20 weeks on 100g

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21 weeks on sat on 100 but the anxiety is rearing its ugly head again do you think i should increase x

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4 Replies

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    Hi Sandra

    Some people takes longer to feel good. My son increased from 100mg to 150mg a week ago. That week was bad..worse than before, but today he is able to go out for a short walk with me. Hope the increase has helped.

    Has your doc advised you? I think some people goes on higher dosages of 200mg before they feel better. Could ask your doc.

    My son is waiting for CBT on the nhs. It will take a while. It depends on the mental issues one has. I got him a book on Depersonalisation and he has been reading it.

    Hope this helps Sandra. I was once very depressed and I got well on Sertraline 200mg. It was tough as I had a baby to care for too. I did not go for cbt as I was super tired. I think the fact that I was forced to go out for vaccination for my son etc etc as I do not have family here, neither does my husband, played a big part too in the healing. Dont get me wrong. It was an ordeal to dress up, dress my son up as it was wintertime, and get the pushchair and out of the door.

    I hope you will start to feel better. Sometimes telling someone how we feel is part of recovery. So do keep us in the loop. We are all here to support one another as we recover. I am here as I need advice on my son's mental issues. Thanks all for support too.

    • Posted

      thank you for that, ive had a horrible day today, just want to be on my own and have a good cry.

      when i was on paroxetine i was on 30 g which is apparently a high dose, and ive read 100g sertraline is just a thera putic dose so im thinking i do need to increase. i feel worse now thsn when i first went to thd docs, such a low mood im back to grinding my teeth and worrying .

  • Posted

    Hi Sandra

    Thanks for letting us know how you are. Can try watching a movie or a comedy to have some moments of calm?

    Every little bit of effort counts. even a good cry. Be kind to yourself. You are going through a hard time. Were you better on Paroxetine?

    Keep letting us know k? Hugs.

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