16 and fears might have a brain tumor..
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Im a 16 year old boy that fears might have a brain tumor. Neither side of my parents families have anything with brain tumors , only had one uncle die due to a throat tumor but thats about it , my moms mom had 16 kids none of them have a brain tumor . my dads mom had 12 kids and none of them have had a brain tumor .my symptom's are numbness on face , a little lightheaded but then goes in some weeks , and i fell sharp pain on the back of ny head or some times on the sides . i have anxiety problems due to some thing scary in my life that couldve ended my life , please help is it a brain Tumor or just anxiety! I cant get this out of my head!
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ya2e3d31595 rafael90079
You're just anxious. Keep yourself very busy with healthy stuff. Try to maintain a healthy life. Stay away from harmful substances and you will be just fine, kid.
rafael90079 ya2e3d31595
deb44437 rafael90079
Hey rafael, I have to agree with ya2e3d.. You are keeping fit obviously, terrific! Keep positive & dont feed your fears.. Im sure your parent(s) would be scooting you off for medical attention if they were concerned.. Keep strong champ x
rafael90079 deb44437
deb44437 rafael90079
Very welcome buddy.. turn that energy into muscle.. hmmmm yeah, I can see you doing that rafael. Who knows, perhaps one day you may be a pretty muscled up security guard huh.. GO FOR GOALS
Sattu rafael90079
I am hit by anxiety twice and i am quite ok now. Don't give attention to every thought watch at let them go. Don't surf for the symptoms on Internet it is going to scare you more. It is obvious that you are going through tough time and it ia due to anxiety. In anxiety you can't think logically you are emotionally imbalanced. If the physical problem is unbelievable you should meet with the doctor. The thought will become less witb time. Youshould have patience and faith. Last but not the least eat healthy and eat on time, take 7-8 hour sound sleep, to breathing exercises daily,
rafael90079 Sattu
Yeah im trying to get that thought out of my head now ! And i sleep at least 7 hrs so that's good , wont let this bring me down anymore ! Thank you
richard89308 rafael90079
rafael90079 richard89308
cia42277 rafael90079
richard89308 rafael90079
cia42277 rafael90079
RAFAEL, you don't need ultrasound and you haven't got a tumor!!!! Sattu is right on target. I was a professional counselor for many years, and didn't know what anxiety really was until it got me personally. These thoughts are classic anxiety symptoms!!! The most common anxiety symptoms are, the thought that you are going to have a heart attack and the thought that you have a brain tumor. Well, you don't have any such thing. They are only thoughts and the sooner you get that , the quicker you will get through this. Believe me and save yourself a lot of grief.
I rarely come on this strong, but Honey, you are only sixteen and I would hate to think you beat yourself up, went to doctor after doctor, had machines all over you when YOU DON'T NEED IT. I have the background and the experience to know exactly what I am talking about. Classic anxiety symptoms!!!!!!!
If you are going to a doctor, think in this direction...an ANXIETY THERAPIST or a doctor who will prescribe a med to ease the anxiety as you follow Sattu's advise. Post back, I will answer. All is well, these thoughts are ONLY THOUGHTS. Tell them to shut up and get lost, then do something physical to refocus like find a ball game, work out, take a run with the dog....anything physical you enjoy. Take Deb's encouragement and Sattu's advice and you will be fine.
Stay off the internet "what's wrong with me" sites. You can google for food that causes anxiety to be worse, and food that makes it better. Right off the bat.., no sugar stuff, no soda of any kind, no caffeine, no fast food (preservatives that up anxiety), etc. Only lots of delicious, real food. Find the list and show it to mom, so she can help. Hooray for you, Rafael, you are pretty awesome. Be vigilant to what you listen to, and lastly (for now), do your best to stay away from negative people, situations, movies, books, whatever. Catch ya' later
Sattu cia42277
cia42277 Sattu
Very kind of you to comment. Thank you. Keep up the good thoughts and words, stay well and...laugh whenever possible.
I Cantt thank every one of you enough , you don't know how much better i feel now that i got help from all of you , im really really thankful , if i hadnt found this site i would've still beeb reading off all these brain cancer symptoms that scared me .. But now that i know its all just in my head i got to relax and ignore these things for good! Although the face numbnese still hasnt gone away , but i spoke with my mom about this and she said its due to playing my video game everyday , i play it alot through night and i keep my head in the sameposture for 4-5 hrs . she told me that it could be due to my neck ! So im staying off video games for good . i have a appointment with my doctor this monday but i cant wait for him to say im ridiculous in thinking i have a tumor and just having plain anxiety! Once again thanks to all of you!! God bless ??
cia42277 rafael90079
i am proud of you for going after responses and then acting on them. Too many people don't go after answers, and of those that do, many don't act on it,,,,just keep talking about the problem. So sad.
It sounds like you have a supportive and wise mom. At my age I have to be my own mom, and tell myself every hour or so to get off the computer and do something else for awhile. Be well and know that you are cared for.