16 year old male, cancer symptoms. Really scared

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I'm a 16 year old male. About a year ago, I noticed blood in my stool, it was dark red mixed in the stool and some drops of red bright blood in the toilet water. I went to the doctor and he told me for a blood sample, which I never took because the symptoms stopped happening (yes I know I'm really stupid). So a year passed and about a week ago, I started having blood in the stool again, just like last time. It lasted for 2 days, but now I have abdominal pain, cramps, constant urge to move bowel, nausea and sometimes fatigue. Also really thin stool (but without blood). I'm really scared right now because every symptom matches with colon cancer, and I maybe had this for a year now..

 I've asked for an appointment in the dr but I have to wait 10 days for it and I think about it every hour of the day. I can't get this out of my mind 

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    There are other bowel problems that can cause simular symptoms, l dont have personal experience, and l,m sure someone who does will come and advice you, but l know there is crohns, colitus, probably other bowel probs, could even be a bug youve picked up both times,so try not to think of the worst outlook, the nausea would fit in with other bowel probs or a bug,  and you are going to feel tired due to the symptoms and stress.  Still having to wait ten days with such symptoms is ridiculous, did you emphasise to gps your passing blood and having pain, l,d ring again and let them know how bad it is. If they dont fit you in sooner and it get bad go to a and e, good luck
  • Posted

    Hi tmg22268

    A year was quite a while between symptoms especially blood in stool. The bright red blood leads me to think you may have anal fissures or hemorroids which are easily treatable. I think the other symptoms you are experiencing such as urgent bowel movement nausea etc., are down to extreme anxiety on your part.

    Try to calm down and relax until you see your doc. If you are very worried then as other reply mentioned go to A and E.....best wishes for a speedy diagnosis...

  • Posted

    Seriously unfair that that a G.P. surgery should ask you to wait for 10, days for an appointment. Those are potentially serious symtoms that you describe in your explanation. Go back again and politely ask the name of the person you are dealing with, very good with jobsworth types.

    I do know how difficult it can be . Do try to keep calm, have a positive attitude, and the very best diet that you can. We all look at the worst outcome (done it myself ) . A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing, but the conditions you describe are rare. A & E can mean a long wait, but it would put your mind at rest.

    Good luck thinking of you. E

  • Posted

    Hi, My son had almost identical problems and he did not have cancer, simple blood test will tell you that. He went a year after the first sign of diarrea and blood after went away. Then with no warning the blood, mucous and pain and diarrea came back. He did nothing for a couple of weeks, tried indigestion tablets and then anti diarrea but still symptoms got worse and he was running to the toilet after meals. He went to GP and was seen straight away, I made the call and said it was emergency as he was passing blood, a sign they cannot ignore. They sent him for colonoscopy and he was diagnosed as having Ulcerative Colitis. By the time 2 weeks had passed to get tested and results he had lost a stone and was pale as anaemic. The GP prescibed steroids and anti inflammatories and they helped the symptoms quickly. 

    The average age for being diagnosed with UC is 15 to 30 so it is possible that is what you have. Don't think about cancer as even though symptoms are similar it is unlikely satistically. Do get seen TODAY as you need to be reassured and referred to a specialist of necc. The fatigue is possibly anaemia and can be checked easily at the surgery. Lay it on about urgency, tell them how you feel, and have you lost weight?

    Try not to worry but do take it seriously as if you need meds you will start to feel better soon. My son was treated as if he had Irritable bowel syndrome in the time it took for colonoscopy appt to come through, which obviously did no good. 

    If you forget the cancer possibility then you probably will feel keener to get it sorted as its not something you can ignore. My son did the young male thing too, its your bowels, so what, if it was your arm causing you problems you would get it sorted.

    Keep in touch, it maybe nothing serious.



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