2 months on HRT and still feel anxious
Posted , 7 users are following.
Was hoping this would have subsided by now.........
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Posted , 7 users are following.
Was hoping this would have subsided by now.........
1 like, 12 replies
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jayneejay lisa35212
which one are you one
jay xx
On prempack c, doctor is swithcing me to Kliovance in the next few days. I was hoping that HRT would quicky cure the mood swings, braing fog etc
jayneejay lisa35212
cant be fun 😩
hope you get sorted hun..
swings and roundabouts with HRT..
jay xx
maybe its just prempack C that doesnt agree with you ..
many women say the same about the HRTs made from pregnant mare’s urine
like prempack C and premarin etc ..
jay xx
ladies use it as it suppose to help us..
i used this in 2011, thought it was helping initially -but no it wasnt ...
it gave me a breast lump and re started my periods ...
' Nothing natural about it '
always see a Gyno if need help via HRT..
****Progesterone cream dissolves in fat and canthus and is stored in your fatty tissue, it converts into other hormones ..
The levels of progesterone steadily increase within fat tissue with prolonged use of natural porgesterone cream.
After a while, the amount being added every month, along with the amount being released from the fatty stores, causes elevated extremely high progesterone levels throughout the female cycle.
So, instead of supplementing a little progesterone during a short period of time the body becomes subjected to elevated levels throughout the female cycle, The body can then take the extra progesterone and make it into either testosterone or extra estrogen.
Excess testosterone can also be made into estrogen.
Thus, the body is thrown into a dangerous hormonal imbalance that does not serve to promote proper health.
i happen to mention my natural progesterone cream experience to my Gyno ( i had a natural menopause ) his reply was No No No, that really messes women up...
In my case he said, respecting my natural menopause 9-10 year journey with supplements and 150mg B6 daily which helps sooooo much with anxiety and eliminated it for me ..
he said.. As i am now post menopause and after scans and checks, he said i would benefit from Just Ovestin Estriol vaginal cream .. For vaginal dryness and well being ..
It is the kindest estrogen the weakest.. And thats was all i would need..
i am trying it now with great results so far..
HRT can be the best choice for some, but get the right one ..
jay xx
mary34059 lisa35212
jean91171 lisa35212
Have you had ANY improvements at all, for instance more lubrication, less sweats, better sleep? If not, go back to GP and seek advise. The menopause just sucks and I am so sorry you feel anxious. Dont put up with it, there is help and support out there and you WILL get better when you find the right one for you. Consider blood test to determine hormone level /imbalance etc. Best of luck sweetie
mary34059 lisa35212
NTG lisa35212
I was on Prempak and though I did start to feel better ie hot flushes, night sweats stopped and didn't feel as dibilitated, around 3 months in all my symptoms (except for flushes/sweats) came back. Totally floored, couldn't work totally uninterested and incapable of living a normal life again.
I was recommended the Mirena coil and 2 mg of sandrena gel, apparently this is the preferred method, goes directly into the system and has less side effects. I felt almost normal for a week, then I go down again, then up. I called the Gyni and she said they may have to up my dose of Sadrena gel, but we would discuss this face to face. This is another problem I've found Gyni appts on NHS are over 4 calender months apart and because I'm on holiday when next appt due< i have to wait an additional 2 months. i find this quite unacceptable and hate the way i've been treated.
can anyone recommend an nhs gyni around the w1 area?
ntg i="" have="" to="" wait="" an="" additional="" 2="" months.="" i="" find="" this="" quite="" unacceptable="" and="" hate="" the="" way="" i've="" been="" treated.="" can="" anyone="" recommend="" an="" nhs="" gyni="" around="" the="" w1="" area?=""> i have to wait an additional 2 months. i find this quite unacceptable and hate the way i've been treated.
can anyone recommend an nhs gyni around the w1 area?
jane98094 lisa35212
As soon as I'd been on it a week I felt a different woman well felt like my own self.
My husband wants me to stay on it as when I come off I disturb his sleep,
So until the doctor says I should come off I am staying with it even though I don't like drugs and really like the natural stuff .I think this is not made from mares urine ?I told my doctor didn't want that because think it's cruel when I saw video of them collecting pregnant mares urine .
mary34059 lisa35212
back on evening of primrose again but feel sore aching all over peroids coming one month then not next!! just want my life back. starting using welling being cream again after peroid finishes cycle just a bad month maybe next month be better and i can remeber things like putting pot on stove, or cannot remember name of some konwn for years in brain just wont come out lol .gogin to start my walking again for sure to clear brain fog. but have to get postive again and look forward esair said than done but i know this sounds bad be glad to hear from all of you thta i am not just MAD WOMAN!!! hears hoping for good day for all of us
robin80460 mary34059