2 Symptoms, what can this possibly be?

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I've posted this before, I think i'm making progress but still have 2 symptoms

How did this all start

-4-5 hours of bad sleep/stress(could feel butterflies in stomach because of the stress) over the course of 5 days

-Eating chicken wings on the 6th day=Triggered heartburn for 3 days

What happened after

Well after the 3 days of heartburn going away, I felt better for about two days(I ate pork which felt acidity and chile with cheese but felt fine during the 2 days).Then things turned after 2 days, felt extreme bloating for hours even after small pieces of food. So I made a appointment with my doctor.

The appointment with my doctor

About a week has passed since the extreme bloating, feeling almost normal but wanted to make sure I was 100%. The doctor gave me a stool test and ranitidine 150mg(zantac/antiacid) 2 times a day for 5 days.

Results of stool test/medication

For the stool test they told me everything looked fine.

The medication made me feel bloated again after taking it for 3 days and burping all day regardless of food being in my stomach or not, so I stopped taking it on the 3rd day. I had tiny episodes of heartburn which was resolved with lemon juice(most likely had low stomach acid from medication). It took about 3 days to feel normal again. 

The symptoms after

-Constant burping all day(caused by medication)

-2 days after stopping the medication my lower stomach has been making noises similar to when you have diarrhea. It usually happens more when I sleep but only when I sleep on my sides. The last thing I eat is around 7 and I sleep around 10:30. If I drink a little bit of water before I sleep it aggravates it more. When I move to my sides I feel liquids moving to their sides(I know anyone can but i'd say it's decent more than usual) and stomach starts making noises. If I sleep on my back no noises or fluid feelings. I have stopped drinking water before bed, still happens but not as bad.

Other factors to know

It's been about a week and a half since I stopped the medication

A bit slower on digestion still

Beef/chickenusually feels like it stays in upper stomach(not really bloating but slower digesting than before)

My stools have been consistent with shape/color/size/timing

No diarrhea or constipation

No pain

I think any type food causes my stomach to make a bit more noise than usual but also happens in an empty stomach if I lay on my sides(don't think it's a food trigger)

Well what do you guys think is causing the stomach noises and constant burping? Is it just the aftermath of the zantac, possibly low stomach acid still? Let me know what you guys think, thank you.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    You might want to change your diet to soft food that are milticolored - rainbow like .... which means more fruits and vegetables. Also try probiotics/drink. 

    Antacids like zantac cause low stomach acid, but can cause side effects. 

    • Posted

      Thanks for replying, i've been drinking green smoothies everyday, I hope it resolves soon and isn't anything serious,

    • Posted

      Thats should help to stave of what seems to be like metabolic acidosis in your system. 
  • Posted

    Thanks for replying, i've been drinking green smoothies everyday, I hope it resolves soon and isn't anything serious,

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