2 weeks
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hi all,well it almost 2 weeks since iv been on them now and i must say im feeling more anxious but at the same time i dont feel any emotion what so ever (if that makes sence ). I just want to be my old self again and cant understand why im like this....just so empty.[/b]
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I have just written on this site for the 1st time. I am taking Sertraline for anxiety and I feel empty aswell, I don't look forward to anything because I am always filled with dread. It is so horrible, like I'm stuck in this never-ending nightmare! I have been taking my tablets for 2 weeks now and I am hoping they start to work soon. Like you said I just want to feel like my old self again!
Are your tablets working for you now? As you have been taking them longer than I have.
Ive been on Sertraline now for about 5 months, Im on them for anxiety and OCD (bad depressing thoughts)
Both the Anxiety and OCD has subsided a lot, and this is my second time on them.
I do know what you mean by the empty feeling, kind of flat and Im tired all the time, Getting very vivid long dreams that i remember too.
weighing up the tiredness and flat feeling, seems to get less after a while, but theres still signs of it. I think its something you have to get used to rather than it going away?
I tell my wife sometimes that you could throw me out of a plane or put me on top of Everest and I would'nt experience any emotion?
Everything is supressed.
But there are glimers of my old self and I am getting used to working through the flatness feelings.
For me its better than the toughts and anxiety.
I would say if its bearable for you to continue taking them? give it 2 months, if not get down to your GP.
All the best
take care
Has your Dr refered you to a CMHT - Mental Health clinic or specialist?
You really should'nt keep this to yourself and suffer with it, especialy when it can be resolved with the right help. Being ill like this is nothing to be ashamed of, it can happen to anyone and does happen.
Hope all is well.
hope everyone is keeping ok though and r managing 2 get along fine.
il drop in again
thank u 4 yr replies