13 months

Posted , 6 users are following.

  Hey guys just wanted to write a quick update about my condition. All of my symptoms have disappeared, except for lymph nodes that are still swollen but don't hurt that much anymore. I'm now able to resume my life and start living normally again.

  I've only started to see real progress about 9-10 months in. First my sore throat disappeared, then fatigue along with night sweats, then pain in the left side of ribcage, and then about a month ago my lymph nodes started to hurt a lot less. 

  This year has been an absolute hell and I don't know how I would have survived without this forum to give me hope and assurance that I will eventually recover. My advice to everyone who is still in the early stages of this disease is to quit job and everything that you are doing if that's possible and just stay home until you are fully recovered, because even now 13 months into this if I don't get enough sleep my lymph nodes start hurting as much as they did in the beggining.

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7 Replies

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    I just wanted to say thank you for updating everyone on your progress. I think that there’s a lack of positive progress stories to reassure us going through this that things improve. Thanks for taking time out of your day to do that. I am so happy for you!

    I am 6 months and my symptoms improved a lot 4 months in... I still have occasional night sweats and sore throat .. sometimes feel flu like but I’m able to go to work and function without worrying about it like I used to. I mean... I used to be bed bound. Yesterday I went to the gym for the first time ever... what a huge accomplishment being able to speedwalk at a maximum incline for 20 minutes and do some weights when 3 months ago DRIVING made me tired and weak. Today, I am feeling ok! A little meh but I expected to dip a bit after my first work out in months. 

  • Posted

    Firstly, thank you for the update and I am incredibly happy to hear that you're doing much better. I'm at the 11-month mark and have been breaking down since I had lost hope but reading your update reassured me a lot. 

    I still have brain fog, eye floaters, pelvic pain, fatigue, and occasional dizziness so I pray that they all go with time. 

    • Posted

      I know waiting for that day is disheartening but you never know how much you will improve in the next week or month! I found that the more time elapsed, improvements will come suddenly, stay, regress a little, then more improvement suddenly, then stay, and regress until you’re more and more yourself. Hugs. 
    • Posted

      I have exactly the same symptoms as you and i am in my 11 month as well.But it is better than the first 3 months of EBV
  • Posted

    Hey Catch the Bus,

    I was the same as you, it took me 9-10 months to start to see recovery, and even though after 13 months you're still not feeling great, please be assured that things will still continue to improve and that you will get better - 100% I still believe this for you.

    Finding things hard myself with back pain at the moment, been quite panicked and upset lately as things have got worse, it's so hard to suffer I know, just trusting that God will pull us through our trials and tribulations. He is a good God. Hang in there and thinking about you Catch.


    • Posted

      Craig I am sorry to hear your back pain is worse. I don't have any suggestions as I know you have received them all by this point - or at least the ones I would have given you. 

      HAVE YOU TRIED FLOATING?! Those float spas where you go in a sensory deprivation tank and its filled with salt water? It is supposed to help all sorts of pains, including back!. 

    • Posted

      Thanks so much for the kind words Van, I really appreciate it as have been struggling this week especially. I know they say that is good for you water therapy and swimming and floating, I've never been able to swim unfortunately but have been taking hot baths with epsom salts and things to try and help.

      I'm grateful for your kind words and just for someone thinking about me - any prayers would be much appreciated! Praying for your recovery and good health too Van, I know you have been through such a hard time. Thinking of you!



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