anxiety meds when I get these episodes and they stop all the symptoms within 5 mins.
    • Posted

      Hi unico,

      I've experienced what you call sharp vision, which does bring on a slight headache, I do wear eye glasses, when I get these episodes, I usually remove my lenses, and the strain in my eyes goes away.

      I also think stress brings it on for me.

      Take care.

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