15 month old son - bite on arm

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My son who is 15 months old has had a cluster of 5 or 6 small-ish bites/stings on his arm for 2 to 3 weeks. He occasionally scratches it, and doesn't seem to be getting any better. We live in the UK, next to a farm. Should I be concerned?

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Have u discussed this with your dr? It may be something very minor but only a dr can say what the bites are due to. I am surprised you haven't already seen a dr.

  • Posted

    Hi you can't be sure their mosquito bites so please get him checked by your GP some bites can turn quite funny as in septic and is it worth the risk, three weeks is a long time to be ignoring bites on a baby, for what it takes to have a doctor's reassurence is priceless

  • Posted

    Not a problem approaching, it's just that it usually takes about a month or more to get an appointment around here, so I wanted a second opinion (from the internet) beforehand. I doubt they would let me take him to A&E for instance. I've been told by 3 relatives to ignore it.

    • Posted

      The advice you have been given on here by the other member is excellent advice. I doubt very much that you would have to wait a month to see a dr with a baby experiencing bites. Your relatives are not responsible for YOUR child. I fail to understand why you need permission to either see a dr or to go to A and E. Where are you located. Are u an adult?


    • Posted

      Do you need Patient to help you contact a dr about your 15 month old son? Are you living with relatives who are dictating to you? If you are afraid please contact the Police or a social worker or your dr.Your son comes before your relatives


  • Posted

    If he has had these for 2-3 weeks and is constantly scratching them he may be introducing infection and this is not good for a 15month old.   Most doctors will see babies and toddlers quickly,so do get an appointment. Your son is relying on you to do the best for him.   They may not be bites/stings. 
  • Posted

    Have you taken your baby to the doctor yet, if not why not, I cannot understand as you infer your worried, obviously not worried enough, think about things like meningitis and sepsis, scary aren't they and your baby is probably fine but is it worth the risk

  • Posted

    I too would like to know if u have taken your baby to the dr's. It is your responsibility.

  • Posted

    Just thought I would update you all, I did take him to the doctors and they said they were pretty sure it was cold sore virus (herpes simplex) weird! They told me to come back in a week if still there. It did start to get better but took about another 7 to 10 days to clear. Apparently my mum had something similar on her cheek as a baby and zinc and castor oil cream helped speed up healing.
    • Posted

      Herpes simplex is a viral infection so an anti viral is needed . Hopefull nyext time your childis ill you will seek medical aid.

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