1st band adjustment

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Hi guys

I had my 1st gastric band adjustment yesterday, it all went really well. I had 1.4mls in from the op which she replaced with 3.8mls but I was wondering how much you all had in when you noticed a good restriction? And how many fills it took to get to that point?

Thanks smile

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi nat.

    I had band fitted early jan.

    Ive had 2 band fills and now have 5.5 in a 10ml band. Feeling no restriction yet, apart from having to chew chew chew, otgerwise i get that dreaded squeezing feeling!

    Going for 3rd band fill this Thurs and hoping she pumps me right up! Lol

    • Posted

      Haha Im not feeling anydifference but didn't know if It was too soon to tell but it sounds like I'm right my band had same capacity as yours. I wondered why she didn't just round it up to 4mls! 😂

      Are you still losing though? X

    • Posted

      I dont know how they work out what to put in!

      no. Havent loss an ounce since first band fill 😞

      3 stone to lose. Lost nearly 2 on preop and up to 1st fill.

      Seems to be that most people need 3 or 4 fills to get a good tight restriction.

      Thought id be running round like a supermodel by now ..... Lol

  • Posted

    Hi Nat - banded lated November.  Post op I was over 14 stone.  Just before Op I was 13 Stone.  This morning I was 10st 13 lbs and feeling fab.  Ive had my 4th fill on Saturday.  I am now upto 6.3ml in my 10 ml band.

    I think after each fill when you go back on the liquid n mush for 3days each this boosts your weight loss.  It also makes you think about the way we eat and food choices we make.  I know I can eat more on slider food (cottage pie spag bol etc) but when the liquid and slider food week is over will be back to my granola and yoghurt breakfast and 2 ryvita with philly lunch, small side plate crunchy evening meal.  The crunch does make you chew more and eat more slowly.  Its remembering the rule of 20p size pieces, at least 20 chews and waiting 20 seconds before mouthfuls which seem to help.  It is hard work and I do still treat every now and again with a small bar oc chocolate which goes down way too easy, but it is definitely down to choice.  Once you get into the habit of eating healthier and stopping eating after 20 mins max - no drinking with meal either that the band can doe its work.  Its taken up to the 3rd fill for me to finally get my head into the right place but the last couple of weeks Ive been losing at least 3 lbs each week.  Oh I also bought a fitbit and am getting my 10k steps a day in.  If I fancy a nibble late at night im having a baby bel or another ryvita with cottage cheese of philly.  Its hard but I can see the difference now and it is inspiring me to drop those lbs!!  Remember to drink a glass of water before each meal and drink plenty of water through the day x Fingers crossed each fill will start to make you get there.  When the band does tell you its starting to stick - stop eating that type of food.  I no longer eat bread or pasta - will have two desert spoons of rice with any chilli con carne etc but thats it.  Hope this helps x 


  • Posted

    Glad to see I'm not on my own with the restriction at first fill. I had my band at end of February and got my first fill last Saturday , I'm down 21lb since pre op .happy about that but I'm very impatient , il have to learn to take it one day at a time. I had mine in dublin 

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