19 and very worried about stomach cancer
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Hello I have had indegestion and naesua for a week straight this is accompanied by a complete loss of appetite sometimes its hard to eat food sometimes I feel tired and very sad.
Note this is my first time witg indegestion
I have been prescribed lansoprazole which has helped my heartburn but my naesua is still apparent and my appetite has been non existent
I always feel full
Now i have been dry heaving and im so worried that i have stomach cancer
Im waiting for my blood test next week but my anxiety is driving me crazy and i am so worried please help!
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patty02379 cyrus56
First remain calm.and think.positive it may not even be that it's sounds like diverticulitis my mother in law has that she feels full eats in small amounts vomits can't have a bowel movement and feeling sick I would get another opinion on your health issue. She will not even go and the rest come what there wanting her to do she said she is done she is tired we think it's cancer but we won't know till she goes and gets tested. I would just not worry about this just wait on your results and see what they tell you then go from there ok hope this what's your mind. I done already went threw 4 procedures this year and has half of my colon removed and doing great had it done 2 and a half months ago fast recovery.
cyrus56 patty02379
Also congrats on your fast recovery I hope the best for you, you brave soul
pattino cyrus56
Did you try taking a few capsules of activated charcoal ?
That would solve spoiled food indigestion.
Activated Charcoal absorbs and neutralize a variety of toxins.
Did you try taking Pepto Bismol?
That could relieve you of other gastrointestinal ailments.
What do you think started all this ? What's your age.
Consider a test for parasites.
Good luck
cyrus56 pattino
I think spicy food from an Indian takeaway may of started this and situational depression
I am 19 years old
Thank you
erin15778 cyrus56
secondly, there are a million reasons to explain away your heartburn and nausea that are not cancer. most of the time these things are idiopathic, AKA, they just happen for no reason at all. you could have some common and treatable disorders like GERD/acid reflux, IBS/IBD or something similar. it could be entirely viral and will pass soon. there are other stomach conditions that can cause your pain that aren’t just cancer. there are many auto immune diseases that cause your symptoms but you have been experiencing this for such a short amount of time and only for the first time....I am willing to bet my bottom dollar you don’t even have an auto immune disease let alone cancer!
Take care and let us know the good news when your results come back. you will get through this!
cyrus56 erin15778
Thank you loads I was thinking that if this is my first time dealing with gastro problems it can't be that serious
Therapy has been booked but due to high demmand its booked for nov 5
Thank you for the reassurance it has calmed me down
erin15778 cyrus56