18 months after partial knee replacement
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Hi I'm 51 I had arthroscopy two and a half years ago and a partial knee replacement 18 months ago all was great I have full bend in my knee can walk for miles walk upstairs without pain and have been Zumba and kettlesize classes since January up until now my knee is painful fairly tender it feels tight hurts to walk and painfully going up stairs has anyone else suddenly had problems this far down the line when things seemed to going do well xx thank you in advance for any replies
Michelle x
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debbie08326 Shell.t
Hi Michelle
I had partial 15 months ago . Nice to hear from another partial person . I asked this same question several months ago . Same exact thing happened to me only I wasn't as far along. The responses I received never really answered my question or maybe I just didn't like what I heard
Here is what I think . You still will have issues if over doing it. I had to give up running . Supposedly we are not suppose to do any jumping type of activities . I started doing barre classes at the Y plus with my fast walking and I think carrying somewhat heavy things up and down stairs (happened to also have my small grandchildren few days so was up and down stairs a lot with them around same time I had bad flare up )and ended up needing to have knee drained as it got all swelled up ( it was filled with blood actually , Doc thought I injured it). So since then I've laid off the intense exercise and feeling like a slug
Knee feeling very good again so I'm just starting to decide on some different exercise . Hoping at this point I can at least do fast walking . I too love the aerobic type fat burning workouts.
It's disconcerting for sure because it's important to exercise to stay fit and healthy especially as we get older ( I'm 59). Sounds like you like working out too . I keep telling myself over and over how before I had no quality of life but do know.
Im sure you'll get others responding as well and I'll be cutious to hear what they all say .
tricia1954 debbie08326
Hi Debbie
You are correct we don't seem to get many partials on here. Perhaps because most don't experience any problems so. Don't need assistance. I'm hoping that's the case😊. I too had a partial knee ((medial) replacement in June this year. I did find it more difficult than I expected (or was told!) I have full bend and full straight leg actually hyperextension. At four months I can only walk slowly. After about 30 to 40 minutes constant walking it just becomes too painful. A short rest and I can do it all again. In September my Fitbit said I walked 102 miles although I think most of that was a shuffle. I am trying to build up muscle as like you I am keen to exercise again. (I'm 62 and very active) how long did it take you to get back to normal? I'm still not very good at stairs I can only do one step at a time, that's why I'm trying to build up muscle. Do you have any other advice or indication as to how long "recovery" takes.
It's nice to hear from other partials and see their stories unfold. You sound as though you are doing marvellously as does Michelle. Maybe it is early days for me yet, at least that's what I'm hoping and not that this is the best I can be. X
debbie08326 tricia1954
Hi Tricia!
You are doing great at 4 months!
I went back to work at 4 weeks . I sit and stand both . It probably made my recovery longer . I basically crashed out each day and iced and elevated . I would say I really turned a corner around 4-5 months where I started to forget I had it done . But I was not walking more than a few miles at a time , same as you , for long time . I started back at the gym I think around 8 months with the barre classes and still was walking . Just think it was all too much . I really watched / watch how I eat now since the activity levels are less .
Like I said in my last post after the flare up I have laid off all intense exercises .
I do now believe it does take good year to fully heal and we should not do crazy workouts at all for first year or even after if we want to a. Have it last long time and b. Not have flare ups with pain and swelling .
I also do ride stationary bike and use free weights at same time . Great workout while being off the knee .
I kept iceing and elevating whenever I could throughout the first year.
You are doing very good . You sound like me just anxious to get back to your life before which I've come to except it is now the " new life " wonderful with new knee 😊Have life back , but it has to have changes. I for one do not want to go through this again !
Have good day ! Be kind to yourself and your new knee , you both deserve it because you've both been through so much . In time you'll look back and be writing a note helping someone else with your story .😉Glad your on forum .
Debbie xo
tricia1954 debbie08326
Thanks for the encouragement Debbie. For some reason, probably the surgeon, I thought by this time I would be much further along. As the surgeon said - it's not a total knee!
His euphemism was I would be skipping at three months ha ha!
Oh well onwards and upwards gently with my exercises.
Shell.t tricia1954
Hi Tricia
Thanks for your comments on this it's lovely to hear from others in the same boat x
You seem to be doing very well it's early days for you keep up the good work but don't push yourself too much my surgeon said listen to your knee if its hurting don't do it x I too like I think Debbie said took a good six months before really feeling improved I had an awful lot if swelling up until then mine still swells now when I've been on it for a long time or exercised x I had my op in March and didn't even consider exercising till probably November time when I started Zumba gold which is quite a gentle Zumba after a couple of months I started normal dumber and then kettle size I do however have to downgrade some of the more impact moves so everyone else is jumping around as I step it through lol x I'm hoping mine is just a blip and I can back to it all feeling a bit old before my time at the minute any way keep up the good work and take care lovely hearing from you and Debbie x
Shell.t debbie08326
Hi Debbie
Thank you Di much for replying its nice to know I'm not alone with this I too have to keep reminding myself how it was before the pkr x it's just everything was going so well with being able to exercise and take long dog walks up until this week x I've stopped all the exercise and left the 3 - 4 mile dog walks to my husband and just sort of pottered around this week (feeling very lazy) along with the pain in the knee I'm getting a real ache in the leg above and below and especially at the back of the knee ( have you experienced this at all )
I really appreciate you taking the time to have read and replied to my post
Shell x
ellen49890 tricia1954
My surgeon said “piece of cake” to my hubby after surgery since it was “just a partial “.! I have since watched lots of videos and shared with my family and although it was just a partial have learned that the recovery is not much different! Some days wishing I would of had a TKR knowing that it will need to be done eventually 😏. Sorry, I am just feeling a bit down this week
debbie08326 Shell.t
Hi !
Yes I had pain behind the knee as well as pain on opposite side of knee that lasted for weeks . I had to keep walking with the cane to have any relief . Thought it would never go away and then one day it was gone and never returned 👌🏼. It's long journey for sure . It's all normal what you are experiencing .
Debbie xo
debbie08326 Shell.t
tricia1954 ellen49890
I agree with you Ellen. Although the partial is deemed a success, when the surgeon went in he found arthritis in the patella, none in the outside compartment. So I too probably face another operation in the future - I am at a loss as to why a total wasn't done at the time, especially as I signed consent if it was necessary. We can both only hope it won't be necessary.
Sorry you are feeling a bit down😢It happens to us all. Hope you feel better soon.
debbie08326 tricia1954
My doctor said partial knee should last lifetime . I don't see why the partials can't . Isn't it basically same thing but half the knee and of course they don't touch kneecap . I'm not sure . I still believe recovery was way shorter in terms of getting around again ( at least my case )I am going to be hopeful . Can't even bear to think about going through a TKR.
ellen49890 debbie08326
debbie08326 ellen49890
Hi Ellen !
My kneecap was not touched . Positive on that . The Surgeon that did mine is world reknown and invented this partial . It's just two pieces . I've seen and and know for sure what was done and what the insert / new pieces look like . But interesting as I thought they were all done same way . Thanks for informing me . At end of day we all want the same thing right .
Debbie xo
ellen49890 debbie08326
Doesn’t really matter at the end of the day! They all hurt and am finding out that recovery is pretty much the same!
debbie08326 ellen49890
Hi Ellen
Ok this so interesting . I don't believe I've ever read of anyone on here having partial where knee cap was replaced only .also didn't realize that was still called a partial . Wealth of information on this forum ! I will look it up , my other knee while not nearly bad like the one I had done has kneecap issues . I fell few years ago and fractured the knee cap . Since then it's given me some issues . Basically I treat the new knee and the other one with same care . But I did ask if that knee would be candidate for partial . Doc said that the knee would need a new knee cap but not to even think about it now as it wasn't that bad . He also said that it is a tough surgery to recover from .
I'm interested to continue to hear about your progress .
Be well !
charlie93355 debbie08326
Debbie, I'm intrigued with your post! Ive been diagnosed with patellofemoral arthritis in both knees. Was told that these cases are more rare than TKR.
all that to say, would you share your surgeon's name so I can research his invention?
This forum is giving me the REAL skinny on PKR and TKR, along with realistic recovery times.
Hank1958 debbie08326
Hi Debbie, I have had knee problems for some time and have just confirmed that a partial knee replacement is okay to do. Please could you tell me who did yours?
phyllis36439 tricia1954
i had a partial December and i am still battling horrible tibia done pain. doctor tells me it is nerve pain. he is not listening. after reading up on it. it helps to know that i am not alone. i walk with a crutch and find it extremely hard to walk for any length of time without the help. i fell my life is on hold. it is so frustrating
henrietta89578 debbie08326
my knee cap wasnt touch either , but have anyone experience after two years cant straighten knee completely out and while laying on my back have to turn knee to the side to lay flat because i cant lay flat its to painful ? but i use to be about to so this before