10 years and still counting...
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Anyone back to a new or old normal and symptom free after a LONG journey of peri thru post menopause without using HRT, bio-identicals or any drugs? No more anxiety, dizziness, or any of the 66 symptoms. Like truly ended where you finally feel like 'yourself'. Would love to hear from you. This is the ride I never expected!
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sharPharmD jamie53221
lesley26791 jamie53221
Hi, I've been through peri and menopause. Started pretty much as soon as I had my son. I was 35 when I had him. I'm now 50. I had every symptom except my fingernails remained strong!! Still have hot flushes, just not as frequently. I would say the symptoms were at their worst between 39 and 48. I am a migraine sufferer and for most of my adult life haven't been able to eat fruit, cheese, eggs etc. I eat all now, particularly the fruit side of things. I really think diet, exercise and positive thought helps. I've done all throughout my life but the diet side was about cutting carbs, sugar, drinking plenty of water and ensuring I wasn't eating too much chocolate. I upped the exercise, although again I found for several years everything seemed to hurt and whilst sometimes it still does, I try to remain positive and think the next run I'll be able to go further or cycle harder - spinning has been great for not hurting joints. I feel like I'm coming out the other side. Not sure I will truly be back to 'normal' but am definitely improved and nearly back to my old self. Sleep is very important and a strict routine works. Had insomnia for a long 9 months. That was hell, but removed any possible distractions, diet and again exercise sorted that. Felt quite low and angry for many years. All of the above helped and positive thoughts. Now the world doesn't seem so frightening, as it had done for a while. Try to be rational about things. Still anxious, but not all the time! Hope some of this helps. Xx
Lotti1966 lesley26791
Hi Lesley,
You've been through menopause at 50? Wow that was early! When did your periods stop? Just curious.
lesley26791 Lotti1966
Mars777 jamie53221
Hi Jamie. I'm not sure if any of us who has had all these symptoms thru peri to post meno will ever feel back to Normal , I have been on HRT for past 7 years now. Had to come off them due to anaesthetic .. not good! Back on them again feel great! Friends of mine who sailed thru it all, are the only people I know who feel normal?,
Highlands51 jamie53221
Hi Jamie,
?So pleased to read about your experience without HRT too, this gives me hope! I am 3 years into menopause, and feel that some of the symptoms are subsiding such as dizziness. Although I have experimented with patches, low dose variety, just very wary, and did not give things enough time, however thyroid did appear to be affected when using oral/transdermal oestrogens. Only thing that helped to a degree was progesterone cream, anxiety, lack of concentration all vanished.
?BUT I hope that one day I too will emerge from this dark period and hopefully feel like me again!
?It's depression that's my problem at present, but I do try to remain positive.
?Lesley Menopause is not age conscious thing, any age, 45/50. So not surprised. However your approach is similar to mine, it really does help. Cycling up hills and dancing!
Good for you!
?I hope for your outcome Jamie, excellent stuff and long may it continue!
jamie53221 Highlands51
What a nice, upbeat response! Ahhhh YES depression. Does that ever suck. One of the symptoms I find the most troubling during this passage. I'll read your post again to give me faith
jamie53221 Highlands51
What a nice, upbeat response! Ahhhh YES depression. Does that ever suck. One of the symptoms I find the most troubling during this passage. I'll read your post again to give me faith
Highlands51 jamie53221
Many thanks Jamie, I know how you are feel, but sounds like you're doing well!, don't let depression get the better of you!. I say this, but I know only too well it's difficult some days. Getting through without HRT surely has to be a good thing, diet and exercise, really a change of life style can help enormously. I just never really wanted to be reliant on HRT. Though ?I know that for many ladies it's probably been a life saving, understatement. I have no wish to cause upset amongst those taking HRT, each to their own.
??I just hope that like yourself I can do without it, that's just me too.
Try to keep positive feeling, it's just another phase, I do believe that we can get through this too!
?Big HUG!