17 weeks on sertraline

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hi came of paroxetine after 20 years as dr said it wasnt working as i feeling so anxious

started on sertaline 2 wks 25g 4 wk s 50g 11 wks 100g 2 wks 150 but felt too medicated so went back to 100 and have been on for the last two wks

saturday i had a great day best day since april

but last night i started to feel anxious again, and today, not mega anxious but found it hard to concentrate at work, overeating and trying to push thoughts of "ive never going to get better" out of my head

what i need to know is will this anxiety go im so scared im going to go back to day one

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, but it will take time and you will probably get some disturbing side effects. my worst was itching skin which is still going on after 4 weeks. Hang in there.

  • Posted

    Me too Sandra. Started week 13 for me today. have been feeling pretty good lately! tonight however i have just been in a cranky mood, somewhat on edge and hard to concentrate on the littlest things like watch TV.... probably just having a moment and will be okay tomorrow, i just get scared of going back to where i started. this should pass for both of us! we have to stay positive 😃

    • Posted

      ive got everything crossed for all of is xx just come out of work early as i cant concentratr am just wanting to eat all of the time ha ha

    • Posted

      Yes! I feel like lately I have been eating more than normal and just stuffing my face!!

  • Posted

    With all the dose changes, there really hasn't been time to level. I would give that dose you're on now at least 6 weeks or so. The beginning of taking these can sometimes be like a roller coaster until it all gets settled. If you had a good day that is great! It means that its working! Just give it a steady amount of time. Zoloft was amazing for me, it works very well!

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