100mg starting dose sertraline
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I recently restarted on sertraline after my anxiety symptoms made a fierce comeback. I had some left over and without thinking restarted taking it at 100mgs for 2 days before seeing a doctor, who put me down to 50mgs. I'm really worried that it has damaged me as I no longer can feel feelings and my head feels really distant and unconnected to things. It also feels full of cotton wool and my memory is really poor. My anxiety has gone but im left feeling unfunctionable in the real world. I've tried other antidepressants but to no effect so far. I'm currently on mirtazapine and my psychiatrist is looking to start me on other things. Can sertraline do all of this?
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Phil1980 ellen08436
How long have you been taking them now ? I’m 4 weeks today on 50mg - anxiety attacks are gone but low mood, lack of interest, intrusive uncontrollable thoughts and worry of never feeling normal all remain. These things are known for side effects but good results if you are patient - I’m a lot better than before I stayed taking them but still some way to go - read all the success stories in here .... are you finding they making you feel different this time around as you said you had some left ?
julie7525 ellen08436
Hi Ellen, sounds like youve just restarted on too high a dose. I reckon you'll start feeling better now youre on 50. Give it a couple of weeks before increasing again. I went up in 25s to 150, took ages to get to full dose but so worth it. Felt loads better at 3 mths and well enough by 6 mths to go on holidays that i never thought id be able to do. Im still on 150 at a year, just need to sort work situation out before i attempt to reduce. I found the early side effects of sert horrendous but absolutely worth it to end up feeling mostly normal. I still get the odd bout of anxiety but nowhere near as intense and passes quicker, helped me get out of the cycle of negative thinking/fear/panic attacks/ health anxiety etc. You will be fine, have faith x
debra34304 julie7525
Hi Julie did u feel any deralisation on sertraline due to ure anxiety/depression. As I av and I don’t know wether it’s the tablets or my anxiety that’s caused it. I’ve been on 100mgs now for 7wks nearly. Any reassurance please🌹
julie7525 debra34304
armelle88733 julie7525
i have been having a bad time healthwise . I experienced all the symptoms you mentioned. I have been on sertraline 50mg since October. Awful side effects but the dose wasn’t high enough. After another episode recently in the shower. So weak, dizzy with my heart going crazy that the gp wants me to go on 100. I decided to try 75 first. This is only my 4th day and I am so tired and sleepy. I get better in the afternoon. I worry about work. I am 63 and I teach part-time. I love my job but I have been off so much since October. I live on my own and it is my social life too. I am off for another 2 weeks recovering from a laparoscopy.
Thinking back in time, I had panic attacks when my husband left me 15 years ago. I ended up in hospital 4 times, put on citalopram and stopped after 6 months. I struggled to understand that anxiety could affect me like that. I guess I have to accept it. I appear to be strong, sorted, capable. I don’t tell anybody I am on sertraline. I see it as a failure on my part.
debra34304 julie7525
Hi Julie thanks for your reply. Do u think I shud go up to 150mgs or 125mgs first ? I’m still anxious and overthinking all the time..I just don’t feel like myself at all. And that’s what is scaring me the most.,I just want to feel like myself again 🌹thanx Julie x
Phil1980 debra34304
My dad is a GP so even though I’m only on week 4 and feel like you do it’s still early days ... he always tells me be patient with a reassuring look on his face - whatever you decide, go to the drs first before upping .... overthinking is the worst , I’ve been doing it this morning and turned out to be nothing (again) - are you anxious all the time or is the Sertraline helping ? Hope you have a good day
debra34304 Phil1980
Hi thanks Phil I think the sertraline as helped me abit. But I’m such a worrier and that’s caused me to be ill in the first place. I feel like I have lost myself and that is really scary. I just want to feel like myself again. How much longer do I have to wait to see if these tablets r going to work for me🌹
Phil1980 debra34304
I’ve read things saying 8-12 week so be patient ! Easier said that done!!!! If it’s done some good, maybe stick with it another week and go see your Dr...... you are not a strong dose so there are still options so don’t give up....
debra34304 Phil1980
Aww thanks Phil it’s just so scary when u don’t feel like ureself anymore. And feeling detached. I hope these tablets get me back to myself and feel better again. 🌹
Phil1980 debra34304
debra34304 Phil1980
Hi Phil thanks. Wot mgs r u on? N why did you have to go on sertraline? Do u take any other tablets aswell as the sertraline 🌹
Phil1980 debra34304
I’m in 50mg and I also sometimes take propranolol to ease the effects of anxiety ....
I have GAD..... had some personal issues and ended up driving myself mad with worry over nothing but was too late the time I dealt with it .... how about you ?
debra34304 Phil1980
HI Phil mine was all built up stress with my sons and my granddaughter being pregnant and she’s been really poorly with it. But b4 that I was on paroxatine for the past 17yrs due to PTSD . My doctor adviced me to cum off them because I had been on them for so long. So I don’t know wether it’s the change over that’s made me feel worse or not. I was thinking of going bk on my hold 1s because I don’t know wether sertraline r going to help me as much as my paroxatine did. I also take propranolol and gaberpentine, I also still have to take sleeping tablets every night aswell otherwise Ide never beable to sleep due to overthinking all the time. Which that makes me panick even more 🌹
Hoopz armelle88733
Your story sounds a bit like mine. I've been having panic attacks since June but didnt recognise them. I though I was run down/ virus/ bug etc.
Started on sert 25mg for a week in December and then 50mg until last week when doc said to go to 100. I've gone to 75 because I was scared. My anxiety has lifted but i am so so tired. If i do anything remotely energetic my heart races and I have to sit down. Even loading the washer or folding up a few clothes. I have absolutely no stamina. I am 61 and have worked nights for 20 years. I am off sick and cannot even imagine going back to work at the moment. I'm just hoping than when I go up to 100mg that may be the magic dose and i will feel better. I can have baths now without ending up on the floor so ive seen some improvement but im struggling going out. I managed to drive yesterday afternoon a short distance. I feel a bit better in the afternoons and evenings but mornings are a nightmare.
I can get to sleep but wake early and lie there in a sort of a half awake / half asleep state soaked in sweat. Yuck!
All I want to do is go back to bed.