17 year old daughter to get trochleoplasty
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My daughter who is only 17 has suffered with knee dislocations since she was 8 years old. We have discovered she has numerous problems with her leg and knee and she is scheduled to have a lateral release, an osteotomy and a trochleoplasty all done at the same time in September. We have been told she will have no movement in her leg for 6-8 weeks, intense physio for at least 6 months and will take about 2 years for full rehabilitation. I am just wondering if anyone else has all 3 at the same time and what to expect
Many thanks
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margaret58307 sheena1408
However, my every sympathy with both your daughter and yourself and I do hope that everything goes well for the family.
God bless.
Oldfatguy1 sheena1408
sheena1408 Oldfatguy1
My daughter is now 17 so is no longer a little kid and has suffered multiple dislocations for 9 years, her surgeon is the best surgeon for this and at 17 years old she will be treated in an adult unit by an adults orthopedic consultant. Her father and I have not taken this decision lightly and believe it will help immensely as she can go through periods where she has to have physio for months and hydrotherapy as her knee can dislocated up to 5 times a day
Many thanks
Oldfatguy1 sheena1408
sheena1408 Oldfatguy1
Oldfatguy1 sheena1408
martinarvelo sheena1408
sheena1408 martinarvelo
sarndra sheena1408
tess94652 sheena1408
dayna30187 sheena1408
sheena1408 dayna30187
Hi dayna sorry it took so long to reply. Hope you have recovered well from your surgery. My daughter saw her consultant and he is delighted with her progress although her quads in her right leg have forgotten how to work since her surgery. We are now 14 months post op and she has a terrible limp and still attends physio twice a week. Our next plan is to get her a machine that's omits electric currents to try and kick start her quads. She has nearly full bend now and certainly has enough for her to lead a normal life and to walk properly so hopefully this machine works. Surgeon said that since she had never been able to walk properly it is like teaching a baby how to walk from scratch so it will take time x
ellie504 sheena1408
Hi Sheena,
I'm not sure if you will still check on this, but it would be great if you do. I am a 19 year old female, I was told before my 19th birthday that I would need a Trochleoplasty but due to wanting to come to University, I put it off at the time. However, since then my knee has severely deteriorated. Before this, I have already had a TTO with MPFL reconstruction, and an Arthroscopy with Chrondoplasty so I didn't rush to make it 3 surgeries in 3 years for obvious reasons.
However, I now do have to have this procedure, and I was hoping you could give me as much information as you're happy to about how the recovery went, whether your daughter would recommend having it etc. I really hope she did have a good recovery and all went well, but I don't know anyone else my age going through this - let alone anyone even having heard of this procedure, so I hope you don't mind me getting in touch.
Best wishes,
sophie05825 ellie504
Hi there, I was wondering if you went ahead with the surgery? I'm 20 and underwent a trochleoplasty and MPFL reconstruction just over a week ago.
laura64817 sophie05825
My 13yr old daughter has to have a trochleoplasty, mpfl reconstruction and a lateral lengthening. She is scheduled for surgery in a month. I was hoping you may have some insight now on recovery and management.