1 month into sertraline

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​Im 18 years old, Im 1 month into sertraline. the first week or two was horrid i couldnt eat and i just cried! I suffered with general anxiety, but on the 3rd week I started getting anxious with going outside. has anyone else had this problem and how long did it take to go? Its affecting my relationship and I barely see my friends anymore. I'm not really eating much either which doesnt help. I'm only on 50mg. Does anyone know if its normal to suffer some social anxiety 1 month into tablets??

​Any help would be great.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Katie

    Big hugs! You are not alone! Yeah, these are the side effects i'm afraid but it does get better. I was like you when I started on this drug, I have been on 50mg since December and I pretty much went through what you are experiencing. If the anxiety is still getting to you I would go and see your Doctor for advice. How are you sleeping? It does get better over time.

    Keep your chin up!

    James x

    • Posted


      ​My sleeping is fine! Ive never had a problem with sleeping, ive always had a bad pattern which doesnt help probably.

      ​The thought of leaving my comfort zone or the house makes me feel nervous and i never used to be like this, used to love going out and hated staying in! I've got the doctors tomorrow so i'll speak to them. Its more social anxiety now just feel tired and groggy and never want to do anything! Some days I can see the light and days like today I dont want to do anything! How long does this last? Really want to get back out there, having interviews for jobs and not being able to go is frustrating!

      ​thanks for the reply, appreicate it xx

  • Posted

    I know what you mean about bad sleeping cycles. I have turned into a night owl and sleep on and off during the day. It's a nightmare at the moment. Feeling very tired but I am not if you know what I mean. I think the anxiety is part of the medication. I get some episodes which can last me a little while. I too suffer more when I am out of the house. Talk about the sweats, butterflies (mutant I might add) in the tum and slight shakes. I manged to get some valium off the doctor for when it's really too much. I did get sleeping pills but I don't want to get hooked to them. I guess the anxiety will come  and go but who knows when it kicks in... good days and bad days I guess. I feel for you. I am going back to work next week after being off since the beginning of December. Dreading it, but I just have to bite the bullet and see what happens. Take care and good luck tomorrow with your Doctor.
    • Posted

      Yeah Im hoping it just passes. Been offered a great job 9-5 monday to friday, what i've been looking for. Feel like my anxiety will let me down. People say its mind over matter but its harder than that. Especially when my boyfriend is at work all day and my family dont really understand about my anxiety which makes things worse. It's nice to know Im not alone though smile.

      I hope everything goes well with your job!

    • Posted

      I know what you mean about families... I was at my folks and I was hit with an anxiety wave which was crazy as I wasn't even thinking about anything, My mum just told me to get a grip of myself... couldn't believe she said that. I sort of said, how would you like me to get a grip with sweat pouring off me... she was just scared for me. One thing I have noticed since I was diagnosed with a mental health issue.. some people don't know how to handle you. I am quite shocked by it.
    • Posted

      Hi James you are correct about people not being able to handle it. I think it is more of an embarrassment issue for the older generation and anyone who has not been through it will never understand. Unfortunately it is still a bit of a hidden topic that a lot of people don't like to talk about, this makes the situation worse as people then think it's not normal when actually more people go through it than you would ever imagine. If you tell people it can be surprising the amount of people than come back and say 'me too' as it has happened at some point in their life. I had the same sort of response you got from your Mum as I got from my Brother, my Dad reckons he was possibly embarrassed and that is why he reacted the way he did and I tend to agree. Katie in regard to your post I did find this happening at the beginning f taking the medication and when I did go out I felt sort if spaced out and like I didn't belong, try to keep going out but focus on other things, easier said than done I know, but this feeling will pass.
    • Posted

      Yeah it's a spaced out sort of feeling, not very pleasant. I was shocked about how my boyfriend and his parents reacted to my anxiety, I suppose they dont understand it because It's not there problem.

      Just hope I see some improvements as I really need to get back out there I'm only 18 years old i want to be out enjoying myself not in the house worrying about everything and feeling as if im holding my boyfriend back. I get shocked sometimes at how much he doesnt understand!

      Thank you for responding to me anyway x

    • Posted

      Couldnt even go to the doctors, friend was going to walk with me but she had a meltdown of her own and didnt want to walk by myself as I have no phone either, well i didnt at the time.

      ​felt like id let myself down as im going another day without my tablets but cant imagine 2 days making a massive difference, however i did manage to walk into town with my boyfriends mother and i felt ok. I guess its one of them things, always feeling like im a waste of space because i have no confidence to do anything.

      ​Ill get there, baby steps smile

    • Posted

      Hi Katie that is exactly what it is, baby steps, that is what I said at the beginning. My friends had to drag me out but I also forced myself to keep my mind occupied with other things so I didn't ponder too much. I had a month off work at the beginning and thought I would never feel better again in my life, so many times I felt like throwing the towel in and stopping the meds. I took one day at a time and each day looked at it that I was a day nearer to being normal again. I started to get onto an even keel at about 4weeks and then just kept getting stronger from there. I'm not over3months in and back to normal. Stay strong and positive, you will get there

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