22 years old With Osteomyelitis in my jaw- 8 years of pain -

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It is quite difficult to start writing about something which has been such a big part of my life for 8 years. I will start from the beginning...

It started when I was 14 out of nowhere. The dentist I saw said I had a displaced jaw bone and this was the reason for my pain. I will always remember him asking if I had a boyfriend 'as kissing would make it worse?!' I did not. So at this stage I thought that this was the reason for my pain - a displaced jaw bone. I was given 600mg of Iboprufen and took this every day alongside paracetomal (8 tablets a day).

Over the next year the pain got particularly worse and my face swelled like a balloon. At the age of 15 I did not sleep at all. I had constant pain and was taking as much painkillers as I possibly could. The swelling got that bad on the right side of my face I felt like a monster. I grew my hair to as long as I could and would constantly cover my face with my long hair and a scarf.

Over the summer it would be increasingly difficult to cover my face without a scarf and when I was 15 I could no longer take this pain from my 'displaced jaw'. My mum and dad took me to A&E. Instantly the doctors here realised something was not right and I was admitted. Many tests were done to see what the problem was. I was discharged from hospital with painkillers and had to wait for my results.

I went to see one doctor for my results who I had seen whilst in A&E she specialised in cancer but luckily I was told by her I did not have this.

I had tests such as blood tests, bone scans, MRI scans, CT scans and a biopsy which told me that I had Osteomyelitis in my right lower jaw bone. I was referred to a very good consultant in the 'maxfax' department. He said that the steps that would be taken would be firstly an operation which would be done internally to shave away the acess bone and would hopefully relieve me of some pain. Whilst waiting for the operation I was given the antibiotic Amoxycillin.

I had the operation when I had just turned 16 I think. By this point I had not had a full night sleep for a year and a half. This was very frustrating as I was trying to live a normal life as possible. I was trying to be a good student at high school and not get behind with work. I was in excrutiatiing pain- I constantly felt like I was being viciously stabbed in the right side of my jaw. This pain often went up into my ear and below my eye. Often I was in too much pain to attend school, luckily I had one amazing teacher there that always sent work home and constantly reassured me that everything would be fine. I was particularly worried as this was happening whilst I was preparing for my GCSE's.

After the operation my face was badly bruised and I had very bad swelling. This was expected though as the operation wasn't plain and simple. One part of my face looked as though I had a tennis ball in it. I also had drains coming from underneath my chin that was draining access blood. I recovered in hospital for around 10 days and was given oral antibiotics to take home.

I saw my consultant regularly. Once the swelling had gone down from the operation- the swelling that was normally there from my osteomylitus wasn't as bad at the side of my jaw as this had been shaved away. Swelling of the bone was still there though. My consultant suggested I have hyperbaric treatment every day for 6 weeks. I was just waiting for a space to become available.

A space came available for the hyperbaric treatment - I remember being at school , I was taken out of my class to be told this treatment was going to start. I cried. A mixture of relief that the pain and this horrible swelling might eventually go. Again I missed a lot of school as I went every day to hull for this treatment. I have sworn to myself I would never have this treatment again. Hyperbaric treatment helps to get oxygen to the jaw so there is a better blood supply to the bone. A lot of cancer patients attended this treatment also. I had to enter a tank every day- put a oxygen mask over my head - something I can only describe as something astronauts would wear! For around two hours I was In this tank with a nurse and around 6 other patients- the pressure in the tank is changed and you have to make your ears pop like you would do on an aeroplane before the pressure goes below a certain number- a weird treatment but I can see the logic in it. I don't think the treatment really worked for me to be honest and I wouldn't do it again- but it may work well for others.

For the next couple of years I went on to do my a levels. I was on long term anti biotics as the osteomylitus had not gone away. I found Amoxycillin did not work for me so I was put on long term penicillin whilst on painkillers. I found that stress aggravated my jaw bone and I had episodes where my jaw would swell up more. At this point I had always said to my consultant that it may be my wisdom teeth were making my jaw worse. I was put to sleep and I had these removed from my right side- my pain did not stop so unfortunately this was not a cause of my osteomyelitis.

After my A levels I decided to take a year out and work full time at the job I was currently working part time at. At this point I was 18-19- during this time as I was older I could take stronger pain killers. I am intolerant to codeine so my options were ibuprofen and paracetomals or dicloflenac when this didn't work I would take tramadol which would have horrible side effects. When these did not control my pain my only option would be to go to A&E and be admitted to have stronger pain killers and anti biotics through an IV.

When I was 19 I was admitted to hospital because I was in so much pain. My consultant wasn't around at the hospital in this occasion so people he worked with decided they would operate as they wanted to drain my swelling at the side of my face of fluid as the swelling was getting uncreasingly worse. I have forgotten to mention that most of the time the opening of my mouth is restricted due to the swelling in and around my bone. This is another reason for operating. When they operated there was not a lot of fluid. The IV antibiotics took my pain and swelling done as well as a lot of morphine! And this episode seemed to be over with.

That's what there seems to be these episodes where my face swells and which then leads to a lot of pain. Some times I go months without these flare ups. From the age 19.5 - 21 I had minor flare ups which were bare able.

At 19 I started the studying for my 3 year course for my degree- I didn't want this horrible infection to take over my life. During this time I was given a mouth guard to wear at night to make sure that grinding my teeth is not an aggravating factor, and I also had root canal treatment to make sure I had nerves in my teeth and that a tooth was not dead and the cause of the osteomylitus. All of my teeth are fine.

It is now December 2011 I am 22. I am in the 3rd and final of my university degree. This year I have had many episodes/flare ups of my osteomyelitis - even though I always have it- my face can flare up and swell more and the pain is worse and becomes unbearable. This year I have been admitted into hospital twice.

First in April- the reason for this flare up I believe to be because of stress with work from university as I had 4 exams in a week so lots of intense studying. I had IV of antibiotics and Painkillers in hospital which seemed to work. I was in hospital for 4 days.

August of this year I was admitted for the second time. This was a very different experience for me and not a pleasant one. My consultant was not informed that I was admitted and I had doctors which new nothing about my Illness working on me. I was in for 8 days. I was not happy and did not feel any better from me entering hospital until the time I left. Normally when I am given metrodisonal and clindamycin through IV this reduces the swelling this did not happen and the swelling started to go to the side of my throat.

After seeing my consultant he suggested that we operate again as the anti biotics are not working as effectively. I really want to finish my degree at uni so I am trying to simply power through the pain. My consultant is fantastic and we work together as he rightly says nobody knows my condition as much as me. So I am delaying another operation at the minute. The operation Wil not guarantee that the osteomyelitis will go completely and this time he would have to operate externally which will leave me with a big scar. This is the reason for him not wanting to operate before with me being young he does not want to leave me with a big scar.

At the minute I am in the middle of another flare up it is close to Christmas and I do not want to be in hospital again So I am trying to control the pain at home.

A few things I have forgot to mention: at one point my consultant explained to my mum the pain I was going through like having 10 abcesses under each tooth on the side of my face ( hopefully this will put the pain I go through in context)

Also factors I have found which make my osteomylitus flare ups worse:

Cold weather (the reason for my recent flare up)

The change in weather

Lack of sleep

Cold drinks

Alcohol assumption when I am having a flare up.

Finally, sorry if my story is a bit all over the place it is hard to remember everything that has happened in 8 years. Please anyone get in touch who have this condition maybe we can help each other?!

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253 Replies

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  • Posted

    Hi i have got osteomyelitis in my lower left jaw ive had this for a year and a half and its the worst thing ever i dont seem to be getting anywhere my surgeon keeps doing things and its making me worse ive had all my teeth on that side removed and had a biopsy wich he didnt check just threw the bone away what hed taken out im just wondering if u could suggest anything im 26 years old and ive got 2 children wich i feel helpless as im constantly in pain and swelling also do you still have osteomyelitis is there a cure
    • Posted

      Hi dear , I feel better after the sinus surgery and bone surgery (they cut infected part of my bone) I haven't received the biopsy yet)plus I am on 7 weeks IV antibiotic. Invanz I thought I could've die before I totally understand your pain and frastration especially when you have a kids. If you are sick you have to find the way to provide very good insurance in the way to be treated. I had medi-cal before and non of those docs would not even try to help me that is sad but it is what it is.what type of treatment you are getting , which state ?
    • Posted

      Thank you for replying, how long have you had it for and do you have iv antibiotic at home? I have had lots of different antibiotics but none seem to work apart from the 1s in hospital but i cant stay in hospital as i have young children i just dont know what to do or if i will ever be pain free! I had my teeth removed on the left side and ive had a biopsy but the doctor didnt send it off he threw it away! I was due yday for another biopsy but i cancelled as i dont have any trust in my doctor at all he seems to make me worse. Im under the maxilofacial in hospital but i dont seem to be getting anywhere and the doctor doesnt know what hes doing. I live in tameside manchester and this is where i get treated..i tried to see about going private but i cant as ive already been diaganosed....all this started from having my wisdom tooth removed wish they would of left it in now as this pain is horrible and my face is so different on 1 side
    • Posted

      It is very familiar , my problem started with root canals and dental Implants. It is terrible more than 3 years I am fighting with. Push your doctor to test you more switch medication may be levofloxicin and refampin as a option treatment ? Ask your doctor . Tell me what type of treatment that you have gone through ?

    • Posted

      I will suggest that medication to the doctor see what he says...3 years i feel sorry for you. Is there a cure for this? Ive been on clindamycin,co-amoxiclav,amoxicillin and plenty of pain killers i have morphine as i have something wrong with my back too but the doctor said morphine wont do anything for the pain
    • Posted

      There isn't really a cure yet, I've had it in my jaw for over 16 years. I haven't had much relief. My pain levels go up and down and ice had lots of surgeries and picc line antibiotics many times. I still have pain and the doctors don't know what else to do.

    • Posted

      Do you have an update on how the invanz is working? Did you have any side effects? I started on invanz and ended up with blood clots. They put me on blood thinners and re started invanz and after 8 days pulled me off due to inflammation in mouth. Did you have any other symptoms with the osteomylitis? I've been very sick with a multitude of symptoms before being diagnosed in December 2016, but being sick 2 years prior. I appreciate any information.

  • Posted

    I had this big, long story typed up and then pressed the wrong button and lost everything:-( Long story short, 32 female from the US (Oregon to be exact) I started having back pain in October of last year, and finally was diagnosed in February with thoracic osteomyelitis. I had a PICC line for 8 weeks with vancomycin and an oral antibiotic also. Back in March, after I was diagnosed, I had a biopsy of my vertebrae, even to this date they still have not figured out what strain of infection, fungus, or bug that caused my back pain. Right now I'm at the point that my back pain is excruciating, because the 3 vertebrae below where the infection was are bulged and deformed. The pain management specialist said they won't touch me until the infection has completely cleared, which should be soon. It took a month to get an appointment there, I also have an appointment with a neurosurgeon to see if there's something that he can do.

    I can only sleep an hour to an hour and a half at a time. I'm still working full-time, but over the last 2 weeks my pain has increased, almost doubled. My doctor said that he's given me the highest dosage and amount of medication he can.

    • Posted

      I've came to the conclusion that I'm opiate intolerant. I just wish I could wake up tomorrow morning with no pain, and am able to get a full night's sleep asleep

    • Posted

      Ah dear , I share your pain. I don't know what to do eather. Today my pain came back I feel like I am getting seak and just not healing well after the surgery but I still hope that is going to end. Did you see other doctors for second opinion ?



    • Posted

      I am having picc line now , and I don't know if antabiotic is working all my symptoms came back today . When your doctor is running test they are seeing presence of infection clear ?

    • Posted

      I can relate. Because I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, and fibromyalgia I've been on the same dose of opiates for six years. I truly feel for you. What opiates have you tried so far?

      Two weeks ago was my fourth surgery (three of which were in the OR of the hospital). I was hospitalized an extra time from renal failure.

      There are many effective meds out there that aren't opiates. I don't mean any offense by this, but have you ever over taken opiates? It's very easy to do. I've done it a little too :-/ I'm def paying the price now. I've been in more pain since the first of April than I ever thought possible.

      I wish you all the best and hope you'll find some relief. Don't give up! Keep fighting wink

  • Posted

    Hi i have seen my doctor he is going to send me to another hospital as im not having much look with the one im at now,my body seems to refuse the antibiotic tablets it makes me worse more pain and swelling and nobody knows why! The iv antibiotic seems to work in hospital but i cant stay in hospital as i have young children and i dont want to be away from them and plus i have a fear of staying in hospita so at the minute im just staying in bed and trying to treat myself i have lots of painkillers and i put a hot water bottle on my face as this really helps with the pain. I have back problems too so when i get an apointment for the new hospital im going to see if its all related, people i know with osteomyelitis in other body parts seem to have this for years it scares me that there doesnt seem to be a treatment for this as to live the rest of your life in all this pain worries me...im not in work at the moment but if i had a job i wouldnt be able to work as the pain is that bad everyday! Before i had an operation i would have about a week every month where i wouldnt be in hardly any pain but since then the pain is worse and constant it scares me to have another operation as i couldnt handle more pain
    • Posted

      Hi, I am new to this ...I  had a cracked tooth extracted 3 weeks ago after being in pain for at least 6 months. Looking back, I have probably been dealing with this for 3 years. (Frequent sinus infections, fatigue, bad breath,etc). However, the pain would come and go in spells so I didn't realize that it was all connected. This could be due to often being on antibiotics for sinus infections or the 'flare ups' that others have talked about. But today, I found some info about MSM being used to control pain and heal (?) osteomyelitis.  Has anyone else ever heard of this??    I have been taking Glucosamine & Chondroitin with MSM periodically for arithitis knee pain for years.  I get the good one from the health food store ($30 for 90 capsules).  It REALLY relieves my knee pain especially to sleep at night.  Just  Gluc & Chond. alone does not provide such relief...so it must be the MSM.  I take it daily for 1-2 months and my knee pain totally disappears ....then I start to forget to take it for months again and the pain returns. I am wondering if this is coincidence or taking the MSM had also kept the osteomyelitis in check?? I am going to try taking it again to see if it helps with the jaw pain.....

      Best wishes to everyone...thanks for sharing your stories...it really helps!!!

  • Posted

    Hey, I know this post is very old but I would love to get into contact with you ASAP. You are the only person I now know that has this condition in the jaw like my little brother. He has been dealing with this in this right jaw for about 6 year now and he feels alone, I am completely shocked and excited I found your post to say the least. How about you Email me so we can FaceTime or send each other a call. My little brother is 14 and would love to speak to you asap, it has been a hard journey for him the past 6 years and it would be reassuring if you guys got to talk.

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