21 Year Old with Very High Blood Pressure (Required ER visit)

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I've had high blood pressure ever since I was young, around 16, I went to cardiologist back then and everything was normal, my cardiologist suggested that the only reason my bp could be high is anxiety and I agree with him. I'm 21 right now, have going to the gym consistently for 4 years and I eat healthy for the most part, however, im currently on a caloric surplus right now trying to gain mass, consuming 3800 calories daily, exercising 3-5x a time a week, high-intensity weight training. Last year I had to go the ER because my bp shot up and I thought I was gonna have a stroke, I tried to not use medication but summer 2017 I started on lisinopril from which I had an allergic reaction and had trouble breathing and eating swallowing food, my physician put me on norvasc next and it was good except it made extremely sleepy so I swichted to metropolol, which im currently taking and I can feel the damage it's doing, I have serious acid reflux if I dont eat, I have ed now. I've done some research and it can damage the liver over time and maybe the kidneys and I'm only 21 I don't want to go the medication route anymore, I've added flax seeds to my diet adding more natural remedies soon, in the meantime should I get back on Norvasc or are there any other meds that won't damage my organs and are safe for long term and short term use?? 

 My grandfather has HBP and recently got surgery. it's usually 160-180/80-90 sometimes even higher, this is without meds. I was on 5mg of lisinopril, Norvasc 2.5-5 mg and currently on 25 mg of metoprolol. yes, they definitely normalized my bp but it was still high 140-150/70-80 sometimes even higher. no, I don't want to get on more meds as they have some major side effects over time.

 I currently weight around 175 pounds

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Well i too had a problem. My bp was 145-150. Now its 130 max.. heres what i did

    1. Hibiscus tea every night (for a month at least) (also maybe hawtorn but it didnt really help so i suggest hibiscus)

    2.a green tea a day (for me this and hibiscus made me feel a lot better)

    3.eating a raw slice of garlic a day.

    4. With weightlifting i did some cardio

    5. Make sure to have enough sleep.

    6. relax. Search youtube 6 breaths breathing exercise, also check out other stuff from the uploader, it helped a lot even in just a week. Do this every night before bed. A guy also recommended oxygen therapy but i didnt try it but i heard that its pretty good. Look it up if you want.

    Good luck, hope you will be able to get off meds with these tips. Also post updates! smile

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      thanks for the feedback and ill definitely give this a try. because of you, I know it's possible. how long did this protocol take to work for you?

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    I am new to blood pressure medication (only about one year), but some medications and supplements can have bad interactions.  I learned the hard way that reservatrol and losartan have interactions.  I would check the FDA website for interactions.
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      interesting, thanks for the heads up. ive heard good things about losartan, any side effects with it and what happened when you used losartan with reservatrol??
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      My systolic blood pressure went up about 30 points as the reservatrol interferes with how the liver processes certain medications.  I suggest you check the FDA website for interactions, and unfortunately you have to read the “fine print” on the site.
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      As for Losartan side effects, I had more respiratory infections, and it quit working after about one year.   Otherwise, it was great when it worked.
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    Read up on renal denervation though they might say that your BP is not consistently high enough to get it.
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    You may have no choice but to be on a medication (preferably one that doesn't cause you intolerable side effects).  My father had hypertension from age 17, he succumbed at age 62 due to years of hypertension and CAD.  I should add, that

    for the most part he was noncompliant with regard to medications for this condition, but that was his choice.  Physicians can only recommend different treatment modalities, it's the patients' choice.

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      Thaks for the feedback, however, i do have a choice, i will get off the medication ... ill go vegan if needed and as jelszo suggested, he got off meds. you create your reality and if you want to take medication that will damage your kidneys, that's your choice, it all depends on how bad you want it if you want something bad enough you will find a way!

  • Posted

    Hello, What exactly do you mean " im currently on a caloric surplus?"  

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