22 year old Male with high blood pressure (scared)
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Hello all,
I've just checked my blood pressure for the first time by myself with a borrowed self checking kit. It has come back very high (about 165/90) and now I'm really worried. I do exercise quite a lot but my diet isn't very good at all.
I've had my blood pressure checked by doctors before (As recently as a year ago) and, although I've never been told what the results were, I've always been told it was okay.
I know that this is a very high blood pressure, but will I have permanently damaged myself? I'm going to eat healthier and try and bring it down, but I'm terrified that I have ruined my body. Help!
Also, if anybody has any advice on how to lower blood pressure effectively, please let me know.
Thanks guys,
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lily65668 adam12345
Hi Adam,
165/90 is on the high side but it's by no means catastrophic, and you certainly wouldn't have permanently damaged yourself by having a BP at that level.
Why not try improving your diet? Reducing salt to a minimum helps many people, but it does depend on the cause of your hypertension. You also need to reduce carbs - especially sugar, and more especially sweet fizzy drinks. Since there are high levels of salt and sugar in practically all junk food, pre-prepared meals and takeaways (including sugar in savoury dishes) this means preparing most of your food yourself from now on. There's nothing wrong with having a pizza or something a couple of times a month, but you shouldn't be living on this kind of stuff.
Why not buy your own monitor? That way, you can check your BP a couple of times a week, and see how you're doing. When checking, you should also take at least two, preferably three, readings at five-minute intervals and take an average. I got a reliable machine for only £25 a year or so.
If it doesn't come down a bit over the next few months - and certainly if it goes any higher - you should go and see your doctor. But there's absolutely no need to panic at the moment.
mike92384 adam12345
adam12345...First off, you need to relax. If you permit anxiety to take over, your readings WILL be high.
Did you take just one reading? If so, that's not quite the way to do it.
Let me help you with this, & if you're already aware, I do apologise for repeat information. Sit in a chair, your back supported, feet flat on the floor. Place the cuff of the bp machine approx. 1/2 to 1" above the bend in the elbow (the inside of your arm, & the bottom of the cuff 1/2" to 1"
. Be sure the cord from the cuff runs down the centre of your arm in line with the finger next to the pointer finger.
Also, the cuff should be at heart level, with the cord running down the inner part of your arm in line with the finger next to the pointer finger. Rest the arm on the table or whatever, again being sure the cuff is at heart level. If you need to use a pillow, so be it. Rest for a few minutes. Then start the machine. If your machine takes individual readings, take 3-4 consecutively, each about 1 min. apart, then average those readings. That will give you a very close accurate reading, IF the machine is accurate. If the machine takes 3 consecutive readings, & gives the average, then record the average.
Do not take bp readings if you are feeling ill, in pain, anxious, angry or upset. You will not get accurate readings. Do not take readings within 30min. of bathing, showering, drinking coffee/tea, alcohol, or eating, & exercise.
Good luck..by the way...unless you've got something really going on in your system...I hardly think you have true bp elevation at your age...but I'm not a physician.
Keep up with the exercise, cut out salt, & try to eat more balanced meals.
danielle63422 adam12345
Hi Adam, you are by no means permanently damaged. I have had similar readings mostly due to anxiety and I am fine. Please don't get too stressed that only makes it worse. I know that from experience.
BP fluctuates all through the day so you do not necessarily have anything to worry about. If you are worried make an appointment with your doctor so that he/she can talk you through this.
I always take my bp readings at least 3 times to get the average (as Mike said). Make sure you breathe as you take your readings. That helps a lot.
Exercise and a diet low in sodium will help reduce bp. But most importantly relax. It takes a long time for high bp to damage your body so at your age you can make dietary and lifestyle changes with no trouble.
All the best,
g.90572 adam12345
mike92384 g.90572
lily65668 mike92384
My GP told me the same thing. Ditto for the old finger-fitting monitors - though I don't think they even make those any more.
derek76 adam12345
derek76 adam12345
darlene88042 adam12345
While your blood pressure is up it is not extremely high, you are young so it should be lower than the reading you are getting,first thing is to not freak out, have your Doctor check your readings as home machines can be miscalibrated. If you want to do some self prevention I would suggest the following, you already exercise which is great, diet is extremely important as well, cut down as much as you can on meats especially red meat, also trans fats, so avoid processed foods, butter, use low fat cheese and dairy products, up the amount of fiber in your diet, this is easier than you think, add bran buds to your cereal or oatmeal, add good nuts into your diet (almonds are best) drink 2-3 glasses of Hibiscus tea a day this is a great way to lower BP it can be hot or cold you can also mix with juice etc... Buy good quality Hibisuc flowers from a health food store not tea bags. Lastly learn some good calming techniques meditation and or yoga work very well.
Best of luck