10 Days late and spotting Help!
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Hello lovely ladies. I wrote a post last week about being late for Af. Im 41 was still getting a normal period but shorter and heavier. Well my period was due on the 4th of April and never showed. I was worried of course took 3 diffrent pregger test all negative so I know i am not. Been havng crazy symptoms since being late including extreme anxiety. Well all day yesterday felt like my period was coming bad headache heart palps very uncomfortable. I used restroom right before bed and when i wiped there was alot of brown discharge . I was like YESS!! Figurng i would wake up to a full flow but today still brown only lighter. Have any of you experienced this? Should my period be starting or should i be concerned? Any and all advice would be appreciated.
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pinkcatfairy renee61138
Dear renee
One of my first symptoms was spotting which would go on for weeks! I had a transvaginal ultrasound just to check everything but all was well
ruth24048 renee61138
My periods changed to brown discharge/spotting a few days before a proper but lighter bleed. i dont think its anything to worry about, just your hormones changing.
shylee renee61138
hi renee,
its a normal process of going through Peri.. it goes on and off like that i guess until it completely stops. I'm not at the full meno stage I'm still in the full blown crazystage but, for me HRT has helped though lots of ladies resist and i dont blame them. It hasn't helped with the cycle but the symptoms. Its frustrating but its just a take it a day at a time thing and remember to do nice things for yourself.
renee61138 shylee
Thanks love. It feels like my period is coming but just smears of brown discharge. And im freezing cold today even though its not cold. I have no idea. Between feeling slightly dizzy gassy anxious and now freezing i wish it would just come.
sabrina1971 renee61138
Like others have said this sounds pretty normal. I went through a few years of this and it certainly was a rollercoaster! Hold on tight! 😃
kelly55079 renee61138
I was late in December and I believe it was due to stress. This last year this period thing is just odd. I never had any issues when I was younger-- no cramps no nothing--it came and went. But now I'm getting everything and it takes about 2 weeks beginning to end.. I eat like a horse for about 3 days, then moody with rage, exhaustion, boobs are tender and full, left side achy may be heart palps, bottoms of my feet hurt with knee pain-- this is all about 5/6 days then I spot about a day or two WAITING for this flood. which is another 3 days. IDK--- whenever I speak to the Dr (they ask and I tell), this is all normal and due to this estrogen drop. She also advises to exercise, eat healthy and to to gain weight because often times the weight just piles on.
NOT gain weight.
kim93615 renee61138
Hi, Renee
I went through the same thing went to the and she told me Iam periomenpause.