17 months old baby digestion problems

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At the age of 15 months, my baby had to shift with me for my residential training where she got affected with diarrhoea, and still she is suffering from bowel problems. She was given zimax, neofloxasin and metronidazol antibiotics in this 2months period. Now she is having enterogermina with very limited food intake. Her condition is not improving, loosing weight, being cranky, loosing appetite and passing stool at the colour and texture of the food intake..

I m getting upset about her development as she is not jolly as before, not willing to walk as she used to be.

Expecting expert opinion from this forum.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Did her diet change?   Diet change or a change of water can affect the intestine. When I first went abroad on holiday, the change of water and food made me nauseous, off my food and constipated for up to two weeks.  After antibiotics, probiotics are helpful to replace good gut flora lost by the antibiotics.
  • Posted

    Hi fariba37193

    Your baby has had a lot of antibiotics. Metronizadol is a very strong antibiotic. I took it for an infection and it left my digestive system out of sorts for quite some with a very sore stomach. I am an adult not a baby, so i imagine a baby having to take metronizadol can be harsh on their delicate digestive system. Your baby may need to be tested for stomach fungal infection caused by the antibiotics. To have her tested for this a special urine test needs to be carried out. Also, Metrodizanol can cause stomach acid when eating certain foods such as spicey foods and fizzy drinks for quite some time after taking metrodizanol. What is your baby eating and drinking? You perhaps need to feed her very bland mild food to help her stomach heal. If she has the stomach problems she will be cranky and off her food and not feel good at all. This is why she is not herself bless her! Have you taken her temperature? She maybe feeling unwell and weak. Go back to the doctor and have her urine and bowel movements tested...i hope this helps..i wish you both well...

    • Posted

      Thank you so much Mary.

      May I request you for the names of the tests you are referring? I am on a vigorous training like military training, can't manage time to share or observe her... even have to travel every 2 weeks to several areas of the country..

      All the medicines are given as per the doctor's advice... I'm afraid.. so can't trust to seek on their advice once again.

      Hence I'm sharing here my experience.. I am also thinking of her diet... what would suit her now in which form.... is a burning issue to me now..

      Thanks again. Thanks a lot dear.

    • Posted

      Hi fabrina37193

      I shall get back to you with the test names asap. I am busy at the moment but will definitely get back to you...😊

    • Posted

      Hi fariba37193

      Your baby may have 'Dysbiosis' caused by imbalance of good and bad bacteria in her gut caused by all the antibiotics she has taken. Antibiotics can upset the gut flora killing off the good bacteria. Also, she may have 'Stomach Candida' also caused by too much antibiotic intake. She needs to have a stool test analysis for Bacteria and Candida also the urine test is called Organic Acid Test' which can detect waste matter not usually found in the body. Also, a blood test for 'Candida Albicans'.

      Avoid foods such as sugary foods and fruit also foods containing yeast. Also starchy foods as sweet potato, white potato, carrot and beets which will feed the candida also meat and poultry. Give her plenty of filtered purified water to clear out the candida. Also, make a broth from kale, celery, garlic, onion, a little sea salt and simmer in filtered pure water when cooked drain off the broth and disgard the veg. Feed the broth through the day....

      Who is caring for your little girl..can you not take some time off to be with her? She needs to be with her mummy if she is unwell. I am sure your superiors would understand the situation since your little girl is unwell. Do get your little girls stool, urine and blood tested for Candida as this can make her feel quite unwell....my good wishes to you and your little one...

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