2 year ongoing abdominal disorder HELP!!!
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Hi all sorry this is going to be long but I’m at a wits end and hoping to find some answers.......
So basically all my problems started 2 years ago, I went on holiday to Crete and feel badly ill overnight, I ate a pork kebab, went to bed feeling fine, but woke in the middle of the night with a really sharp pain just below my breastbone that radiated through my back, I was violently sick and had fever symptoms, I was also terribly constipated, it calmed slightly due to pain killers but came back mid morning next day very bad. I was on the verge of passing out, I was on holiday on my own with nobody to help, I went to the hotel doctor, who said I need to go to hospital, stupidly I didn’t take out holiday insurance and had little money so i went back to my room and rode it out for 4 days with water and painkillers, as days went passed symptoms eased, I booked an appointment with my GP soon as I got back and he said it must have been some kind of bug, and provided laxatives.
Gradually got better, then ; months later I eat a subway, and soon as the first bite went down my throat I immediately went into some kind of shock, went white as a ghost, hot/cold clammy, feel of needing the loo but can’t go, just awful, back to docs I went who sent me for an ultrasound which came back normal.
Next attack was 4 months later, had sausage and eggs for breakfast, was ok then few hours later projectile vomiting, no fever though, felt better as day went on, then had fish and chips for tea but only had few mouthfuls as didn’t feel right, went to bed and woke it night with serious abdominal pain where I couldn’t sit still was rolling round on my bed in agony, drove myself to A&E, my upper abdomen was badly distended so gp sent me straight to have bloods and ultrasound, my analyse levels were over a 1000, so was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis, doc asked if I drank a lot of alcohol which I did at the time (50 units a week roughly) said could be gallstones but I had so much gas in my stomach they couldn’t see my gallbladder properly so they put it down to alcohol.
Recovered from that then 3 months later had another attack at work where they had to call an ambulance, I still was drinking alcohol at the time but nowhere near as much, docs asked i I had this before in which I told them I had pancreatitis due to alcohol, I felt labelled as they said it’s that again without even testing me, bloods came back with slight raised amalyse, recovered in hospital sent home.
I have other ultrasound 4 months later which has shown a lot of sludge build up in my gallbladder, my GP has told me I could have chloesystis attacks, I have had two endoscopies which both show a hiatus hernia, 2cm now 4cm, and last showed moderate inflammation of the duodenum.
From then till now (9 months) im in daily discomfort, living on painkillers, I take 40 mg of omepzaloe a day and ranitidine, I’ve recently had an MRI to rule out chronic pancreatitis which has come back clear, seeing my specialist in 2 months for review on recent mri and endoscopy, just to give you incite to daily symptoms:
Pain in upper right quad that is also sharp below my right.
Pain in lower and middle right quad, bouts of constipation then an attack few days later
Also if drink something fizzy I feel bloated and sick and throw up out of nowhere, greasy, fatty foods cause pain and discomfort
Shooting pains sometimes constant below right nipple, pain in right shoulder blade.
Difficulty swallowing and sometimes hyper salvation.
Am currently on a fat free diet, only have a couple of pints of beer a week sometimes none.
Sorry it’s long winded but i just want an end to this, I’ve lost nearly a stone and half and badly depressed, anyone else suffered with the same?
Thanks in advance
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pippa58442 matthew_71119
nancy1942 matthew_71119
heather38380 matthew_71119
CTh matthew_71119
lester19220 matthew_71119
fernando90225 matthew_71119
It's gallbladder removal time. If you have sludge that's what is making you sick. Also the drinking is not good if you have a sick gallbladder. The only way to get well is having it removed. No subway or take out it is the worst food to consume. Fat free foods will help your stomach so you won't have the attacks. Get help. You need to ask your doc to refer you to see a surgeon. Good Luck
matthew_71119 fernando90225
goods news the gallbladder is coming out on 14th of january, just hope it solves it all, i had to push for it as they was reluctanct but someone i know in health care told me that in the uk and nhs, gallbladder issues are taken very seriously, and as i admitted to being a moderate drinker they will blame alot of your problems on that to avoid expensive surgery, but today does this sound like a gallbladder attack??? woke up with a niggling sharp pain under my right shoulder blade, got in from work has a bath a laid on the the bed, then the pressure under my right ribs started, gradually got worse and and worse, until it was unbearable, was in agony, it felt like something was trying to pass but couldnt as was alot of intense pressure, it went after about 3 mins and now i feel pretty much fibe and pain under right shoulder has gone, so weird
hi all, goods news the gallbladder is coming out on 14th of january, just hope it solves it all, i had to push for it as they was reluctanct but someone i know in health care told me that in the uk and nhs, gallbladder issues are taken very seriously, and as i admitted to being a moderate drinker they will blame alot of your problems on that to avoid expensive surgery, but today does this sound like a gallbladder attack??? woke up with a niggling sharp pain under my right shoulder blade, got in from work has a bath a laid on the the bed, then the pressure under my right ribs started, gradually got worse and and worse, until it was unbearable, was in agony, it felt like something was trying to pass but couldnt as was alot of intense pressure, it went after about 3 mins and now i feel pretty much fibe and pain under right shoulder has gone, so weird
heather38380 matthew_71119
that does sound like a gallbladder attack when i used to get them they would last long enough that i would need to go to the hospital to get morphine to calm it down. i finally had it removed after 2 years of having attacks and my gallbladder was quite literally full of stones. it was close to exploding. i'm glad i had mine removed as it was so dangerous being left in there but my health is not great i have diarrhea almost constantly i have horrible colicky stomach pains i'm not trying to scare you but just prepare yourself for things to not be great after but it will be better then keeping it if its necessary to remove it. good luck!
pippa58442 heather38380
Are you on any medication to bind your bile salts? You may have bile acid malabsorption. Ask for a SECHAT scan to diagnose it. If you have it, medication can control the diarrhoea.
heather38380 pippa58442
i actually have been thinking i do have bile acid malabsorption unfortunately i cant afford to have anymore scans as i live in the US. im also pregnant for the fourth time so unless its an emergency they wont even consider doing anymore scans on me. ive looked into bile salts and am thinking of going on them to see if it will help with some of the ongoing pain ive been having due to my digestive issues.
nancy1942 heather38380
i had my gallbladder out and about two years later started getting diarrhea. doctors didnt know why.....f
had it for a tear and a half finally i researched myself. started taking cholestyramine powder. need perscription....took a box of little packets, starting getting better. stopped and took Flora 50 billion critical care probiotic.In two weeks it was gone. never came back and that was almost a year ago. try Flora brand that I suggested. i still take it one pill a day and can eat anything. good luck
matthew_71119 heather38380
thanks heather, only thing is they cant see stones when ive had a ultrasound? they say my gallbladder is quite sludgy but no stones, god knows, i just hope it works having it taken out, have lost near 2 stone