2 Varied Experiences with Endoscopies - They were both ok
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26 year old male. History of GERD. Went on Patient.info and read the horror stories on this site.
2016 - First endoscopy. Have a strong anxiety disorder. given 15 throat sprays (made me retch but no big deal). 4mg sedation. No struggles whatsoever, no recollection of the experience, no throat pain afterwards. I jumped out of the endoscopy table after it was all done and continued my day like nothing happened.
Diagnosis: Mid-sized hiatal hernia.
2018 - Came back to the consultant with allergy related reflux problems. Doctor doubted the original diagnosis of the Hiatal Hernia, suspecting I could have Eosinophilic Esophagitis. Needs endoscopy. Apparently retching during endoscopies can give off the impression of HH.
I was scared so asked for a barium meal first to confirm if I had an HH. Barium meal showed I have no hiatal hernia.
Second experience:
15 ish throat sprays, 2mg sedative. I asked him if he will give me 4-5mg as the other consultants said it would be fine to give me this. Whenever I asked the actual endoscopist, he said I will be fine and that he promises me - he didn't reveal whether I was getting 2 or 4mg (I saw on the report afterwards the cheeky devil gave me 2mg).
I have full recollection of it. I felt fully awake. 2mg had not that much effect. It was as painful and uncomfortable as a trip to the dentists (minus the sharp peaks in pain that a dentist is capable of)...so I preferred this experience over getting my gum-diseased, thin teeth sorted out at the dentists.
Despite the discomfort, I found the whole experience pretty intriguing tbf.
Honestly, it wasn't intolerable at all, it wasn't 'torture'. I'm the guy who can't swallow a damn paracetamol and have had a life long fear of retching and puking btw.
Everyone is affected differently but I would've been an ultimate wimp if I had tried to resist so much based on the level of pain I was experiencing.
Next time if I ever need one, I'm not afraid of having it at all even at 2mg. 2mg actually is perfect for some.
I have chest pain and swallowing pain though - even eating super noodles hurts right now, this didn't happen last time. Definitely very sore. I had the procedure about 3 hours ago. I don't care about this pain, the procedure is done. It is painful though, my retching must have played a part.
If you are aware that you're retching, remember that the 'trauma' of retching is 90% panic. Retching isn't that bad, just have a joke with it. So don't be afraid to retch (but don't be too retch-happy like I was). Heck, we've all had food poisoning or maybe even had too much to drink. We've all drank so much milk in university dorm challenges and puked up all over the show for the laughs.
Having said of this, try to relax instead and just breathe and 'give in' - don't get so alarmed when you feel a new sensation or a new pain from the endoscopy tube. It's all a part of the territory. Let them poke, prod and do whatever.
It's over in like, 5 minutes.
You will have no problems breathing or anything, your mouth will feel numb so don't bite too hard.
NO Hiatus hernia. No other problems. Despite the fact that I do indeed have some serious GERD problems.
Biopsies sent so I can't tell you about that yet.
I was on 40mg Esomeprazole all this time...just for GERD? I reduced my dose to 20mg, and now to zero although it's only been 12 days.
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Waffalobill Curiousmind
I had total sedation. Let them do there thing. Woke up feeling like a million bux. Gerd can cause Barrett's . In my case this is what's happening.
Curiousmind Waffalobill
Total sedation? As in, you were put to sleep for it?
Did they say you definitely have Barrett's now?
I think if GERD is all someone has, it is probably worth a shot trying to overcome it naturally with the use of Betaine HCL, Apple Cider Vinegar, Aloe Vera, DGL, Slipper Elm Powder, Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics, D-Limonene Extract.
If that doesn't work, then I guess things like Ranitidine should be considered, and lastly a PPI.
This experiment should only really take a few months and needs to be done at the right time, not at a period of rebound reflux from stopping PPI's for example.
Waffalobill Curiousmind
Yes put me out. Well very sedated. Used fentnyl, verses. Confirmed Barrett's. Biopsies came back no cancer. Insurance doesn't want to pay for 2 Omeprazole a day as prescribed. Will only pay for 1. Had reflux for 40 years or very close to it. Endoscopy showed Barrett's, hiatus hernia, even fasting my stomach was " full of acid". No ulcers.
Curiousmind Waffalobill
In your position, I think I personally would take the PPI. How bad was the reflux for the last 40 years, how often did you experience it and did you do anything to combat the reflux over those years?
It's always best when very sedated, you've a decent endoscopist for giving you adequate sedation.
Waffalobill Curiousmind
I do take the Omeprazole. The script and over the counter. Doc told me I had to use antacids 40 years ago and that one day they would stop working and would need scripts. Needed it about every day. Reflux daily. Got to the point I would wake up choking from the reflux. Difficulty swallowing sometime from the Barrett's now.
10 hour update from the second endoscopy. My throat hurts that it spasms every time I swallow spit or my food. I have soluble paracetamol. I have literally just had a soggy bread with soup, and a pot noodle in the last 24 hours. The pot noodle was a little too rough for me.
This is known to be quite rare so don't lose your marbles guys hearing this.
3rd day post-endoscopy -
I have less severe bouts of diarrhoea, once a day since the endoscopy. I have been having easter egg chocolate and cheesecake (I'm intolerant to dairy) so that could be playing a part, although I don't think it's the only factor as I always end up eating dairy cheekily.
The pain from the chest region of my oesophagus has gone down by 80%.
8 hours since my last post, I've eaten more solid foods and my throat is 90% better.