12 years of hot flushes
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it really annoys me that so many medical sites seem to say hot flushes will only last a few years, i.e. 2 to 3. Mine have lasted 12 years so far. From every 45 minutes, each preceded by a feeling of doom, I now have about 6 a day.
is it me thats weird?
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Guest caroline08356
Exactly like me. I can't work out if its a sweat that wakes me up, or I have a sweat as soon as I wake - 5/6 times a night.
Constantly through the day. Sometimes so severe my hair looks as though I have just got out of the pool. I an now into my 32nd year!
PGtips11 Guest
I took HRT until i developed breast cancer aged 66. am fine now after a masectomy. Trouble is i now have hot flushes again all day and night at the age of 70. will it ever stop?
tracyjgordon PGtips11
Try Black Cohosh?
caroline08356 Guest
oh no poor you. its no fun is it?!
caroline08356 PGtips11
oh my goodness. a nightmare
tracyjgordon caroline08356
Hi I still get about 2 a day but am taking Black Cohosh so controlling most symptoms with this but not completely flush free since they started 8 years ago!
caroline08356 tracyjgordon
thats interesting
PGtips11 caroline08356
Thanks but I have tried black cohosh and red clover. I was referred to a menopause clinic where i tried three different medications which were not for hot flushes but which were supposed to have a side effect of reducing them. Nothing worked. Sometimes I'm tempted to try to get hrt on the internet as my doctor won't prescribe it.
jude84900 PGtips11
what kind of hrt were you on before when you got breast cancer? was it synthetic? IF it was synthetic have you considered bio identical cream or pellets? Would probably require a change of drs that is up to date with hormone replacement and ran regular labs
PGtips11 jude84900
im pretty sure it was synthetic and not pregnant mares' urine. Thanks for your tips - will investigate.
jude84900 PGtips11
If you were on premarin it was made from horse urine. You might have had another brand which is cenestin maybe? Both are oral estrogens. Oral is not a good way to go. Has caused women all kinds of problems over the years. I couldn't help commenting to your posting because even though you already had breast cancer you are still willing to even go to the internet and try to find hormones to take because you know your doctor won't prescribe them. To think symptoms of menopause get that bad, but they do. Women get desperate to feel good again. Find someone in your area that does bio identical hormones. It does cost money, insurance don't pay for them but you will be well informed and I bet you would feel so much better.
PGtips11 jude84900
Thanks Jude, it was an oral pill. Cant remember what it was called. Dr just prescribed Clonodine so I'll give that a try.
Guest caroline08356
I've been having hot flushes for over 8 years unfortunately. I have been taking soya tablets for 3 years to ease them. i get a couple during the day but a few in the night. I wake up in the night as feel like a radiator. I sleep in the nude, have a very thin duvet and windows wide open. I'm wondering when the flushes will disappear altogether! I always wake up in the night so don't have a full nights sleep.
tracyjgordon Guest
I got Clonodine 25mg from my doctor for night time as I was getting hardly any sleep due to multiple flushes now I get the odd flush occasionally at night it's great!
PGtips11 tracyjgordon
thanks, I'll ask the dr about clonidine. Any side effects?
tracyjgordon PGtips11
I think every drug has some side effects but I've been fine!
PGtips11 tracyjgordon
I've just got some Clonodine. Dr was a bit dubious about the evidence of it working. I'm to take 25mg twice a day then increase the dose if ive got no side effects. Dr says could take 6 weeks to work. Fingers crossed.
tracyjgordon PGtips11
I found it did take a few weeks and I was told to take 3 at night but it does work for me and my doctor said to reduce to 2 which I've done and it's still working really well. Good luck I really hope it works for you x
PGtips11 tracyjgordon
That sounds encouraging. So do you take 2 in the morning and 2 at bedtime?
tracyjgordon PGtips11
No I take them at night only.