10 Days on mirtazapine 15mg and would like to come off

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Hey everyone, new to this site. I’ve been on mirtazapine 15mg for about 10 days now. And I feel I need to come off it after hearing all these horrible symptoms of withdrawal. It actually helps me sleep but I’m afraid of it affecting my eyes.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes I came off cold turkey after 8 weeks on 15mg as dr said to up it to 30 which I did for 2 days but it was hopeless couldnt sleep at all so stopped it. It affects our body and mind and is an awful drug. So glad I stopped when I did.


    • Posted

      Wow, Allison! Thats great, hope you are doing well.
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      thanks Gretel  it takes time especially at age 78!!!
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       Sorry to hear about your horrible experience. I had a pretty vivid dream last night that King Kong was chasing me. It was so real ,  ....Very vivid like I was in a movie. I haven’t had bpeel  issues yet.

      s , I just can’t see myself being all this for the rest of my life ,seems like everybody is trying to get off it.

         Do you think after using it for 11 dayS

       I could cut it in half and take 7.5 mg for a week or so and then cut that in half to taper off or just cold turkey?

  • Posted

    I've been on and off it 3 times, although it does make your eyes blurry I've been seen by a specialist and the nerves are fine, this last time I only took mirtazapine 7 days and I'm having terrible withdrawal but the first 2 times I was on them years and had hardly any withdrawal, it's a lottery to be honest and I really don't think these should be prescribed for anything other than severe depression 

    • Posted

      Why did you not just stay on It? I am also new to mirt. And a lot of people seem to start and stop this drug and then start again. So i am now confused. I have just been on it for 14days 15mg. For anxiety and panick. I had no trouble sleeping. I am now tired most of the time. But it has improved over the days.
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      Hi pat, I didn't stay on it as was only put on it for steriod psychosis caused by the hospital I wasn't anxious before that

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      Hi pat

      i don't think it's a case of people willingly starting and stopping it seems to me the 1st few wks on it you feel better as it takes a while for it to build up in your body.. I was put on it 16months ago started on 15mg and was worked up to 45 mg over period of 4months .i was fine at the start of it then anixety hit me which I never suffered before in my life , from minute I woke up in mornings inside my body felt like my nervous system was having a disco so I was took of 45mg overnight and changed to new antidepressants..(I knew nothing about mirtazapine or the withdrawals of it) 5 days into the new antidepressants I felt worse so doc thought it was reactions to new 1, was give another new 1 still didn't help that run on for wks and I was becoming more ill so I  need bk on mirtazapine 15mg which settled me down for a while then doc upped me to 30mg after days on it I thought I was losing my mind.. was dropped bk down to 15mg again and all the horrific feelings came back( was only then I looked mirtazapine up and found this site... so it was withdrawls from mirtazapine that was causing all the problems and NOT the new antidepressants 

      my doc and physc still say there is no withdrawals!!!!

      what a joke I've been through hell over last 16months..

      i know mirtazapine works for some with out causing and problems 

      i for sure wasn't 1 of the ones they worked for,

      im glad to say I'm off mirtazapine 3months now and il never ever pop a pill in my month again with out researching about it


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      I believe 15mg is customarily used to treat sleep issues. Mirt is most sedating at that dose. Maybe why you are lethargic. Higher doses are routinely used for anxiety and depression. Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      Thanks For your input. That was one thing I was afraid of is the vision,

      I already have one lazy eye and one good eye. I’m kind of afraid to come off of it . because it does help me sleep and I told the doctor that was one of my issues with my anxiety was not getting enough sleep. It didn’t take but two seconds to prescribe mirtazapine for me to get me out of the office, and onto the next person

      Since I’ve only been on it for 11 days, I’m wondering if I should taper or cold turkey before I get too deep and dependent ?

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